Permanent edits to scenario maps


Feb 9, 2008

I'm just starting attempts at map editing. I've used the in-game World Builder, but it seems like any changes I make are only accessible after I start a scenario. Plus, when I use World Builder, it reveals the whole world to me... I like to keep that mystery as part of the gameplay.

What's the best map editor to use if I want to make permanent changes to a map and then be able to use the map in a scenario so that as soon as I boot up the scenario, it's using my modified map?


You can open the file in Notepad(Windows) or TextEdit(Mac).

SamSniped: Thanks :) I'm having trouble finding the actual map files.

For instance, I want to modify a map in LOR. I've downloaded a few map editors, but they all want to open .map files and I don't see any in any of the Civ folders.

If I take your advice and edit the files in a text editor, which files do I look at to edit?

Thanks again,
The civ IV maps are actually worldbuilder save files... the BtS ones have as extension *.CivBeyondSwordWBSave

After you open it with the text editor of choice ( I use notepad because I'm cheap :D ), I strongly recommend you to give a look to this tutorial by Dale. Anyway, it is a pretty understandable english text inside :p
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