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Pitboss Question


Jul 3, 2008
Me and 5 of my friends are in the middle of a Pitboss game at the moment and as soon as we finish we're starting a 2nd with a larger group.This game has taught us a ton about what to do as far as settings next game but my question is this. If we set it to simultaneous turns and have a 24-hr limit, can the game be set to email everyone when a new turn begins?

For example, everyone but me has taken their turn today so I log in, take my turn, and then its the next turn. I take mine immediately. Can everyone else then get emailed that its there turn automatically as in a normal, non-simultaneous turn game?

Thanks in advance.
What you have to do is register your game with civstats. There is an option to receive emails in there.
If you don't use the simultaneous turn option in PitBoss you might just as well play a PBEM.

In PitBoss the game itself will send an e-mail notice to all players at the turn rollover if the server/host enters his smtp data when prompted during pitboss setup. Players also need to enter their e-mail addy in the detail field; enter it using ALT - D or the button at the upper right.
Pitboss will do it, but Civstats is better at it.

With pitboss you set the SMTP data on the server (and everyone sets their email addys) and let the pitboss server take care of it, but then you can't tell things like if your war opponent has moved yet. Makes it hard to avoid double-moves.

Civstats gives you the nice chart of who has moved, who hasn't, time remaining on the turn, etc.
Thanks Whiplash.

The reason we don't do PBEM is because we do often play live, usually once a week and then take random turns otherwise.

As far as civstats goes, there's 6 of us in the current game and there will be 9+ in our next game so getting all of them to register would be a pain, especially for the members of this group. But we should be good.

Also, with regards to double moves, that is just one more level of strategy. I won't be surprised, once war starts, to see both participants waiting until there is five minutes left in the turn to move, in order to prevent the other person from getting double moves.

Also, now that I think of it, it kinda adds another level of diplomacy. If I support one player at war but not the other, I can wait to take my turn to keep the other player from getting double turns, or to help my ally get them.
Hi there! I consider to launch PitBoss server at local network in future. And I have two question.

Can I control PitBoss remotly?

Can I get anywhere CivStats engine for local web-server?
#1 surely virtual desktop works, however it'll probably crash once in a while which you might not be able to fix remotly.

#2 seriously doubt it... Ask overload though.
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