Play as indians?


May 15, 2001
Worcester MA, USA
I havnt played this game for quite some time, but I remember this one funky bug i had.
I had done some modifying with the files, but nothing big, and then for one of the loads it had a save game for the sioux. I loded, and there i was in an indian city. i could place guys and everything. I wanted to fool around some more but i believe it crashed or some weird glitch occured. I wish i could remember more about it or what i did, but PLEASE someone tell me that i am not crazy and that it really happened.!!
Well, it's hard to say if you're crazy or not. Do you know anything about which files you were modifying, what version you were using, etc.? I'm really interested. I just did some .SAV hacking tonight to figure out if this was possible, but didn't find any obvious way. I'll post my rather limited finds in a different thread.
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