PLAYERS!! .. Warlords pitboss game with power sessions.

For anyone wondering, that's 3-6PM Eastern time, or noon-3pm Pacific. Which is a little early for me, considering once fall semester starts I'll be getting home on wednesdays around 3:45 Eastern.
Xerol said:
For anyone wondering, that's 3-6PM Eastern time, or noon-3pm Pacific. Which is a little early for me, considering once fall semester starts I'll be getting home on wednesdays around 3:45 Eastern.

Sorry you can't make it. I should clarify that what I meant by 7 to 10 pm GMT was actually 7-10 BST (british summer time) which is 1 hour ahead of GMT.
In other words 8 - 11 GMT. The Thread header has been updated to that effect.
I would like to join too. This would be my first time with Pitboss, but it looks pretty simple.

My first pick for a leader/civ would be Churchill/England and if it's taken, then Augustus/Rome.


I personally dislike "balanced" maps. It's much less exciting when everybody has everything they might need for an entire age, and there is no point in trading or adapting to the situation. My vote stays Fractal, Standard resource.
We have 8 players now. I still need The Great Apple and Kaisu to PM me their email addresses for game communications.

There is room enough for 2-3 more I believe. Recruiting for the game will close tomorrow night.

TELawrence do you still want Hannibal?

Has everyone downloaded and set up hamachi vpn software?
I don't mind about map type. I usaully play shuffle, but fractal is good.

As for game speed I have about 2 months before I have to go back to uni, where I am unlikely to have a computer. I'm not sure how long this sort of game takes - I would think it would be alright.

I'll set up Hamachi later tonight.
Our first session this wednesday will be a test of the hamachi vpn connection method. Hopefully all will go well and we can proceed directly into the game proper.
Would it be possible for you to start the host early (tonight or tomorrow) so those of us who already have hamachi can try to connect to the server by the LAN method? If so, it might save us a headache or two (like the many when I tried to launch my session game a few weeks ago!).

Ok this evening at 8 o'clock I will set up a test game. I will send connection details by email. Any player that are available at that time can then try to connect. Fingers crossed all will be well.
I'll try to join tonight for test session. Are we starting 8 o'clock PM or GMT?

Anyway, my timezone is GMT+2, so it's prolly late enough for wife and kid to be sound asleep by then by then :)

Zen, did you get my email address?

Work has just pulled a fast one on me. I'm going to be unable to be at tomorrow's session. Sorry Zen, but I'll have to bow out of this one.

The test game went well enough (thanks to kaisu and TGA for helping me test). However there are a couple of technical issues I need to address before the game proper can go live.

Also we have had two players bow out, Fosse and Mickyj.
Would a "team" be possible to enter? I'd be able to play if someone were able to play some of "our" powersessions. Turns out I don't have any classes on wednesdays, but I may not be home every third week due to work.
Xerol said:
Would a "team" be possible to enter? I'd be able to play if someone were able to play some of "our" powersessions. Turns out I don't have any classes on wednesdays, but I may not be home every third week due to work.

I am not sure what you mean.. if you mean can you and a friend share control of a civ then I guess I have no problem with that. Although it might cause some confusion.

Which civ do you want?

The game proper will be starting tonight 8pm BST.
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