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please ignore this thread - I got it working on my own

Conqueror Worm

Jan 22, 2006
Got it working on my own - though still not sure how. My windows is in Japanese -and I can't read Japanese!

I have followed the instructions below. They are very simple. I change the 0 to 1 and save the file. But everytime I start civ, I find that the 1 has automatically changed back to 0 again. Can anyone help, please?

To locate your CivilizationIV.ini file, Locate your MY DOCUMENTS folder (*** NOTE THIS IS A REGULAR WINDOWS FOLDER NOT A CIVILIZATION FOLDER***)
Inside this folder should be another folder called MY GAMES
And Inside this folder will be the BEYOND THE SWORD folder
Double click on the File CivilizationIV.ini (beginners you may experiment with this file. If you wreck something in here It will recreate itself every time you start your game). HIT <CTRL-F> and type this in

Modular XML Loading

it should take you to this line of the file if not…. This is the line which you must find within this file

Now right below this Line should be a line that appears like this

ModularLoading = 0

Or like this

ModularLoading = 1

If yours has a 0 in the line: MODULAR LOADING IS NOT ON change the 0 to a 1 so that it looks like the second example.

Upon completing that task save the file and close it.
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