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Preparing for a possible invasion.

In anarchy, we can actually make some gold by switching some citizens to tax men to keep riots down.
+2 food per turn is more important than 4gpt imo (rather a clown and a farmer than 2 taxmen).
So there won't be many more than 3-4 taxmen in order if we want to maximize food...

We won't get rich during anarchy... :(
We really need ti use our diplomatic tools to find out which rival SABER knows (if any) and to which direction it is. Knowing where the BABEs are is always essential in life :D - but especially in our situation. :shifty:
FREE should agree on a construction deal for that information easily, it's certainly worth it. :old:

I'd like to send both galleys to that direction to scout. A warning two turns earlier could make a difference if they should send a small surprise force.

However I also doubt they would send a large force into the blue.
But they might know where we are, either through SABER or if they also decrypted our earth's continental structure and don't really care whom they attack.

Never underestimate an enemy. :old:
Never overestimate an enemy. :hmm:
Always estimate right :D
I think we should be more focused on what to do in the event of a invasion so were not panicking.
Do we know what forces we currently have?

I think, for now, if they land we are going to accept an amount of pain - they will probably take out several of our cities. To that end, we might want to think about setting coastal cities on the other side of the island to making workers and not infrastructure... since we can defend them all, anyway.

We will need to leave a strong force near the capitol - we cannot afford to lose any of our first rank cities.

We need some pikes. AC's are really useful, but we won't have enough of them, and MW will take them down. We maybe need to build some horses, as well.
ok - took a look at the save - we have 14 warriors, 4 or 5 of which are vets, the rest regulars.

We have the SoZ.

We almost have iron hooked up (should have it hooked up as we go into anarchy).

I think if babe comes from the southeast, we will lose our cities down there - it would be annoying, but I don't see a way to save them.

If they come from the north west, we will lose cities out that way. We can upgrade a warrior or two to swords and put them out that way, but a force of MW will eat right through them.

I suggest, unless have a better idea, that we put our AC's near the Gulag, or in the Gulag. From there, they can get to the northwest area quickly, and can react to landings near the capitol immediately.

I think we should upgrade our vet warriors to swords/mdi.

We should probably put a warrior on hills/mountains that can be landed up from the sea, just to keep the evil MW from those places.

We have sunk 150 shields into a palace prebuild for a wonder that won't help us for 50 turns - we should think about whether we want to throw those away and dedicate that city to building horse/pikes. I hate that, but 450 shields = 1 barracks and 14 horse or pikes or 13 MDI. I'm not saying we do that, mind you - if we turn that into a colloseum, though, we lose 30 shields , but the city can grow larger.
What causes these.

2 Civilizations going into the middle ages.

We will go into the MA next turn - free the turn after when we give them polytheism. Any barb camp will spew 10 or so horsemen.

It would be great for babe to have to deal with that, though they could just use them for making elites, which would be less fun.
I doubt that any of those AGR civs have barb camps left, except for farming purpose... :nono:

We almost settled our island and they should be significantly further in expansion.

These weak barbs won't do much good for us... :(
Putting the ACs near The Gulag is ok but I'd want them on the side nearest The Chamber.

As for upgrading warriors, we'll have only one barracks. Should we put a few warriors there to be ready to upgrade? We won't need MPs in republic but will we have our big island covered so we won't have to worry about barbarians?

Until we get a better idea about BABE's whereabouts we should keep one ship in the NW and one in the SE. After anarchy we really need to build a few more ships so we can get a couple out into the choke points for look outs.

We should continue the pre-build for Sistine in The Treasury.

Now we cross our fingers and hope we get feudalism for free AND a short anarchy.
Some nice discussion here! I would like to continue on Donsig's earlier work in predicting where any invasion from BABE would come from. To that end I have produced the following two tactical maps: -

Eastern View

Western View

On the eastern view map I have included Donsig's predicted sea lane linking our east coast to Alpha Continent. The black line in this area shows the eastern limit of tiles we have already explored (by a combination of exploration of both FREE's and our own coast), all the tiles explored immediately west of the black line have been ocean tiles. I think it is very important to know whether this sea lane actually exists or not, I therefore propose we send the the galley Aerok on a very dangerous mission as indicated by the red arrow, this will of course run the risk of losing a valuable galley however I think the price for this information would be worth it.

If we find there is no sea lane then we can perhaps breath a little easier, I have indicated on the maps the available routes (assuming no sea lane found) they would have in reaching us depending upon whether BABE are located on Alpha or Beta continent.

Finally a quick thought on FREE's exploring vessel as mentioned in their letter of 19th May.

FREE said:
We have been exploring but have only found stories of those known as Gongers and Babes. We have seen no land, but have found coastal waters in the middle of the ocean. Our little vessel, Curragh1, has survived several turns at sea, far more than we expected. Some where due to bad sailing directions, but this little thing has ended in sea tiles on Turns 83, 84 and 85, ending this last turn in the mid-ocean coastal waters mentioned earlier

I have also indicated on the map where I think this curragh was, I wonder what happened to this vessel, if it is still there it would be in an ideal look out position along Route Alpha 1!
Yes, it would be nice to get those veteran warriors to The Admirality. :agree:

@Aigburth: Nice analysis. However I don't quite understand why you just showed the long routes. The crossing where you want to send Aerok is much more a threat imo (and Beta 2 in the eastern map of course). :confused:

I'd not risk a galley unless we have another as backup there. :nono:
well, without the lighthouse, our galleys are less valuable then they were - we have a few islands to settle safely, but using the galleys as early warnings is smart.
Until we get confirmation from SABER that they don't know BABE, we might also expect enemy vessels to arrive from the direction of SABERland as well...

But, excellent work Aigburth.
@Aigburth: Nice analysis. However I don't quite understand why you just showed the long routes. The crossing where you want to send Aerok is much more a threat imo (and Beta 2 in the eastern map of course). :confused:

I'd not risk a galley unless we have another as backup there. :nono:

Those routes were on the map to illustrate the paragraph where I assume the predicted sea route does not exist (I have edited that paragraph to hopefully make this clearer).

Don't forget we do not know whether there is a route there at all, that is why I suggest we send a galley to find out, if it does see a route then wouldn't we want to try to get a galley over there anyway to act as early warning?
Don't forget we do not know whether there is a route there at all, that is why I suggest we send a galley to find out, if it does see a route then wouldn't we want to try to get a galley over there anyway to act as early warning?
Of course. But I'd rather have a 100% galley near our coast than a 25% galley on those shallows... :mischief: :shifty:
Aigburth said:
I therefore propose we send the the galley Aerok on a very dangerous mission as indicated by the red arrow, this will of course run the risk of losing a valuable galley however I think the price for this information would be worth it.
Here! Here! :agree: I agree. It will be very valuable to know what the most likely points of attack are if BABE decides to come after us.

The issue isn't about having a scout out in those shallow – though that would be nice – the issue is ruling in or ruling out a possible attack from that direction. If there IS a sealane where predicted, it's a huge threat… as it's the most likely avenue of attack, and shows up right at our core.

If there's NO sea lane there, we are free to focus our forces elsewhere.
Either way, it's vital information to know, and well worth the loss of a galley or two, imo.
I agree it's important to know if those sea lanes exist. Before risked half our navy I would try to see if FREE has explored the sea lanes in question around their homeland (since they should be the same as our sea lanes).
We have heard from FREE that they got feudalism for their free tech! :) They have proposed a MA tech division for MAAP II (in the FREE embassy thread). The proposal does not include chivalry. FREE should start working on monotheism (which is required for chivalry). Then basically, the proposal is for FREE to continue on the upper branch of the the tech tree while we reseach along the bottom (all the way to military tradition).

The question I have for the Council is, would it be worth having chivalry as soon as possible? I think the discussion belongs here since we'd only want chivalry to prepare for a possible BABE invasion. Knights would nicely supplement our ancient cavalry against mounted warriors, but knights cost many shields. If FREE is attacked knights would also benefit them.

My thinking is that getting chivalry and letting BABE know we have it could prove a very good deterrent. There are rumors we will meet BABE next turn. I'm just not sure about the timing - would we get chivalry before BABE lands here or on FREEland? (In other words, would the deterrent come too late to deter?)

What is the Council's opinion on using chivalry to prepare (or deter) a possible invasion?
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