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Problem: Another good civ is building the Altar of the Luonnotar


Feb 27, 2007
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but my forum search didn't turn up anything: I'm afraid that I have a problem with the Altar of the Luonnotar victory condition. When the AI is near to completion, the game raises a message "So and so is about to finish the altar." Now, if I'm the Ashen Veil or the Overlords or even the Fellowship, it's easy to see this as a call to arms. However, what if I'm another good civ? I mean, as the Elohim, would I really want to declare war on the Bannor just because they'll get the credit for saving the world? Shouldn't I want them to build the Altar? It makes me feel guilty to go crush a friendly civ who is doing the right thing just because it means I don't "win".

Edited for spelling.
So? FFHII is a dark fantasy, the Bannor's selfishness could be tainting the purity of the alter and only you, the Elohim, are the ones who can truly call forth the One to purify the world. And, when the One re-enters creation everyone will be happy, so it is in the Bannor's best interest for you to destroy them.
Another reason could simply be religious zeal. If your Bannor are fully devoted to any god (e.g., Junil), then they may not want to see the return of The One, as that could seriously disrupt their long-established power base and belief system. Nothing is so scary for religious types than change ;)
Altar Victory is VERY easy. Especially if you compare it with Magic mastery or cultural ones. Usually I switch this victory off, still Altar is rather handful.
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