Problem with removing techs

Apr 17, 2007

In my mod I decided I wanted to remove all the techs except Future Tech and start from scratch. In the CivIVTechInfos.xml file I removed all of the techs from the first <techinfo> to the last </techinfo>, except for Future Tech.

When I tried to start I got a barrage of error messages, one for each tech.

What did I do wrong?
Restore all the files to normal. Then locate the <disable>0</disable> tag. Change the zero to a 1 for every tech you want disabled.
All right. I changed the <bdisable> (not <disable>) from 0 to 1 for everything but Future Tech. However the game did not offer to let me research Future Tech when I started a new game. How come?
This was the order I used when making the techs for my Star Trek mod:
1. Add Star Trek techs but not delete epic game techs yet
2. Change requirements of future tech to be on Star Trek tech tree
3. Delete epic game buildings
4. Add Star Trek buildings
5. Remove tech requirements from units
6. Change civ starting techs
7. Remove any other tech references (civics, terrain, features, improvements, resources, promotions, routes, possibly more)
8. FINALLY remove epic game techs
All right. I changed the <bdisable> (not <disable>) from 0 to 1 for everything but Future Tech. However the game did not offer to let me research Future Tech when I started a new game. How come?

Find Future Tech in the assets/xml/technologies file. Find the line that says "prerequisite tech," delete the tech that's there and replace it with NONE.
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