hi all,
first of all i have to say Civ5 is great game i really love it.
i just want to see what is your guys processing time after EOT?
from my knowledge civ5 is heavily depend on your cpus speed so i have i7 980x oc'ed to 4.2ghz playing on large with 9 civs in and 12 city states on marathon. around 1AD afterward the game seem take very long time processing time like 1-2 mins every EOT that is very annoying to me,
so is this just me? does there any optimization to do?
first of all i have to say Civ5 is great game i really love it.
i just want to see what is your guys processing time after EOT?
from my knowledge civ5 is heavily depend on your cpus speed so i have i7 980x oc'ed to 4.2ghz playing on large with 9 civs in and 12 city states on marathon. around 1AD afterward the game seem take very long time processing time like 1-2 mins every EOT that is very annoying to me,
so is this just me? does there any optimization to do?