Project: Re-thinked Food Exchanges

meteora 888

Oct 31, 2011
Montreal, Canada
I have a mod project and I think it would be nice, but it is mainly in the UI and game mechanics and I'm a newbie in Lua. It would be a food trade system: for each city, you would have the option to take an "upkeep" on the total food production (in the city screen, you choose how much food you take). It would be then acumulated empire-wide (with an icon and counter on top of the UI). You can then redistribute it to other cities (via city screen again) or trade it to other civs.

The strategical idea behind this is that IRL, some lands are more fertile than other, so taking them to another country is a great strategy to make your ennemies strugle. I'm good enough at XML to make the balance adjustments, but I would need help to understand what I must do in Lua. I only have a vague idea of how much complex it could be, so any tips, links to tutos or any kind of help would be greatly appreciated (and credited, of course!). Amd thank you in advance!
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