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Proposition: Local Autonomy


Oct 3, 2001
I think we should give more local autonomy to the governors. It would work like this:

Military Units -

Governors have direct control over military unit production within their provinces. When building military units, the governors should confer with the military minister or deputy, as well as posting a poll. The president has veto power but is encouraged not to use it. Units stationed in cities as defenders are part of the state militia, and are commanded by the governer; units in forts or abroad are federal troops and commanded by the president. In wartime, the president can take control of state militias, but must leave enough units under governer control to provide for the defense of the province. The president has complete control in occupied territories until they are accepted into the nation as provinces and have elected a governor.

Settlers -

Governors have partial control of settler production and direct control of settler allocation within their provinces, except for city building and fort construction. Governors should consult the internal and expansion ministers or deputy, as well as the president if need be, when producing or using settlers, and should also post a poll. The president has veto power but is encouraged not to use it. The president should confer with the military and either the expansion or internal ministers (depending on whether or not the work is within our territory) or deputies when constructing forts and building cities. The citizens should also be consulted through a poll. Forts are considered to be under federal jurisdiction and units in them are commanded by the president.

Diplomats/Spies -

Governors have no control over diplomat/spy production, other than advisory status. The president should confer with the foreign and military ministers or deputies before building and/or using diplomats or spies.

Caravans -

Governors have direct control over caravan production and use within their territories. Governors should consult the internal and foreign ministers or deputies when producing or using caravans, and the president when using them for external trade. A poll should also be posted. The president has veto power, but is encouraged not to use it.

City Improvements -

Governors have direct control over construction of city improvements. The governor should confer with the internal minister when building city improvements, as well as post a poll. The president has veto power but is encouraged not to use it.

Wonders -

Governors have no control over wonder production, other than advisory status. When constructing wonders, the president should consult with every governor and minister or deputy, and should post a poll. While the president has the ultimate authority over wonder construction, a consensus among both the officials and the citizenry should be reached before making a final decision.
Military Units -
Governors have direct control over military unit production within their provinces. When building military units, the governors should confer with the military minister or deputy, as well as posting a poll. The president has veto power but is encouraged not to use it. Units stationed in cities as defenders are part of the state militia, and are commanded by the governer; units in forts or abroad are federal troops and commanded by the president. In wartime, the president can take control of state militias, but must leave enough units under governer control to provide for the defense of the province. The president has complete control in occupied territories until they are accepted into the nation as provinces and have elected a governor.

There are some point's in this ,but my vision is like this:
The millitary leader at this moment has not much to do while his ingame position would actualy be large and at this moment there is not enough organized input from the millitary leader in term's of long time planning ,no'r are there effective burocratic way's to ensure the sufficiant building of force's.The public rarely vote's on a millitary unit.Also their is no clear out vision on how a millitary leader should do his job.

I propose therefore a new system for the millitary leader to work on: (yeah again)

Millitary matter's should be dealt with on the national level IMO as wich it does for the most this moment.The millitary production side IMO should also be dealt with on the national level rather than onto the local level.Wich would effectively mean that the millitary leader could file some poll's once and a while.

Poll's would be made for:
1 The ammount of defenses we decide on as city defenses nationaly.
2 The expansion of army's we want to be build or added that would be a part of the nation's expiditionary force ,the force that does the foureign warfare.

That mean's 2 poll's so also 2 respected discussion thread's.the first poll would be held at the beggining of the new gouverment term.The second poll would be held at the decission of the millitary leader ,meaning he can hold it very often.This poll would decide the number's of army's that would be part of the expiditionary force ,a force under control of the millitary leader.
The number's that would be voted on in both thread's would act as a guideline for the gouvernor's to decide to build a unit in a city of preference in the matter of situation of poll 1 ,and in the location of the millitary leader in poll 2.Wich would effectively mean that in the beginning of the gouvermental term the millitary leader would hold a thread on the general number's of defendese troops we wan't in each city (for ex. 2 defender's ,three defender's ,2 deffender's and one attacker)
and these would act as guideline for the gouvernor's to decide when to build the unit's ,as it would be the gouvernor's duty to meet the number's of defender's in each city before the end of his gouvermental term ,still the gouvernor would still decide when to build the unit and what sort of unit.Therefore the gouvernor could sometime's cut a poll for a city saying that it's building a unit decided on the millitary leader's first poll.
In the case of point 2 ,the expansion army: The millitary leader would decide when and where to build those unit's ,if those unit's are granted to him by the poll held by him.Basicly in times of peace a millitary leader for ex. could hold a poll with the option's:
1 expand the expiditionary force with 4 unit's ,expand the expiditionary force with 8 unit's ,expand the expiditionary force with 0 unit's (demanded option :) ) ,decrease the expiditionary force with 4 unit's. (or any proposed system for that i consider)
Onto the number's the people would have voted the millitary leader would DEMAND the millitary unit's to be build at the location he want's ,and with unit's of the certain type's he want's ,or he could strip some unit's fom defense duty to become ex. force ,so that the gouvernor would have to build a new one.In cases of emergency the leader could hold a poll and therefore for ex. could have the chance to demand the construction or the transportation of unit's as he sees fit.
He could also claim or add naval unit's to his army.
Respected poll's should be hold then in wartime on how to where to use his ex. force on ,wich tactic to employ etc..

Well ,i advice Ohwell to give it a try.

Poll 1 would act as a minimum and for ex. at this period people would fote 2 or 3.

Governors have partial control of settler production and direct control of settler allocation within their provinces, except for city building and fort construction. Governors should consult the internal and expansion ministers or deputy, as well as the president if need be, when producing or using settlers, and should also post a poll. The president has veto power but is encouraged not to use it. The president should confer with the military and either the expansion or internal ministers (depending on whether or not the work is within our territory) or deputies when constructing forts and building cities. The citizens should also be consulted through a poll. Forts are considered to be under federal jurisdiction and units in them are commanded by the president.

I holded a thread about it a some days ago.But i this point i don't know anymore how to organize it best withought spoiling the fun.
I think youre system as proposed is a bit over bureacratic.In any way i want the gouvernor's to still have enough much power overall.

I will reply more tomorrow /me tired of typing now.
Those are excellent ideas!:eek:

I like them, no, I love them! Yeah I have little to do, but with this I do!

I think I need some rest, I will reread later today and make the polls :D

Cornmaster, I hope you read that!
My idea serves three purposes:

To clearly define the powers of the government officials

To spread power more amongst government officials

To give governors some units to play with :p

Why don't we get together with Cornmaster and all of the other officials and decide how to update our Constitution. It would probably work best as a chat session. Corn, are you reading this? Don't you dare kill this thread; even you can't call it off-topic. :mad:
I agree!!!
Power to the governors!!!!
Duck, only one complaint so far: It's not in organized format

I haven't even bothered reading all the way through yet because it is too jumbled.
I think the results of military polls could act as a guideline but I don't think the governors should not force it on the people, that each city has to meet set requirements. It should just be a recommendation that is posted on each thread to show how many more units each city is expected to build and then the people can decide whether this should be carried out or not for each city.

This could infact be carried out how I did the poll for Dellsville. Any extra units that have been voted that we need willl be added to the queue and then in the city poll that it is mentioned in, the people can decide to remove it as the next item on the queue. This could be done if five posters say that we do not need the unit in the particular city.

Having over two defenders for cities on the mainland seems a bit ridiculous since they are unlikely to need more than two...
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