PSA: RMB backs out of most screens

Big J Money

Feb 23, 2005
The right mouse button can be used to escape most any screen. This is also true in the game menus. It's a bit faster than pressing Esc or clicking the X. If you get used to LMB/RMB to navigate the game, it can be pretty snappy. Well, performance issues aside. Not sure if this was the case for Civ VI, but I don't remember it being that way.
Yep the ability to de-select units would be good. Also they should add the right click exit to city states too.
Yeah, I keep RMBing on stuff to take me to the civliopedia, like in Civ III. When will i learn, lol.
Yeah, I keep RMBing on stuff to take me to the civliopedia, like in Civ III. When will i learn, lol.
+1, now RMB is exit, I’m sorely missing another shortcut to open civpedia page. Civ VI worked this way as well (RMB->civilopedia, unless I’m not able to remember well the games I played four-five weeks ago)

Edit:Just thinking new LMB/RMB behaviour has a direct link with console release, where Left/Right control pad triggers could have the same function.
Yes, I think it could be related to bringing over a console input feature, although it would likely be the "B" button (Xbox controller) that would be the back button. However, I think it's more likely the idea comes from the Endless 4X games, which have this feature.

Also 100% agreed on needing a way to exit units. I want to say that in the Endless games, you use LMB to move, so you can you RMB to exit, but it's been a bit since I played them so I could be wrong about that.
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