Pure Production Civ Request/Thoughts


Aug 29, 2013
So I've had this idea for awhile, my only real coding experience is with Java and that was a long while ago. I've tried to get into some tutorials and stuff on modding Civ but I've got so much on my plate that I can't get into it for long enough for things to really stick. I thought I'd put the idea down and see if anyone else would be interested in doing this or seeing if it sparks any interesting production civs.

This came about because I've noticed a distinct lack of these civs on the modding scene, sure there are some good ones, but not in the way that I imagine them.

My idea is this, take a civ and remove it's ability to grow population naturally, some sort of always stagnant state on all cities they own. Then add in buildings or something to the trait that would allow them to "build" more population. I tend to think of the civ as some sort of sentient robot sent back in time, or to a parallel universe or just suddenly appearing. The trait would also either remove food yields entirely, to be replaced by UB later on in a sort of "Biorefinery" type building line, OR it would just straight up replace food yields with production yields, which would be improved by techs or UI. UU if they had one would probably just be a tougher, more expensive, swordsman, though in my little notes I have I've started creating replacements for everything, including a golem line (slower but stronger) to replace the siege line. I also put down that they would get a buff to production sent to their other cities from trade.

Those are all my random ideas and thoughts, what are your thoughts on Pure production civs, either this one, or your own? Anyone willing to try and put something like this together? I realize some of this could be quite difficult, but I'd be really grateful and I know several friends who'd love to see a civ like this, so I think it'd be popular.

Oh just one more thing

Problems I've had/noticed with this are:
1) I realize, through lots of self practice and experience, it is entirely possible for a NON production based civ to develop in such a way as to be caught up on its buildings to tech, that would make it a little bit awkward.
2)Food buildings, there are a LOT of them in the game, the guys I imagined up above wouldn't use them at ALL you could probably knock out problem one AND this one by replacing it with a production buffer chain instead that costs quite a bit more production wise.
You may want to check out Vice Virtuoso's Broken Lords Civilization, based on the Broken Lords faction from Endless Legend which revolves around using Gold to purchase population and Food being disabled for them. Feel free to check out his other Civs here.

I already follow ViceVirtuoso on steam and have played a whole game (and abandoned one halfway through due to another game grabbing my attention) with the Broken Lords civ.
While I'm not adverse to obnoxious amounts of gold, I was looking more at a production based civ, not a gold one, though not all too dissimilar to Broken Lords.

I have considered asking to see the code, but like I said, I don't have the time to actually learn enough to do anything, can't even make a simple example mod to work from.
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