Quest list

I did that "Build loads of Triremes" quest and have just researched Compass. I noticed that only some of my cities (the ones already built when I completed the quest, I guess) get the +2 commerce bonus for a harbor. How can I change this (XML tweak?) so that it applies to every harbor?

I seem to recall something similar happening with the +1 Food stables quest. I think the bonus should apply to the building regardless of the city it's in, so would really like to know how to change this.
The quests I've had :-
Holy Mountain, 3 times. First two were inaccessible one-tile island peaks, third one didn't bother.
Harbourmaster, with my empire almost landlocked and IIRC two turns before finishing Steam Power. Quest failed.
Master Blacksmith. While building the final forge (in a little city with poor production) my Scout found a hut. It gave me Astronomy. Quest failed.
Warships. Same game as Harbourmaster. Didn't bother.
Corporate Expansion. When this came up there weren't enough cities without Cereal Mills to allow completion - I was testing for max. world population.
Sports League. I'd have liked this, but with only a nice, compact, 10-city empire geared to culture there was nowhere I could build the necessary 11th city (Huge map).
Overwhelm. Not much use on a pangaea. Didn't bother.

My only successful quest has been Best Defence, which came up only a turn or two after qualifying for it and I had already built tht Great Wall and begun castle-building. +25EP per turn, fairly early, gave my beloved espionage system a very useful boost.
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