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Question about CS UU gifts


The Prince of Dorkness
Jun 15, 2001
Lawrence, MA, USA
In my current game I'm allied with Hanoi who will gift Conquistadors if I have Chivalry. I've had Chivalry for many turns now, but Hanoi keeps giving me Spearmen/Pikemen. Does anybody know why this would happen? I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I couldn't if I tried because they're not giving me any gift "horses."
Maybe you don't have... horses? :)

OMG, I'm such a moron. I'm pretty sure I don't have horses because I wasn't able to build my own UU. I'm at work now, but I'll have to look when I get home (and then smack myself upside the head).

Please remind me of how you can tell what UU a CS might gift? It always surprises me.

When you open the CS's screen, hover your mouse pointer over "Militaristic" and it'll tell you which UU they are giving and remind you which tech you need for it.
OMG, I'm such a moron. I'm pretty sure I don't have horses because I wasn't able to build my own UU. I'm at work now, but I'll have to look when I get home (and then smack myself upside the head).

Had only smacking yourself upside helped to spawn whatever you need, I wouldn't have had so many dissidents in my current game. :D
In my first Venice game I played, I allied a CS giving Roman legions and I distinctly recall their continued legion donations despite the fact I was running an iron deficit... I believe I may have had 2 iron to start and I was given 4 legions, so I'm curious if originally having some of the needed resource had anything to do with it.
No, I believe a CS will still give you their UU even if you have none, or even a deficit, of the necessary strategic resource.

You haven't researched the tech for Cavalry (I think it's Military Science) yet, have you? A militaristic CS will only give you its UU in the window between researching the tech that unlocks that unit and researching tech that unlocks that unit's upgrade.
No, I believe a CS will still give you their UU even if you have a none, or even a deficit, of the necessary strategic resource.

You haven't researched the tech for Cavalry (I think it's Military Science) yet, have you? A militaristic CS will only give you its UU in the window between researching the tech that unlocks that unit and researching tech that unlocks that unit's upgrade.

I do have Military Science, but they've given me 4-5 spearmen/pikemen for a long while now. Surely one of them must have come between the time I researched Chivalry and the time I researched Military Science. But I didn't pay that much attention, so it's entirely possible that they didn't gift me a unit in that window.
No, I believe a CS will still give you their UU even if you have a none, or even a deficit, of the necessary strategic resource.

Now I am not even sure myself. Maybe it's my imagination but seems I remember a game where I was put into strategic deficit due to stupid CS gift. Where is Browd? :D

I do have Military Science, but they've given me 4-5 spearmen/pikemen for a long while now. Surely one of them must have come between the time I researched Chivalry and the time I researched Military Science. But I didn't pay that much attention, so it's entirely possible that they didn't gift me a unit in that window.

I think they gift a unit every 17 turns on standard speed. It's highly unlikely the period between the two was so short.
I think they gift a unit every 17 turns on standard speed. It's highly unlikely the period between the two was so short.

I did rapidly zip my way through to Dynamite with some RAs and a couple GSs. And there was a brief period where Morocco supplanted me as Hanoi's Ally before I took it back again. This all could boil down to a ridiculous coincidence of timing.
Now I am not even sure myself. Maybe it's my imagination but seems I remember a game where I was put into strategic deficit due to stupid CS gift. Where is Browd? :D
So far as I know you will get a deficit. They give you the units, but it's your resources.
That's why in many games I tell them to stop spawning units. I had one game where I wanted to save my iron for frigates, and the CS kept giving me swordsmen. Another game, they kept giving me knights, and I ended up running a deficit of my horses. It's also happened with aluminum. I was saving for my space rocket parts, but they kept gifting me the rocket artillery, and it was eating up my aluminum.
So far as I know you will get a deficit. They give you the units, but it's your resources.
That's why in many games I tell them to stop spawning units. I had one game where I wanted to save my iron for frigates, and the CS kept giving me swordsmen. Another game, they kept giving me knights, and I ended up running a deficit of my horses. It's also happened with aluminum. I was saving for my space rocket parts, but they kept gifting me the rocket artillery, and it was eating up my aluminum.

Isn't deleting units for cash or gifting them back to CS to gain a few extra bits of influence more efficient? :)
Never use Stop Spawning -- as The Pilgrim says, if the CS gives you a unit (UU or generic) that you don't want or can't effectively use (and they will send you units that require resources you don't have), either gift it to a CS for a bit of influence or scrap it for some dosh.
Pilgrim and Browd: I guess deleting would work for the cash. I think I've done that a few times.

So far as gifting them--would the strategic resources they use still count against me if I gift them? For example, if a CS gives me a rocket artillery it uses up one my aluminum. If I gift it am I still being charged for that aluminum?

If so--then deleting for cash would probably be the best bet, I would think.
On a side note:
I've had questions about CS unit contributions in the past, wondering why they didn't get those unique units. I discovered that 'Friend' status does not qualify, 'Allied' IS required.
Browd, we needed you! :D Can CS gift you units if you lack strategics? I was under impression they can't, but now I am not sure anymore. Save me! :)

So far as gifting them--would the strategic resources they use still count against me if I gift them? For example, if a CS gives me a rocket artillery it uses up one my aluminum. If I gift it am I still being charged for that aluminum?

If so--then deleting for cash would probably be the best bet, I would think.

No. If you don't control the unit, you don't have to provide it with resources.
I did rapidly zip my way through to Dynamite with some RAs and a couple GSs. And there was a brief period where Morocco supplanted me as Hanoi's Ally before I took it back again. This all could boil down to a ridiculous coincidence of timing.

Yes, that must be it. I'm pretty sure about CS granting their UUs even if you don't have the strategic resources for them, because, in a recent game, I was Germany and had a nearby CS that gave Camel Archers. In that game I delayed researching Military Science as long as possible to maximize the number of Camel Archers I got, and ended up with 5 or 6 of them. I had no horses at all, so I was at -5 horses.

And yeah, militaristic CS don't give their UU if you're friends, only if you're allied.
CS will gift you units that require strategic resources even if you have non of the type required or run a strategic resources deficit already.
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