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Question on Warmongering

I will only go to war in the Ancient Age if I find myself in a dominant position over my rival, or if I am pressed into battle by an overagressive civ.
My wars are mainly fought with cavaly and tanks, so u'll find me very peaceful during the ancient era, building the Pyramids, Lighthoue, Sun Tzu's Art of Wwr, & Leo's Workshop. Now I can upgrade my defence for only 200 gold!:D
Well, my friends and I are playing cooperatively against computers in locked alliances on Monarch level on a small map. That means that as soon as we have contact, we are instantly at war with 6 Civs and they are all friendly toward each other. In other words: we have 6 civs coming hard at us while we only have 1-2 cities.

It is a constant war game, always at war, no break. So from the get go I am cranking barracks and units. I generally don’t even have time for a temple until later on. I try to get a granary or two, but sometimes time does not allow for that.

Basically it is [barracks, troops, settler, troops] for each city that I build until I get about 7 cities. If I have made it to that point, then I can worry about infrastructure. =)

yeah blitzing superior civs with inferior army management can yield some game saving gains. but it can also cause you to pull your hair out by the roots. ever lose 5 immortals to one lone gosh dang freak'n spearing man? and then have your spear man fall to a half naked loin clothed warrior??? omg, someone get me a sedatitive...
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