Questions and Answers

Bonyduck Campersang

Odd lookin duck
Dec 11, 2022

There's no option for it in the building menu
Got my answer: the Dock is an Improvement, not a Building.

I have another question: my Plague Doctor got killed by Barbarians, how do I recruit a new one?
I think it's one of the powers. Maybe a Diplomacy Power?
How do you avoid the Age of Plague? I've had it thrice in my last three games and it's annoying as heck
Do you cause it or an AI?
In the former case you need to build improvements or buildings to prevent the lack of sanitation. I prefer to build middens in size 10 cities.
In the latter case you just need to focus on knowledge to lock the preferred age fast enough. Eureka and local reforms from culture, knowledge buildings and lumber-paper-manuscript/poems chain may help here. You also need to focus on advancing to the next age, research 3 technologies you need the most an go to the age of kings right away. You may backfill the rest techs from age 3 later.
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