questions for turn 240

Chamber MA->MA
Treasury MA->MA
Gulag MA->MA
Silo MA->MA
Institute MA->MA
Arboretum MA->MA
Greenhouse worker->worker
Marina MA->MA
Shallows MA->MA
Squeeze MA->MA

Note with save:

Thanks for the update. Just so you know I planted two workers as outposts so I can still see parts of our old continent. As of right now they have two MA planted near the cities my outposts are located. Unfortunately, I may have helped tilt the military in their direction by giving them 4 MA armies so my guess is they may be rushing armies and have pentagon on the way.


Settler 0 16 8
Worker 0 23 0
Explorer 8 0 0
Marine 12 15 4
Infantry 5 0 0
tank 10 0 0
Mech 77 75 47
Modern Armor 77 67 82
Artillery 18 5 0
transport 17 7 3
carrier 3 0 0
destroyer 30 6 4
battleship 3 3 0
bomber 18 22 10
fighter 13 0 23
army 6 0 0
cruiser 12 19 0
mobile sam 8 0 8
leader 0 1 0

Note: We have more MA than anyone, SABER has ANOTHER army.

EWS Results:

The North West SABER assault force hasn't moved.
The Southern force has made a mistake - they have moved within range of one of our subs. I take out one of their transports, one of the vet ones - 8 on 2 should well kill it. We should pass on to FREE that we are doing this.
They have also moved out of range of The New Yard, so we have 1 fewer tile to cover.

The Settler is just a settler - there are no other units.

I showed the routes the destroyers took and there were no SABER forces to be seen in those places. There is a place east of the land and south of the destroyers where I sent a fighter - it is empty.

We have 1300 gold.

Towns with shields (other than the major ones that are building MA

The Nursery -15
The New Yard - 21
The Pier - 26
The Bayou - 30
The Ways - 17
Teh Beach - 2
Chamsuri's cove = 14
The meeting room - 40
The hideaway - 1
The dislodged - 5
The Phoenix - 14

We can expose FREE spy for 256 or SABER spy for 236. We get away with it 85% of the time if we do it safely and expose the spy 80% of the time if we get away with it.


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AutoTeller said:
The Southern force has made a mistake - they have moved within range of one of our subs. I take out one of their transports, one of the vet ones
:dance: woot! :dance: Let's hope it was fully loaded!

Great preliminary report A.T.! :salute:

Any update on the FREE stack? - oh sorry, I see the screenshot now.

Well well - lookie there. Just a single settler like they told us. :thumbsup:
oh - I mean, I WILL take out a transport - I haven't done anything other than EWS yet.

I'll check their military after I do and see what was in it.
Great news. So, time to build some of those Missiles? :mischief:
I think so.

Until we hit them with cruise missiles and show that we can fight back if they just hang out like this, they WILL just hang out - the threat will just keep us waiting until someone else launches a SS.

I still want those places that will finish an MA to continue doing so - we'll have something like 90, with 4 more a turn - we can start moving mechs back to SCI.

the other option is more subs, of course, but those transports move faster than our subs.
My notes:

-Whack the transport, we must have built like 20 subs, lets see if we can at least get some of those shields back...

-Whack the destroyer between us and saber with bombers.

-Move sub in The Nursery north along coast jumping cities.

-Plant radar tower 1 square north of The Arboretum, the one on the coast is not safe from attacks.

-Move carrier to The Red tape, so we can move it closer to coast, also fill it with bombers, so we can bomb saber destroyers in the sea. We are not gonna bomb the airdefence-infested transport stack anyway I assume?

-Continue building MA, not like anything on the coast is gonna finish shortly anyway and I don't really want to spend gold if Saber is never gonna land us. I think they are waiting for Free. We can decide later on what to build in the coastal cities.

We would need a lot of missles to get through any of the two stacks, also there is no certaincy that Saber will stay in range (4) next turn, they might be sniffing around and see our missle build and just move that 1 tile further out.
bear in mind that most of the escorts in the north stack are injured, at least right now.

And, if we can get them to move so we can't hit them with cruise missiles, it will cut down on how many places they can land. I'm fine with scaring them further out. We could start up research again.
No point in researching till we can run at maximum pace really. If Free is doing space flight we need to do that next as quickly as possible, once they finish it, we should be able to do it in 4 turns at 100% sci, once they get it.
I agree to leave research off but I do hope we can avoid spending gold this turn.

We will lose spices (and gain war happiness) once FREE builds a city on our land. Doesn't look like it will cause riots but I am not an expert in this area.

Since we are going with FREE's subterfuge we can expect SABER to land next turn so I'd rather build more armor without rushing than spend our gold on cruise missiles.
Btw, we should move 3 jets to the airfield east and reinforce the new units to our cities. Whatever little chance we have of losing these should be as small as possible.
We can sink an aircraft carrier/transport on the south SABER stack with our nearby sub.
I wonder why our other sub is so far away... did it not move closer? :dubious:
Our EWS is airbased, isn't it?
Reposted from the FREE Embassy:
Niklas said:
We must of course also block FREE's way south, reinforcing The Ways, though a few units should be enough. 5 MA could wreak complete havoc in our lands if they could take a town at a time, going by rails inside their own territory. I'm not saying I think this will happen, but we'd be fools not to prepare for it.
Great catch!
@AutoTeller - can we fold this into our plan this turn?

I agree with holding off on research till we can do 100%

I think a modest investment in cruise missiles is called for.
Just to take out some of the wounded Saber ships and make them think twice before cruising so close to our shores.
They won't know we've got them until it's too late the first time.

Now that we're ahead in MA and Saber is down 1 transport and FREE has only landed a settler, I think we should start hanging on to more gold (hopefully for research) and investing a little in some more exotic strategies is ok.

Otherwise, I like the sound of Yilar's suggestions.

So, plan is this:

1) move units to keep FREE bottled up in their city if they choose to try to stab us.
2) Kill a couple of ships with a sub and bombers.
3) Move bombers onto the carrier (btw - if we do that, I think we can bomb SABER cities if we move the carrier to a port on the west side - move carrier 4, send out bombers, move carrier back to port)
bomb ships? not the carriers I hope?
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