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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

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So, in my example, you're saying number option # 1 would be the way to go, to maximize score?
I'm pretty sure that would be the way to go...

However, if you have 504 cities (which I do) and you're going for a #1 HOF score (which I am), it's good to know which strategy is better, from a scoring point of view! ;)
(BTW, I'm at turn 203 [viz. 880AD].)
Didn't realize this was part of a HOF attempt. Good luck with that! :salute:

Yes, it matters to me! Anyone that gets a Cow Award has proven milking skills!
Well... I've got a cow... I just can't recall if that graph came from the game that got me the cow. :dunno:
However, if you have 504 cities (which I do) and you're going for a #1 HOF score (which I am), it's good to know which strategy is better, from a scoring point of view! ;)

Not really. Consider that during the entire game you will only complete 504 marketplaces. By choosing the right strategy you will get 4 more points for each of those completions (as in your example 24 instead of 20). That's a total of 2016 points! :king:

... but wait! ... 2016 over the entire duration of the game. But the final score is the average over 540 turns. That 2016 gets divided by 540 good sir! You add less than four points to your milkrun for that game :sad:

edit> if this sounds too hard to believe then let me give you an illustration. Suppose that in your milkrun you got a score of 10000. You actually averaged 10000 per turn, that is you got 5,400,000 total points during the game. Those 2016 extra points were added to the big number, not the small.
Not really. Consider that during the entire game you will only complete 504 marketplaces. By choosing the right strategy you will get 4 more points for each of those completions (as in your example 24 instead of 20). That's a total of 2016 points! :king:

... but wait! ... 2016 over the entire duration of the game. But the final score is the average over 540 turns. That 2016 gets divided by 540 good sir! You add less than four points to your milkrun for that game :sad:

But you still need to multiply by the level. Times five for emperor etc. Not that it makes that much of a difference though.
Not really. Consider that during the entire game you will only complete 504 marketplaces. By choosing the right strategy you will get 4 more points for each of those completions (as in your example 24 instead of 20). That's a total of 2016 points! :king:

... but wait! ... 2016 over the entire duration of the game. But the final score is the average over 540 turns. That 2016 gets divided by 540 good sir! You add less than four points to your milkrun for that game :sad:...
@rysingsun: Thanks for your response.

In addition to what Lord Emsworth has stated about the level-multiplier, there are some other major implications/considerations:

1. Your example of getting 4 extra points is flawed!! Only if you get the 504 Marketplaces on the last (or penultimate) turn will you get 4 points!
If you get all 504 Marketplaces (unlikely in practice) by the middle of the game (highly likely), you will get at least 1008 extra points!!

2. You have not taken into account other builds that are affected by the internal workings of the game.
For example, say you have a city with 12 Happy People and NO Hospital. Now, if the Food Box is full, you can (cash-)build a worker (very useful) knowing that the city will go back to 12 Happy People at the end of next turn.
However, your strategy may change depending on whether the game calculates the score going IN to the end-of-turn or coming OUT of it.
For example, if the game calculates it coming OUT, you may want to give up 1 of your City-A tiles to neighboring City-B, making City-A's 12th Happy Person a Specialist, so that you lose only 1 "turn-point" instead of 2. If the game calculates the score going IN to end-of-turn, you don't have to think about what to do until next turn.

Apart from building Workers & Marketplaces, the same strategy question is applicable to building Settlers, Temples, Cathedrals, & Colisseums. ;)
1. Your example of getting 4 extra points is flawed!! Only if you get the 504 Marketplaces on the last (or penultimate) turn will you get 4 points!
If you get all 504 Marketplaces (unlikely in practice) by the middle of the game (highly likely), you will get at least 1008 extra points!!

nope! still just 4. /tangent ... yes emsworth, you are right about the level multiplier. i forgot about that. /end tangent.

I know that the market on turn 270 would give you 270 turns of improved happiness, but we were talking about the difference between two strategies, which would affect the score for only the single turn that the market was completed, giving four points on that one turn. The other 503 markets would each give you four on their respective turns, an average of a little less than four per turn throughout the game translating into four on the histograph.

And yes this is all a simplification for illustration. What you have applied to markets can just as well be applied to other buildings that affect happiness. Then again I think it is a large exaggeration to suggest that all of those markets will generate such a large (four) point spread between the two strategies. Many will produce none.

There are other ways to improve milking scores besides struggling over how to allot citizens on the turn a market is completed. In milkruns I struggle much more on the issue of city placement for example. And too many brain cells strained on the marketplace problem which will give you .... yeah yeah 4 x 8 = maybe 32 more points in the game would make me come short in other areas of score optimization.
If a CIV (AI) shuns a certain government, does that mean that your peasants will give you a hard time if you (the human) use that government?
Ok, good.

Thank you for your prompt reply.
how do I avoid a launch?

I want a cultural VC and the dumb space ship is ready and there is no way out of the launch screen.

i don't remember being forced to launch before...
You avoid it by not building the last part. Once it is completed, you have no choice but to launch.

Yeah, that is what I had to do. I launched and then went back to the last auto save before that.

Thanks for confirming... my worst fears :lol:
How is Science,Commerce, Force labour and Payed labour different in Civ Conquests compared to Civ Vanilla?

To me it seems like I get alot more money nowdays (commerce) but science is ALOT more expensive and at the same time Forced labour is alot more demanding to.
How is Science,Commerce, Force labour and Payed labour different in Civ Conquests compared to Civ Vanilla?

To me it seems like I get alot more money nowdays (commerce) but science is ALOT more expensive and at the same time Forced labour is alot more demanding to.

Well there are a few changes like this:
Maximum turns on research cap is moved from 40 turns to 50 turns. (nerf)
Republic now has free unit upkeep per city (1/3/4) but unit upkeep over the limit now costs 2gpt per unit. (overall, an upgrade, sometimes a nerf)
Forbidden palace no longer functions as a second core, so the amount of core cities is smaller. (nerf)
The maximum corruption cap is reduced from 95% to 90% corthouse and police station reduce it further by 10% each (upgrade)
Scientist now give 3 beakers instead of 1, and tax collectors give 2gpt instead of 1. An average specialist farm can now produce 9 beakers per turn. Making the corrupt areas much more useful. (upgrade)

Unit upgrade cost is now 3 gold per shield, instead of 2 gold per shield. (nerf)
building wealth now grants 1 gold per 4 shields (1 per 2 with economics) instead of 1 per 8. (upgrade)

The only thing about forced labor you may be noticing is that the first citizen no longer grands double shields. BUT, this was already changed in vanilla in a patch, so you can only notice this if you didn't patch your vanilla Civ3.
Very good answer, MAS. That stuff should be listed in the War Academy or someplace for a quick reference. :goodjob:

Not really. Consider that during the entire game you will only complete 504 marketplaces. By choosing the right strategy you will get 4 more points for each of those completions (as in your example 24 instead of 20). That's a total of 2016 points! :king:

... but wait! ... 2016 over the entire duration of the game. But the final score is the average over 540 turns. That 2016 gets divided by 540 good sir! You add less than four points to your milkrun for that game :sad:...
Apologies to you, good sir! I was confusing turn-points with game-points..........But, that was Last Year! Onward and upward.

I don't waste too many brain cells on the Marketplace production (Time...Yes!).....but it's good to know sound technique.

Here are my concise guidelines for a (Low-level) High-scoring Histographic Victory:
1. High Domination Limit Map (Most important)....Archipelago
2. Early GL......The Pyramids
3. Build cities to reach DL..... ASAP
4. Get to Philosophy first, get The Republic for free, then switch to Republic government for the rest of the game
5. Build & chop most forest tiles in your cities (to accelerate aqueduct/marketplace production)
6. Get to Replaceable parts ASAP
7. Defeat/contain AI's to take their good tiles
8. Incorporate a majority of the Coast-adjacent Sea Tiles on the map into your city borders
9. Discover Sanitation for Hospitals and Ecology for Mass Transit Centers
10. Finally, Irrigate all possible City tiles and reduce number of cities.

:xmascheers: :xmascheers: &&& :newyear: :newyear:
If I build an airfield in neutral territory, can other civs use it or is it still my airfield for my use only? At the moment I have a unit on each one to guard against unwanted visitors but are these troops wasting their time?
If I build an airfield in neutral territory, can other civs use it or is it still my airfield for my use only? At the moment I have a unit on each one to guard against unwanted visitors but are these troops wasting their time?

I captured one in the WW2 scenario, and I can still use it, though it was built by Japan. The cultural borders placed it in neutral territory. So, yes, it's like a road in neutral territory, everybody can use it.

Not sure if it's the same in the regular game, though.
Right click on your city. In the drop down menu there are a number of rally options.

About the airfield, If you can capture it in the conquest you can capture it in a "normal" game, there's nothing to edit that. Even if land units can capture them I'm not sure if enemy planes can land on the airfields til they've taken them.
I captured one in the WW2 scenario, and I can still use it, though it was built by Japan. The cultural borders placed it in neutral territory. So, yes, it's like a road in neutral territory, everybody can use it.

Not sure if it's the same in the regular game, though.

About the airfield, If you can capture it in the conquest you can capture it in a "normal" game, there's nothing to edit that. Even if land units can capture them I'm not sure if enemy planes can land on the airfields til they've taken them.
Thanks for your answers guys. You answered my question but I should have been clearer with my post. There is no chance of them being captured/overrun by ground troops as I've built them in a small hole deep within my territory. What I'm concerned about is enemy units landing on them via their own airbases. Is this possible or does a ground unit have to move onto from another ground square?
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