R&f civs you tried and enjoyed?


Jun 15, 2012
So, a fun question out of the new civs, which have you tried and enjoyed most? Any surprises or disappointing ones?

For me so far, I've loved Zulu and didn' like Cree, no real reason just couldn' get into them. Zulu uu are crazy strong, with corps and policy cards I had them at 56 strength.

Trying mister sexy Chandra next
Finished 2 games so far one with Korea the other poundmaker

I think I found the poundmaker game way more unique, as seondeok my science was just unfair and I was done with tech victory by turn 430 (epic) which is early for me. Much more of a traditional space race but I love the unique city layout. Makes defense against spying tougher.

Cree on the other hand, remind me of rome in their ability to raise a massive, highly populated civilization quickly. The mekewap is their most amazing draw. Take Magnus as an early governor pick, most of those trees won't be any better than a mekewap for a long time so harvest away!

I felt my cities practically built themselves. Took colonization belief and built ancestral hall, then got a monumentality dedication during rennaisance and expanded like mad dumping all my money and faith into settlers and gold. I've never settled so much of the map so quickly as I did with the cree, their unique trade route ability really helped grab up the land too. CS starting near my didn't even get their 2nd tile ring.

One of the best things about them though is That, thanks to mekewaps, you can totally ignore terrain. As long as there are some bonus and a lux or two present you can turn even snowy, generally worthless land into a productive city. I played them on a shuffle map where probably 60-80% of the map was snow and tundra, it was amazing to be able to grab all the islands and spots other civs scoffed at.
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