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Tenet Rankings (4.2.7)

What? probably the best of all tenets. The free airport in every city is a cheat code. And I like it. Without it, conquest on larger maps would take too long and be too boring.
It's the main reason to pic autocracy at all. Take city, beam in units for blockade, move planes and your foothold is secured. Only nukes can spoil this.
I don't think they've utilized airports given the review is based around Zeros.

I kind of want to propose to nerf airlifts because of how OP this tenet is but at the same time it does speed up late game war. Tricky decision.

Being able to airlift entire armies shortly after discovering triplanes is silly, but nerfing airports just commits the player to more micro because you could get all your units where they need to be... Just with more clicks.

Maybe airlift shouldn't work if the city isn't at full HP?
Yeah tbh when I made the list the thought of aggressively pushing with Zeros while using conquered cities for forward airbases had never really crossed my mind. I had always just been focused on land and naval units when going Autocracy as it gives such good buffs and I was almost always pairing it with Imperialism. In the Autocracy game I did after people told me about Zeros I did most of my conquest before Zeros unlocked and went for a CV so I didn't make use of them, but I'll have to try it next time.
We already nerfed airports quite a bit by removing the :tourism: boost from airports.
We already nerfed airports quite a bit by removing the :tourism: boost from airports.

How many units do they allow to place? Also 6?
Maybe it’s worth reducing it to +2, so that there are 4 units and aircraft carriers are used more often?
Although this may hurt games with one huge continent.

It would be good to limit the appearance of free buildings from tenets until the necessary technology is discovered. At the moment the technology is discovered, the building will appear in the city, but not earlier.

In one game I could take tenet with airports for 5 technologies before the airports opened. This is absurd.
I don't think they've utilized airports given the review is based around Zeros.

I kind of want to propose to nerf airlifts because of how OP this tenet is but at the same time it does speed up late game war. Tricky decision.

Being able to airlift entire armies shortly after discovering triplanes is silly, but nerfing airports just commits the player to more micro because you could get all your units where they need to be... Just with more clicks.

Maybe airlift shouldn't work if the city isn't at full HP?
Airlifts shouldn't be possible if either city (source, destination) is in enemy's interception range?
It would be good to limit the appearance of free buildings from tenets until the necessary technology is discovered. At the moment the technology is discovered, the building will appear in the city, but not earlier.
Then the free Military Academies and Research Labs are pointless. The others too, but at least free Factories = 5 free coal and Universal Healthcare has a secondary ability.
Airlifts shouldn't be possible if either city (source, destination) is in enemy's interception range?

Then the free Military Academies and Research Labs are pointless. The others too, but at least free Factories = 5 free coal and Universal Healthcare has a secondary ability.
Interception range is cool and makes sense thematically. As we saw in 2022 at Hostomel, you cannot airlift in contested airspace.
Airlifts shouldn't be possible if either city (source, destination) is in enemy's interception range?

Then the free Military Academies and Research Labs are pointless. The others too, but at least free Factories = 5 free coal and Universal Healthcare has a secondary ability.

But why should a building from tenet appear before the empire understands the significance of this building?

If the building is researched and built before tenet is accepted, the empire will receive a return in hammers, as the regular version of the building will be replaced with a free version. Accepting tenet in this case will mean some instant production bonus for the next building or unit.

Why do free Factories = free coal? No coal is required for construction. but it is still necessary for the building to function.
It would be good to limit the appearance of free buildings from tenets until the necessary technology is discovered. At the moment the technology is discovered, the building will appear in the city, but not earlier.
I could agree with that, at least for airports. Free building is a free building so even for other tenets why shouldn't it wait till the tech is there? it sill saves you several turns of building it + gold.
Interception range is cool and makes sense thematically. As we saw in 2022 at Hostomel, you cannot airlift in contested airspace.
That would make them much less useful and then other level 3 tenets of other trees will need to be nerfed as well. point of level 3 tenets is acceleration to victory condition.

Hostomel had nothing to do with interception. It was an obvious place where Russia would attack. Ukraine just place artillery beforehand all around the airfield pointing at the airfield. they just let them land and then shelled them to oblivion. Over and over again. The could probably have stopped that with WW1 type artillery and with more modern one it was just a blood bath for the Russians.
The real take-away from this war is, that all you need for defense is anti-tank, anti-air and artillery.
If the policies that give buildings require you to have the technology, then most of them would need a buff. As it is, the airport one in autocracy is basically the only good one, and sometimes the factory one in order because of its free coal. The only value in the others is to get the building much earlier than it's available, when it is more valuable. You don't wait 10-20 turns for a policy that saves you 3-4 turns of building one building in each city.
You don't wait 10-20 turns for a policy that saves you 3-4 turns of building one building in each city.
I don't often actually choose these building type tenets as they are often too late, when I already built them.

But it's only 3-4 turns if you also invest about 800 gold per city. The wider you play, the more it's worth it. At 10 cities that is then a lot of gold and 10 less units you could have made in the meantime.
I don't often actually choose these building type tenets as they are often too late, when I already built them.

But it's only 3-4 turns if you also invest about 800 gold per city. The wider you play, the more it's worth it. At 10 cities that is then a lot of gold and 10 less units you could have made in the meantime.
There might be situational cases where this isn't true, like if I'm losing badly, but typically on a wide civ by that point in the game the gold cost is trivial. I'm usually doing "Invest All" every time I unlock a new building. It just doesn't compete with a policy that will give me a real permanent bonus. I'd sooner choose a non-ideology policy than something that gives me the equivalent of 10 units and then never helps me again.
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