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REF doesn't attack. What to do?


Nov 9, 2005
King sent some of his troops to attack me. I defeated whem. Revolution screen shows that king has more troops. But kings ships only go in circles near one of my colonies. Nothing changes for a few turns already. What to do?
It's a known issue :(
Cross your fingers and wait. If you still got some time, might be ok...
He will snap out at some point... Or sometimes he will not...
Maybe save a game so you can try again.

Pulling out the troops out of your coastal cities might help if they keep bombarding...
Also - if you got the time and ressources - you can win by sinking all his ships. Use some cheap ships as bait, attack damaged MoW with SotL.
In a similar thread Bloink posted a tip that might work:
This same situation has happened to me in two seperate games. The Kings ships just start spinning circles in front of my cities even though there are units left in Europe.

Take heart! I found a way to force them to head back and get troops.

If you have any ships left, send them out beyond your sea borders, but within range of the Kings ships. This will "unstick" at least one or two of the Kings ships and they will head back and get troops.

It doesn't have to be a warship that does this, just build a Merchie if you don't have any ships left.
Ok. I have two trade ships. I will try to make those MoWs sail away
if you don't have a ship you might also cheat and create a ship, to pull them off. It ain't ideal but it might just save the game.

Could we change the victory condition to who has more settlement say 25-30 turns after the declaration?

The United Stated didn't really defeat Britain as much as drive up war wariness in Britain.
The United Stated didn't really defeat Britain as much as drive up war wariness in Britain.

Say what? The only effective field force the Brit's had left in 1781 was Lord Cornwallis' army that got bottled up at Yorktown. The British navy was defeated at the Battle of the Capes and sailed away leaving the British army (literally) up the creek without a paddle. The British army tried to escape the siege but failed, and in the end they surrendered. England was out of money and out of troops. We kicked their butt. With a whole bunch of French help, to be sure.
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