Refrigeration / Supermarket


Retired Wonder Architect
Oct 1, 2003
Tervuren, Belgium

I shamelessly stole Julo's wonder idea and turned it into a new tech/improvement.
I'm using this for my next version of The Missing Links.

Tech: Refrigeration
(prereq Electricity + Sanitation)
Building: Supermarket
(prereq granary) increases effect of granary


PS. The Missing Links 2 is available :here


  • refrig.jpg
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the supermarket building itself comes from some Simcity fansite. I found it "by accident" when typing "supermarket" in the images lookup of Altavista. :D
Any chance of a Zipped Version? I feel much more comfortable using .ZIP Files then I do with .rar files.
zip-files are much bigger than rar-archives, so I always use winrar instead of winzip, and with the small explorer-extension it's more usefull to me than winzip ;)
but main reason is the better compression, so the mod was compressed with winrar +1MB more than with winzip, if I uploaded all files of my site with winzip instead of winrar I need 30-40MB more, so I can use this webspace for other useful stuff ;)

hope you understand my decision
Originally posted by AK47
(prereq granary) increases effect of granary

How does it increase the effect of granary?
Originally posted by warpstorm
How does it increase the effect of granary?
Hehe, good point. I wondered the same, too. Granary is only giving double growth when it's full. Is it going to be "quatriple (sp?)" or something? Maybe we better test it within the game.
I only made this yesterday, so I haven't had time to test it in game yet. I just gave it "doubles city growth rate", like granary.
I figured, if you have library/univesity/research lab , with each time "+50% science output", should work for this too ? Let me know if you have experienced otrherwise.
Maybe it should be so tha if the granary halves the food needed to grow, the supermarket takes it down to 1/3 of the original amount...?
AAAaaaargh !!
I did a first test in-game, and at first sight, the supermarket doesn't make any difference.
Help !
Any suggestions ? Anyone ever tried to do this before ?
A possibility is that Hospitals make 1 or 2 people happy and Longevity increases Happiness of them or/and gives 3 happy faces in the city of origin to free up the +2 to cities for the Supermarket.

Or, if you have Conquests, why not have the Supermarket create a unit called "Goods" or something every 5 turns that has no movement, no attack, no defense or anything, but can be disbanded in the City to provide some shields towards production. Just a thought though.
thanks, some interesting thoughts.
Don't have Conquests yet, but maybe I should get it asap.
Still can't figure out why "doubles city growth rate" won't work on a 2nd improvement. Is it the same with for instance "increases luxury trade" ? Meaning it works for the marketplace, but won't do anything for a 2nd imrpovement with this ability?
Damn, Kal-El confirmed that both of these flags only will work on 1 building, but do nothing for a 2nd one.
I'll keep thinking for an alternative use. If someone comes up with any suggestions, pls post here.
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