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Religion: Are you getting spammed with GPPs and Missionaries?

Yes I just played a game where EVERYONE was determined to have their faith be dominant in my cities. I wasn't trying to go after a religion because Persia's religion suited my needs nicely. But I can imagine how annoying that would be when you DO have a religion.
The worst possible scenario is usually no majority faith at all, which is a likely result of being pressured by everyone.

This is because if there is no majority faith, you can't faith purchase GPs. So long for those saved up scientists and engineers!
I'm usually ok with my outer cities being converted as long as their new religion has a building that I can build. Nothing like having a pagoda, cathedral, mosque and monastery all in the same city. I keep a flock of inquisitioners around to reconvert them when necessary. Buy them early when they are the cheapest.
This is probably the most powerful religion pressure build i found in the game:

1. Play Arabia
2. Get Reformation belief: Unity of prophets and Increased pressure Enhancer belief
3. Get the national wonder that doubles the religious pressure from your capital (it works over trade routes).
4. Use your trade routes agressively to push the religion onto your neigbours.
5. Station in your every city an inquisitor.
6. When your neighbour creates a first religion, bomb it with your prophet immediately. He will need to wait for another prophet to get it back, but your unity of prophets will make your religion endure. The pressure from other cities + the crazy pressure from trade routes, will make it so everytime he gets a new population unit, it will be of your religion. So his growing capital will work against him. My pressure was smth like 115 vs his 30 in his holy city.

If you have some strong faith generating pantheon which your neigbour can take advantage too, he will get a lot of faith which in turn will lead to him getting his own prophet very soon, you don't want that. Generally take follower beliefs that give more of an advantage to you than to him.

On your continent, your religion will be absolutely dominant regardless of how many religionmongers you have.
Scott: Wait, are you saying that a Reformation belief gets attached to a religion, and able to be used by others?

Hm, then the AI doesn't know how to use Religious Sites appropriately.
This is what Venice had after 150 turns...

he wasn't too smart about it though, moved them to a small continent filled with nothing but barbarians. Most of them died.


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This is what Venice had after 150 turns...

he wasn't too smart about it though, moved them to a small continent filled with nothing but barbarians. Most of them died.

There is a Reformation Belief that makes all your missionaries convert any Barbarian they contact to your Civ - turns missionaries into incredibly effective scouts, but can also ruin your economy when you suddenly have to support an extra dozen units!
I used it in one game, had to keep gifting newly-converted barbs to city states to keep my economy in line, but also got to scout the entire continent while other civs were fighting off barbs. Haven't seen an AI civ use it, though...
Totally agree with what you said.I dont bother to play with the religion system lately in BNW. In my last game Ethiopia was left with one city after warring with me and I removed the Holy City title from his capital. Yet he spawned twice as much GPP with one city then my entire empire
AI in BNW will convert civs with no religion and city states ; very rarely do they mount a direct attack on your religion unless you happen to settle a city that doesn't get your religion right away and only then will they convert your 'empty' city.

I havent yet seen a GP attacking my holy city like they did in GnK; but I've seen my puppeted CS on venice converted due to distance from capital and low religious pressure.
I honestly have never had this problem. A lot of it can come down to city placement, I'd wager. Just make sure your cities have a decent amount of pressure on them and you'll rarely have a problem apart from the border settlements. Also that inquisitor tip is great, I never knew that. I might start experimenting with religious outposts getting hold of people in foreign lands now I don't need to worry about conversion!
There is a Reformation Belief that makes all your missionaries convert any Barbarian they contact to your Civ - turns missionaries into incredibly effective scouts, but can also ruin your economy when you suddenly have to support an extra dozen units!
I used it in one game, had to keep gifting newly-converted barbs to city states to keep my economy in line, but also got to scout the entire continent while other civs were fighting off barbs. Haven't seen an AI civ use it, though...

I just checked the save game, he didn't have that. All his missionaries were just killed on boats or captured (that would require piety 5, right?)

Totally agree with what you said.I dont bother to play with the religion system lately in BNW. In my last game Ethiopia was left with one city after warring with me and I removed the Holy City title from his capital. Yet he spawned twice as much GPP with one city then my entire empire

How does that even work anyways? I once nuked one religion from ALL cities, including the holy city and a good number of turns later they were all 90% that religion again.
I kill off holy cities routinely; but the provisio is I control the holy city.

Just send in an inquistor.

The problem with 'nuking' uncaptured holy cities is AI with lots of faith will just buy missionaries from unconverted cities or use GP to convert back.

Some won't care but some do.
I just checked the save game, he didn't have that. All his missionaries were just killed on boats or captured (that would require piety 5, right?)

How does that even work anyways? I once nuked one religion from ALL cities, including the holy city and a good number of turns later they were all 90% that religion again.

Their prophets still spawn and convert cities which is highly annoying.

I have also learned not to choose beliefs that give the host city faith in games where you plan to spread your religion globally. The result is that foreign civs that you converted that never had any other faith production of their own eventually get a religion and start spamming prophets.
My solution is initerant preachers - I try get it every time even if I don't plan to play "piety" game.

Make your religion dominant early and AIs will waste their missionaries and prophets in vain (mostly). Save your prophets for later when AIs have used their cheaper ones and send 3 or so prophets simultaneously to destroy other religions and make yours dominant. If you also got tithe, enjoy your free cash flow from everywhere and ignore missionaries since your religion cannot be killed by AI, ever.

This works pretty well but is pretty boring since every game becomes pretty similar. I just can't be bothered to micromanage missionaries for the whole game :/
I find in some games with religious flavoured Civs in them (Celts) it can be hard to capture cities of other Civs as they get surrounded by great prophets and missionaries; the 1upt means you cannot march past and the volume of spammed units can slow the march down
If you go Piety, Holy Order is definately an amazing enhancer belief now.

A missionary costs I think 110-120 faith before renaissance, 160 in renaissance and 220-240 in industrial. Don't quote me on that but it's incredibly cheap. Coupled with the Mosque of Djenne and Evangelism (missionaries erode other religions), you can bomb fully developed religions on another continent with just missionaries. In general, the AIs will fight back and you need some patience but they'll eventually run out of faith while you can keep spamming. Mix in 1-2 prophets for bigger cities and you can convert the whole world.

I mean, I've done it on Immortal as Byzantium. Tithe plus World Religion as founder beliefs and 60 cities following my religion on turn 230. :)

It's also a nice way to provoke wars. But don't worry, when they realize they've lost the religious battle they will all vote for your religion in world congress. ^^
In some games its prolific, and others it doesn't take place at all.
Depends on what Civs your playing against.
Some seem to be worse than others.

Yeah, I see missionary spam constantly. It's quite hard to stop in some instances, it makes me want to declare war and have them all executed :).

I have started wars over it, if the leader won't honor my request to stop doing it.
The Great Prophets are too powerful. It should not be possible to convert a city's religion with only one prophet in just one or two turns. This is totally unrealistic and unreasonable. There SHOULD be an option to turn off religion in a game.
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