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Removing Great Military Instructors


Jun 7, 2007
Hello there!

Can anyone be so kind as to point out the location in which I can mod out Great Military Instructors for GGs? I see that Total Realism has done it, and I'm interested in this concept, but I want to do it without just setting <iexperience> to 0.

Any responses would be great :)

I think it would be with the GG in the Civ4UnitInfos.xml. There is most likly a tag where that says somthing like SPECIALIST_MILITARY_INSTRUCTER just change that to NONE (I'm not at a comp w/ civ :().
I would think it's there, but I don't see it in civ4unitinfo.xml.. I don't see that kind of a tag anyway.
if I am right - or if windows search is anyway, not in any of those files except in civlopedia..
I got to my computer and found out that a Military Instructer is actualy a Great General. :confused:
In Civ4UnitInfos.xml change the code that looks like:
And you should be alright. :thumbsup:
That apparently gets rid of the great generals altogether.. what I'm trying to do is to just disable the great military instructor function, but keep the warlord in there...
That's what that does. It only removes the instructor. For some reason Firaxis decided to call the military instructor Great General in the xml (Note the Type Tag is SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL not UNIT_GREAT_GENERAL).
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