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request: finish Zoroastrianism?


Aug 15, 2010
It doesn't feel helpful or comfortable for me to make a request without offering anything, but the only things I've changed in my copy of Rhye's are civ dynamic names and religious spread rates, and those are easy XML. I have few graphical skills. So here goes. I hope this isn't a breach of etiquette or rules, as I've just lurked here for a while.

Zoroastrianism has been implemented in quite a few modmods now - RFCC, DoC, abbamouse's RRM, RoM, SYNTHESIS. Thanks to the combined efforts of the modders involved in the above, most of the assets required for its implementation in anyone's version of Civ IV have been made and float around in various workings:
temples and a shrine (named Adur Burzen-Mihr in abbamouse's rendition, not sure about the others)
construction buttons for the above
a sound (there's one in RoM's Assets)

But so far as I know, no-one's ever produced:
a monastery
a missionary skin
a founding movie
a picture for the shrine (the one that comes up in a window when it's built)

And, although this might be finicky, I'm reluctant to play a game with Zoroastrianism until it's fully Asseted and looks integrated and professional. Even though I'd really like it in there. So please can I make the request/suggestion that we collect all the materials needed to do so in one place, like this thread. And that someone could make them. If there's really no-one interested (and I know at least one person requested a Zoroastrian missionary skin in a generic request thread, so at least I'm not alone) then feel free to slap me and I guess I'll have to start learning Python(?) and Photoshop myself.

I have some further questions about how religious mechanics work, as I basically like the vanilla RFC, and I'd only want to change the religions in a manner that would look like Leoreth's version Lite, with bits and bobs from abbamouse's version:

0. Renamed missionary units:
Christianity = Missionary
Islam = Da'eiah
Hinduism = Swami
Taoism = Sage
Zoroastrianism = Magi
Buddhism = Acariya
Judaism = Rabbi
And some renamed buildings:
Christian Temple is called a Church, Jewish Monastery is called a Yeshiva maybe, etc.

1. In DoC, Zoroastrianism is founded with Monarchy, which the Persians spawn with. This is, again, finicky, but it just seems 'right' to me that it should be founded with Monotheism, *before* Judaism is founded. I suppose this could be implemented by making the Persians found earlier than Judaism instead of vice versa, or making the Babylonians' AI beeline for Monotheism, or swapping/renaming Monotheism with Monarchy in the tech tree, or changing the tree even more. If none of that is workable, then DoC works OK. It would in any case replace Confucianism and spread relatively slowly (70) so it dominates Central Asia, but not usually more. Occasionally Russia might grab it through Samarkand and so on, for alternate history enthusiasts.

2. Judaism would still exist, but it would be founded only in an independent Jerusalem at the normal time (2000BC, is it?), not through any technological research. (Is this possible? Is Monotheism how RFC makes Jerusalem the founder of Judaism normally?) It would spread very little (30), so the only likely way it would become a civ's main religion would be through the use of Rabbis and the construction of standard buildings and Solomon's Temple. This would kill two birds with one stone. a)It would simulate the largely national nature of Judaism until its forcible diaspora through the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel and the Jews' captivity; for example, if the Babylonians conquered it. b)It would allow a human, or more rarely AI, player to cultivate an alternate history in which Judaism was more widespread than IRL.

3. Christianity would be founded in Jerusalem in 33AD (or nearby) regardless of who controlled it. This would provide the Ethiopians with an alternative strategy. It would spread quickly (100) so it usually overruns pagan Europe, but as you can see, I don't like making any of the religions spread as fast as they do in DoC. It would otherwise be unchanged. (Founded with Theology, etc.)

4. Islam would be unchanged except that its spread rate would be a more modest, but still fastest, 105.

5. Hinduism and Buddhism would be unchanged except that the former would spread at a normally India-centric rate of 50 and the latter at a rate of 85.

6. Confucianism would be represented ingame in the same manner as DoC; Academies replacing Universities as the Chinese UB and UHV necessity.

7. Taoism would be unchanged except that its spread rate would be a normally China-centric 55.

I'd be interested in any response whatsoever. Thanks in advance.
who needs freakin' Zoroastrianism these days, man

especially now that you've removed confucianism too, which some people love to object to, along with other changes. I'd just play DoC straight away.
I think, imo, if you're requesting for graphic image or such.. you should go to a sub-forum where designer loves to hang out lol -idk where :)
Because afaik afa I'm here.. peoples I met around here commonly either Programmer or Historian lol
It'll be nicer if you create an in-game sketch about Zoroastrian Monastery and such then post here so we can help suggesting idea or something :)
You can do the name changes for units and buildings quite easily your self simply by tweaking the XML you know. It ain't much but it is a start and gives you something to do until someone makes you the art you want.
You can do the name changes for units and buildings quite easily your self simply by tweaking the XML you know. It ain't much but it is a start and gives you something to do until someone makes you the art you want.

I know that. But, well, the graphics are essential. There's not much point in proceeding without them.
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