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  • Is this a Facebook? Why would I need one?
    It's a Myspace and Livejournal.
    wow. It can be commented on lol.
    ...and looks like it appears in the same place as VMs.

    anyway, nice to know you lol.
    Yeah I can see that, I mean, you enroll in Brawijaya? thats the only school there that I know had medical/doctor degree.
    About the picture, the clothing are straight out of his wax from Madam Tussaud, the face from wikipedia and the background is Gedung Indonesia Menggugat. Im just putting them together and slap some contrast and layers to glue them off together, so you can see that with very minimal effort, the end product looks very off in certain places haha.
    Ya, orang bintaro mas, salam kenal.
    I plan on splitting Indonesia. I want to do Majaphit, Sirivijaya, and Suharto. But my designs are a bit too complicated, and clash withe each other(the first two).
    So... I saw your signature, and I am interested in making civilizations from the Malay archiplego, so... Do you have any suggestions?
    It doesn't actually matter if it could happen. Going down that route would make this my job. I am happy to keep it my hobby.
    Hi! Sorry for the late reply, but thanks a lot for the message! Well, my parents already came to Indonesia in the 1960s/1970s, during the height of the Cold War and when "Orde Baru" was established. So I have been in Germany all my life, and only visited the relatives in Indonesia for a couple of times. So what abour you? :)

    BTW: do you think Prabowo is going to make trouble now that he lost?
    When I read the city names provided by Sanguivorant I searched medieval arabic maps of Iberia because I live in Madrid and I was told in highschool that it was called Al-Magerit (He said Mayrit) so I wanted to make sure. It seems to have many names
    I'm great! I just returned from a trip to a central Oregon oasis/canyon. Back to work on my America thread.
    There's not much difference between Masri and formal Arabic. The I my difference I would say is that for Masri, switch every 'j' to 'g'.
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