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Request RE: Workers & Spain


AKA, Ramen Empire
Aug 5, 2008

Love this mod. Won't play without it.

Here's a Christmas wish list:

Spain's 200 :commerce: for discovering a natural wonder can turn the tide on a quick game, and it's almost inconsequential on a marathon game. The civ who gets extra :commerce: from barbarian camps gets more or less depending on the game speed. Could this also be true for Spain?


Workers... May I direct your attention to this thread?

Is it within the power of the magnificent minds here to mess with worker AI and do any of the tweaks spoken of in this thread? It's be great if the unofficial patch fixed a glaring technical error. I miss big maps!


I posted this before seeing that there was no consensus that workers were the problem. Bah.
Spain should start out with a free scout just like in rise of nations

Excellent idea. It doesn't make sense historically, but should enhance the likelihood of finding NW's first, making Spain less hit or miss. This would work well with a consequent adjustment of the discovery bonus.
I don't believe we can fix the worker issue with our current modding tools, since unit AI (including workers) is done in the game core only Firaxis has access to. I looked over the thread, and if I missed a solution proposed there, please draw my attention to it. :)
I've added these suggestions in v131.2 beta. I agree the gold bonus is inherently hard to balance to different map sizes or early/late game, so I replaced it with the scout bonus. This suggestion took a while to add because I was on a break from modding at the time, and had higher priorities when I returned. :)
How about this: Finding a NW triggers a very short (2-5 turn) golden age? Golden ages have built-in impact scaling and the number of NWs are scaled to size of the map.
How about this: Finding a NW triggers a very short (2-5 turn) golden age? Golden ages have built-in impact scaling and the number of NWs are scaled to size of the map.

This is a great idea! I assume you mean just for Spain, yes?

One other thing I'd like to see is that if a NW is settled on, the empire receives +1:c5happy: - while they're good tiles to work, I always feel that they should have some slightly more dramatic impact once inside cultural borders.
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