[Request] Venice from Civ V


Nov 12, 2016
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could make a Venice civ like from Civ 5.

I know it would not be balanced if it was an exact copy due to how tiles work now, but I'm okay with it. (Or if it was changed I'd be okay with it. I'm relay not trying to be picky as I know I'm requesting someone to do this with their free time and getting nothing out of it.)

So if anyone wants to do this, I'd very much appreciate it.
My idea for a Venetian civ like Civ V's one (I'm open for better ideas):

Spoiler :

U.A.: Serenissima: Can't gain settlers nor annex cities. Trade routes yields are doubled. Can purchase in puppeted cities. When research Celestial Navigation, a free Merchant of Venice appears.
U.U.: Merchant of Venice: Replaces the settler. Can purchase a city-state. Can't be produced, but when you recruit a Great Merchant or a Great Admiral, you have the opition to chose or the great person, or the Merchant of Venice.

U.I.: Canal Grando: Unique district that replaces the Harbor. Gives +3 Housing, +2 culture, +1 trade route and +4 turism after research the Cultural Heritage civic. Contains 1 slot for Great Work of Art

Enrico Dandolo

U.L.A.: Fourth Crusade: All units receive bonus speed and strenght after declaring surprise wars. Can build Great Galleas
Agenda: Eternal Doge: Dislikes you if you have more gold and more ships than him. Can't be trusted by non-profitable civs...
Unic Leader Unit.: Great Galleas: A medieval naval ranged unit stronger than the quadrireme, but weaker than the frigate, have bonus strenght while attacking cities or fortified units.
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