Research Speed Mod Idea


Oct 20, 2016
Anyone know if theres a way to lower research speeh but not production in this version. Im hoping that this will be part of the options and not be needed in form of a mod for multiplayer purposes.
From the looks of it the settings file for the gamespeeds only has one cost multyplier for everything. So you will have to either lower the cost for all units, Buildings, districks and wonders, or raise the costs for all techs and civics.
Yes and no.

The issue I ran into is there is a base Cost Multiplayer which effects Tech/Building/Unit etc cost.

It is not broken down.

It will take some time to find a way to break this down
I don't see an easy way of breaking it down unless you go into individual buildings/units/techs and modify cost there. I used to like to be able to increase research costs by 600% so that I can stay in ages longer.
I don't see an easy way of breaking it down unless you go into individual buildings/units/techs and modify cost there. I used to like to be able to increase research costs by 600% so that I can stay in ages longer.

But this sounds good enough if you can modify each building etc
I don't see an easy way of breaking it down unless you go into individual buildings/units/techs and modify cost there. I used to like to be able to increase research costs by 600% so that I can stay in ages longer.

I agree.

I wonder tho with a SQL or Lua maybe you can
it used to be so simple and with all the workshop "mods" that edited just this how could they possible think this was a good idea to lump it all into one. So much for an easier to mod game.
This has me frustrated as I don't think ive played a standard game in forever, its just no fun to fly through all the ages and not "experience" them
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