Revolution for 3.19


Nov 25, 2003
Hi everyone,

If you're looking for a copy of Revolution for 3.19, then you'll need to get RevolutionDCM 2.5 which should be posted in a day or two.

At some point I will go back and release a standalone version of Revolution for BTS 3.19, I don't know when that will happen but probably at the end of July at the earliest. At that time I plan to also put out standalone copies of some of the sub-components of Revolution (like DynamicCivNames) as well.

I'm going to be on vacation for most of the next couple weeks.

Yes please do. I tried to make something like this myself but do not have the skill. I just took a copy of 3.19 and used winmerge to copy in from 2.5 anything that was marked as "Revolution." That had compiler errors that demanded I put in a few more pieces of your stuff from other modifications, and eventually I got it to build but it crashed on startup.

RevDCM 2.5 is so huge and radical that I cannot add the simplest modifications to it without breaking something, and coming on top of 3.19 its a real backbreaker, especially to newbies to SDK modding like me. I just took 2.5 and put in my code, a few lines in a few files to add more eras of unit graphical styles, plus a total of three lines of code by koma 13 that make all terrain naval units buildable inland, and this totally had linking errors, probably because I had to also add stuff into areas that are totally new to 2.5.

I understand they want to roll up a bunch of cool stuff, but stand alones (that might not break other modifications that I might want to use) of simpler components is really needed. Something like 1.65, except for 3.19, would be ideal.
I really want this and am trying to make it myself. Here's what I'm trying.

It isn't working. The method of demerging that I'm using works for small modifications like Autoplay, but not for Revolution. I might make a really stripped down version from old versions instead. I'd rather have yours, though, Mr Jdog sir.
I made it. Revolution for BtS 3.19. It seems to work.

it doesnt work properly :/
Fantastic, well done!

I don't know when I might have time to bring in the new pieces from RevDCM to a straight Revolution version ... it won't be for a while, so thank you for doing this!

Do you have to hand the a list of which files contain the code for barb civ, Revoultion, Aiautoplay, tech diffusion and dynamic civ names ?
it doesnt work properly :/

Do you have to hand the a list of which files contain the code for barb civ, Revoultion, Aiautoplay, tech diffusion and dynamic civ names ?

It's all intertwined. And RevDCM offers everything that a pure rev component offers, further the components in RevDCM that are different can be turned off, and creating a seperate component will take away time available toward RevDCM development. So really, there is no point in doing so, and it will harm the overall project, at least at this time. Please don't bug jdog to do this, there is no benifit from it.

The funny thing is Voltage, I can see your little mind and it's desire to berate BBAI. You need to accept the fact it's part of RevDCM; the AI needs to understand the new concepts, and the AI logic code cannot be easily extricated from revolutions. Deal with it, or pick a different mod to use as a base. Seriously I'm tired of pricks bugging jdog about things that aren't broken. You want MP fixed, you want the AI to understand something better, fine bring the specific issue you have to the attention of the forum, but extricating Revolutions from the RevDCM core is not a priority of development. I've learned to live with WoC, you can learn to accept BBAI, or move on.
No, it doesn't work properly. Sorry, my enthusiasm was premature. The DLL compiled and it looks like Revolution is working, and it doesn't crash, but new civs are never generated by Rebellion. Also, sorry for bugging Jdog. I'll try to do it myself. Probably a good learning exercise.

My reasons for wanting a separate component are not so much that as a player I don't want those additional components. The reason I want this is that I prefer its utility for modding and don't consider the additional elements essential.

For one thing, it is easier to merge components one at a time. Also, I don't have any use for that giant TGA and all that modular loading stuff. A TGA that big means you have too many religions and corporations and bonuses. Modular components, in my opinion, lead to things being less organized. Like, you have a mod with all these civs that were added one module at a time and have to deal with individual modules instead of finding everything you need in certain orthodox files (CivlilizationInfos etc...). Its like with the text. I have my game text organized by what it is, everything about units, everything about buildings, etc... just like the original civ files. When I merge in mods I get these additional files that are just organized by what component they came from and can't ever find anything. For example, I get the Italy Mod and the text for it is in a file for all the Italy mod stuff, rather than organized by Units, Buildings, Leaders, etc... I see that kind of (to me) undesirable organization as the direction of what modular loading will lead to. So I take modular components apart and put them in regular files. And I'm trying to take RevDCM apart and make it into separate modcomps, for manual reassembly as desired, by the modder. Old fashioned I guess.
Hmm hello.
It's all intertwined. And RevDCM offers everything that a pure rev component offers, further the components in RevDCM that are different can be turned off, and creating a seperate component will take away time available toward RevDCM development.
Not asking for it to be done by Jdog5000 himself, I understand hes a busy man. I extracted the 'New Diplomacy option' from RevDCM, i quite like doing stuff like that so im not just a free loader constantly begging! Just need some key information on how to extract other parts from RevDCM, what can be extracted and what cannot. Im going to attempt doing 3.19 standalone myself and would like thoughts of what steps to take from experianced people. I dont think Jdog5000 will care what people extract, More people playing Revoultions the better!

phungus420 said:
The funny thing is Voltage, I can see your little mind and it's desire to berate BBAI.
Im not attacking BBAI, its an aquired taste. For me its not playable with double/triple AI turn times and other people with fast pcs dont have that problem. Nearly all the mods use BBAI, so I actually enjoy picking parts I like from all sections of the forums. Majority of it is from Jdog5000 :lol:

You need to accept the fact it's part of RevDCM; the AI needs to understand the new concepts, and the AI logic code cannot be easily extricated from revolutions.
Not sure what you mean here. Im asking good questions here phungus420. I understand its part of RevDCM and Its not just me who wants to make a Rev3.19 stand alone patch. We just need some key info of how to go about it.

Q. Is there any components inside RevDCM that will not work without the other?
Q. To get 3.19 working do we just need the code quoted 'Revolution' in the source files.
Q. Is there BetterAI code that helps the AI understand Revolutions and code to help them battle it. If there is, which files could i find that in?

phungus420 said:
Seriously I'm tired of pricks bugging jdog about things that aren't broken.
Emotional today sir? It is a public forum, you could pick what you want to read, it maybe better for your health.

phungus420 said:
You want MP fixed, you want the AI to understand something better, fine bring the specific issue you have to the attention of the forum, but extricating Revolutions from the RevDCM core is not a priority of development.
I dont play MP. I havent asked Jdog5000 for the AI to do something different.
phungus420 said:
I've learned to live with WoC, you can learn to accept BBAI, or move on.
Sounds like an ultimatum to me :confused: Dont understand why you are so upset. Jdog5000 makes the source files public, so he doesnt mind how people want to play his work.
Q. To get 3.19 working do we just need the code quoted 'Revolution' in the source files.

You need more. I tried that first. I merged everything marked Revolution_Mod. It didn't compile. So I also included Auto play and Civ changer material. This didn't work either, but got farther in the process with fewer errors. I had to include a line or two of Better BTS AI (my objection to it is that if I include it, will I not drag in the need to include even more of Rev DCM? ) and eliminate an AI related line not marked as part of any modification. My notes say something about line 3688 in CvGameTextMgr.cpp. There's a check for pPlotCity where it simply can't be found and two lines of consequences. I just got rid of the check and made the consequences always happen. This compiled and linked, and I have a functional DLL. The reason my mod doesn't work is most likely in the xml and python or possibly even the ini. I started doing this part by just starting with the old Revolution 1.65 material and it loaded up just like it was, land looked like it was working. But didn't. Which in retrospect, it shouldn't, its amazing it doesn't crash or lose interface ( like just using the unmodified material from RevDCM except the TGA does).
Im not attacking BBAI, its an aquired taste. For me its not playable with double/triple AI turn times and other people with fast pcs dont have that problem

I'm a COMPLETE outsider to this conversation and will remain so after this post...but I just wanted to be sure that you did know that BBAI has been updated to produce turn times in line with (nearly equal) with vanilla BTS with the most recent patch I believe. That would seem to knock off a chunk of your issue as such you stated.
I'm a COMPLETE outsider to this conversation and will remain so after this post...but I just wanted to be sure that you did know that BBAI has been updated to produce turn times in line with (nearly equal) with vanilla BTS with the most recent patch I believe. That would seem to knock off a chunk of your issue as such you stated.
Its not quite at vanilla, I done some testing monday night with AutoPlay component.. I get these turn times industrial age onwards...

Vanilla 6-10s
New Better AI - 18-28s (With some turns over 35secs).
Old Better AI 25-45s (With some turns taking minutes)

My computer is quite rubbish, some people dont have any problems with the mods that use betterAI and im jealous :lol: I respect the people that take the time making these great additions to BTS but increasing turn time is the big problem, I find slow games sucking life out of me. I guess its why a lot of people download the mods, play a few times then shelve the game for a couple months. But Revolution packed inside a Vanilla BTS DLL file is making my mouth water :lol:
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