RFC:E with SVG: A visual checklist


Mar 22, 2011
Over the last week I've created an HTML+SVG checklist for which civilizations one has completed. It is mainly intended for personal use (no in-page comparison between different players), but the URL it creates can easily be shared.

Developed/tested on Firefox 10, but should hopefully work in other modern browsers as well.

Link (0.6 MB, with a fair bit of SVG work)

Click regions to toggle their status (default is "not completed"). This updates the hash of the URL. Copy this in full to share with friends, family, mammals, etc. For example, this is the URL I have saved for my completed civs:


The page is completely stand-alone, so saving it to your computer will work fine. Share freely. And yes, the visual design is very "plain", for lack of a nicer word :)
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