RFCEurope 1.3

Kinda got into some further updates in the tech tree after I moved around a couple things when fixing the Norwegian UHV/UP.
There were quite a few small things that disturbed me, now I'm much more statisfied with the general layout for the first part of the tree.
Every part of the change is up for discussion, as always:

Biblotheca Corviniana requires Patronage and Paper instead of Patronage and Public Works
Marco Polo's Embassy obsoletes on Trading Companies instead of Astronomy
Theodosian Walls obsolete on Gunpowder instead of Education
St. Sophia requires Civil Service instead of Guilds (and Philosophy)
Kalmar Castle moved to Military Tradition from Professional Army
University moved to Education from Philosophy
Inn moved to Clockmaking from Education
Manor House and Chateau obsoletes with Paper instead of Divine Right
Free Great Theologian for the first civ to discover Philosophy
Removed redundant tech requirement of Theology from Philosophy
Moved Magna Carta and Golden Bull to Philosophy from Divine Right
Moved St. Basil Cathedral to Divine Right from Chemistry
Removed tech requirements for South America Access, East Asia Access - not needed to take space on the tech tree, as they don't have actual resources on the map
North America Access is special as we have one on the map near Iceland, but as it's preadded and removed early enough, still no need for tech requirement
Colonial Trade Route can be established after the discovery of Astronomy instead of Astrolabe
Astrolable no longer enables Ocean trading, only Optics
Inca and Aztec Conquest moved to Chemistry from Professional Army
Indian Trading Post, Gold Coast and Cuba moved to Professional Army
One thing I'm currently unsure of:
The West and East India Companies are buildable by everyone ATM. Yet all of the colonies need Atlantic Access, so you cannot really use them without an AA.
There are 2 directions I might follow:
- Just add an AA requirement to the India Companies as well. Trivial change, but I feel all the colonies are rather dull from a gameplay perspective with everything connected to them needing an AA.
- Remove AA requirement from some of the later colonies, so they only need the respective India Companies. AA could add a boost to their production instead of being a requirement.

Obviously the second one would result in the possibiity that some civs without a proper Atlantic port get access to 1-2 colonies.
Not sure if that would be bad for gameplay, and historically it's not that unrealistic.
Bah, I got a crash back to desktop as Genua after turn 200. It sounds as if it tries to start one of the "best of" windows before the crash...
Bah, I got a crash back to desktop as Genua after turn 200. It sounds as if it tries to start one of the "best of" windows before the crash...

Do you play with version 1.3 or 1.3.1?
Hm, I think its 1.3 - I got it at April 25, but when there is really 1.4 release out soon, than maybe I should wait for that before I play more of RFCE...

Will 1.4 break savegames?
One thing I'm currently unsure of:
The West and East India Companies are buildable by everyone ATM. Yet all of the colonies need Atlantic Access, so you cannot really use them without an AA.
There are 2 directions I might follow:
- Just add an AA requirement to the India Companies as well. Trivial change, but I feel all the colonies are rather dull from a gameplay perspective with everything connected to them needing an AA.
- Remove AA requirement from some of the later colonies, so they only need the respective India Companies. AA could add a boost to their production instead of being a requirement.

Obviously the second one would result in the possibiity that some civs without a proper Atlantic port get access to 1-2 colonies.
Not sure if that would be bad for gameplay, and historically it's not that unrealistic.

I like the idea of the second one - I think all civs with coastal access should be able to build colonies at some point even without Atlantic Access. It would also make it possible for Venice to get their 3rd UHV without doing silly stuff like trying to invade Morocco or vassalise Portugal.

EDIT: You could also make the final Muscovy goal to build a colony or capture Constantinople, rather than get an AA resource. That would be a more historic representation of how Russia began to exert naval power.
Bah, to bad either your 1.3 fix was also savegame breaking or 1.3.1... Also I wonder is it new that now Gunpowder is needed for Optics? - Why? - Somehow I cant see the logic with that.

There is a fix for both 1.3 and 1.3.1. If you apply them to correct version, neither of them will break savegames.
Didn't change Gunpowder and Optics, I guess it was always this way :)
Ah, yeah 1.3 to 1.3.1 was the savegame breaker... :/

Huh, didnt realease before that Optics needs the Gunpowder, probably because I always did need the Gunpowder earlier than I ever thought about Optics...

Btw. what was wrong with the Norwegian UHV/UP? - Havent played those yet, so I couldnt see any problems ;)
Nothing wrong per se, but the previous setup was only possible if Astrolabe tech also provided ocean trade and colonial trade route.
With the recent updates in the UP I was able to move them back to their proper place, Optics and Astronomy
Sry everyone, these changes in the last couple commits were way more time-consuming than I originally thought.
Well, I always hated the DCN names, but the city placement took even more time, with lots of balacing and testing.
Anyway, my last commit before the release will be up on the SVN in about half on hour, and 1.4 will follow that immediately.
Ah interesting, but I think I will wait till I try 1.4 until I have "completed" the most advanced savegames I currently have ;)
Ah interesting, but I think I will wait till I try 1.4 until I have "completed" the most advanced savegames I currently have ;)

Well, whenever you are ready.
Some feedback on the latest version is always very welcomed though ;)
(but actually feedback is always very welcomed, as many things in 1.3 are still valid here)
Anyway, have fun finishing your games!
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