Rhye's of Civilization - the fastest loading mod Expanded - PART II

Rhye said:
I'm sorry but it would be unfair. I was even tempted to change some other scores assigned to the goals for a better balancement after seeing a couple of submissions, but I kept myself from doing that.
But if all the challengers agree to retroactive changes, I could think about doing it. Let me know

Actually, you can disregard my previous suggestion. I knew I wouldn't have time to play it last night, but I fired Civ3 up quickly before I left just to have a nose around at the save file, and having read the little blurb on Atlantean history I got a sneaking suspicion that this game might be a bit shorter than regular GOTM type games. So I popped up the victory condition screen and - lo and behold - it was something like 130 turns long. So I think I can manage that tonight, and then hopefully I can complete the second part tomorrow night :) It may be a little rushed though, so micro-managament will probably be nearly non-existent :)

EDIT:// Forgot to mention regarding changing scores for certain goals:
If you have any changes in scoring you want to make once the games are all completed, then I wouldn't be averse to the idea. Perhaps if you draw up a list of old score allocations and proposed changes for all of us to have a look at.

Also, I noticed my name wasn't listed on the competitors list at your homepage..... :goodjob:
SilverKnight said:
BTW Rhye, I noticed that Cruisers do not ignore move cost of sea tiles, but do ignore move cost of ocean tiles. Destroyer ignore both, and neither ignore coast of course. I haven't changed this in my file for three reasons: 1) I wasn't sure of your intentions about this, 2) it actually makes for some fun navigating and added strategy about the destroyer/cruiser difference, and 3) I keep forgetting about it. :p Did you mean for it to be like that?

Thanks for the replys about game speed guys, but how about the technology-stuff?

Is playing on Emperor the only way to go (have never tried it, my biggest challenge has been Monarch which I find pretty tough in standard civ).

I played Greece last time and won quite easily (but again, that was on Warlord).

Emperor level using England to get a feel for it perhaps?

I am moving this weekend and starting a new education on monday, so there'l be no playing until next weekend for me :sad:

Thanks again, loving this mod!
How can i play this mod if i only have the german vanilla version?

i am searching all the time in the web, but i cant find an answer. the mod looks really cool, so i deffeantly want to try it out. can some one please help me?
SilverKnight said:
BTW Rhye, I noticed that Cruisers do not ignore move cost of sea tiles, but do ignore move cost of ocean tiles. Destroyer ignore both, and neither ignore coast of course. I haven't changed this in my file for three reasons: 1) I wasn't sure of your intentions about this, 2) it actually makes for some fun navigating and added strategy about the destroyer/cruiser difference, and 3) I keep forgetting about it. :p Did you mean for it to be like that?

sincerly....I don't remember. Almost an year has passed and I can't recall this detail.
Paragon said:
Thanks for the replys about game speed guys, but how about the technology-stuff?
Simple: Play at higher difficulty. At Warlord you have to research practically everything yourself. At Emperor and higher, you normally only research the direct way to Philosophy (+Religion in RoCX) in the AA, and maybe 1/2 - 3/4 of the techs in the other ages. Therefore you enter the Modern Age much earlier than at Warlord even at max research rate. (...that is, *if* you don't win or lose before, which actually happens most of the time at higher difficulties)

Emperor level using England to get a feel for it perhaps?
If you can win normal games on Monarch, Emperor in RoCX shouldn't be a big problem. Make sure to read the civ-specific strategy guides on Rhye's homepage. Whether England or any Central European civ would be easier depends on your playstyle: Choose England if you are a peaceful builder and hate early wars. Otherwise play a continental civ, preferably Germany or Rome.
In any case, make early contact with as much civs as possible, try to get some techs from goody huts, and learn how to trade.
I've decided to follow UWS's suggestion and I'm sending a proposal of change to every submitter.

This is the text:

we (the RGC Team) would like to know your opinion about our proposal of a slight change of the RGC3 goals.
Since the earliest submissions, we've noticed that some of the goals were impossible (such as "Control the Pyramids") and that Part2 was counting too much compated to Part1 in terms of points.

So, we would like to tune the scores a bit with your approval, as this would be retroactive. It will apply to both who has already submitted and who hasn't yet. The files would be updated accordingly.

-Control all the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World at the end of the game = 40pts
-Build the Great Library = 30pts
-Control the Mausoleum of Mausollos = 30pts
-Control the Pyramids = 30pts


-Greeks eliminated by 1300BC = 120pts INSTEAD OF 80
-Control cities in top 5 list at the end of the game = 10pts per city INSTEAD OF 5
-Game score bonus = 1pt per 5 game score points INSTEAD OF 1pt per 10
-Build a mine on a source of Orichalcum = 15pts each INSTEAD OF 30
-Settler safe in the victory location = 80pts each INSTEAD OF 100
-MALUS: -10pts per each time the final savegame has been reloaded INSTEAD OF -5

Please keep in mind that the potential winner isn't changing with these tunings.

If it is OK for you, please reply with "I agree" either by mail or here in the forum.
The proposal wll pass if I have 50%+1 of the sumbitters (so, 8)
I agree with the changes.
Rhye said:
If it is OK for you, please reply with "I agree" either by mail or here in the forum. The proposal wll pass if I have 50%+1 of the sumbitters (so, 8)
Sorry, but I generally don't like the idea of retroactive rule changes, because our strategies were built around the original goals.

Take as an example part 2: My focus was on bringing the settlers safe and early to the victory location and looking for orichalcum mines, while avoiding unnecessary and dangerous fights with hydras & centaurs. I might have chosen a different strategy with those proposed goal changes...

It's okay to remove goals that were indeed impossible (like controlling all 7 wonders), but that wouldn't matter at all. (although who knows if those goals only seem impossible?)

If you think that part 2 counted too much compared to part 1 (which I agree to), then the most simple and totally fair solution would be to scale down the overall score for part 2 to 50% or 75%. I think everyone could agree with this, as it doesn't affect strategic decisions.
There should be an aboriginal australian civ in replacement of sumerian civ so that they could settle Australia. You could find a way to isolate the Australian continent just as it occured in history. This would create an interesting civ to play if you could get the civilzation to be discovered by other civilzations extremely late, say the 1500s when you can cross oceans, then they would have a massive lack of tech which was seen in real life. The are also Australian leader heads, and creating a UU would be hard. Make their warrior and archer their UU unit because that is what the fought against the British when they were colonized. It would require some changing to assure isolation such as adding oceans. Think it over, Chris
PIII 766 with 392M of memory, it actually plays quite well until the end-game. One suggestion for speeding things up is to remove as many other civs as you can (ie play for conquest or at least aggro).

My second game took a couple of starts; first I got the Inca but I felt I needed to be able to eliminate civs and/or be involved in the European arena or game speeds might become untenable. I then got arabs for a start, but I don't care for expansion when I already know the map. I started a third time and got Greece.

1400AD and I have 24% of the world population and 7% of the world area. I have destroyed Egypt, Austria, Germany, Byzantines, and Babylon, with one remaining Persian city ready to disappear. 9000 gold in the bank, par on tech with the 2-3 leader civs and generating 40gpt surplus with 5 turn tech.

Two early strategies I think really helped with the start. First, I traded for workers whenever possible. Gold is easily available with this mod, so paying 200-300 gold for a worker is a fine price, since you have the money, the AI won't use it effectively, and you get a double-whammy of increasing your developed land and hamstringing the AI progress.

I used the Philo free tech to get Mounted Combat rather than the possibly obvious choice of republic. Bringing a 3/2/2 unit into the fight that early in the game is a really good advantage.

I also like the balance between the Horse archer and Elephant archer. The former have defensive freeshot and an upgrade path, the later have more health bars and I think it works well.

Next up I kick the Dutch back into the stone age, then France, Spain, Portugal, and back to Rome (not going to face those legions quite yet :).
To reduce part 2, I though about settlers and oricalchum, as they're the most overvalued goals. I don't think it would change any strategy, as all the submitters have saved 4 settlers and have mined a similar amount of oricalchum. 15 or 20pts each oricalchum would have been better.

And yes, some goals were really impossible most of the times because depending on the AI.

I'm sorry for all this, with some more testing we'd have avoided this, but we had to rush (the date was already delayed and you all were pushing for the release, rememeber?)

However I understand the complaints, you have the choice not to accept the proposal. I don't like this retroactive thing, too. That's why I'm asking you players the permission.
Don't worry Rhye, we have faith in you. :cool: What's the vote so far? BTW, I'm going to leave well-enough alone with the Cruisers; as I said, it adds a bit more strategy.

Stagnate, 9000 gold in the bank and you're not tech leader? I hope some of that gets invested in espionage actions. ;)

Time for another stab at being Japan! I worked up a nice colonial strategy while I was supposed to be working today, we'll see how it goes.

Hey hullo Aeon.
In contrast, I'm just about to leave for a week and a bit to Berlin where I have no clue about internet access... So I'll see y'all around, later if not sooner than Aug 7. Good luck to everyone with your various endeavors of world domination and underground survival and stuff. :)
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