RPG Citizen Registry

job - Governor of "Lake Land"
nope, no businesses.

salary: 100 gold/turnchat (governor) + 100 gold/turnchat (citizen)
job: Manager for Icy Penguins(soccer team in the FFA)
Business: none

Manager for Bodo Aliens: 50g

Total: 50g
name: andrew510
job: none:(
salery: none:(
Job - Coummunist Underground Leader of Fanatika
Also known to be a foreign spy for the Fanatikan Intellgience Organistaion.
Salary: Your standard salary + job
Bank: 1100 gold. (approx)
Buisness: The Communist Asociation of Fanatkia, committed to destroying religion before it destroys us. (non- profit organistaion)

Points for Skills

Main Skills
Defence: 2 pts
Horsemanship: 2pts
Weaponry: 2 pts
Warfare: 2pts
Hunting: 2pts
Powder: 2 pts

Sub- skills
Defence - Shield - 2 pts
Defence - Amoured - 2 pts
Weapory: Melee - 3 pts
Weaponry: Ranged - 3 pts
Warfare: Engineering - 2 pts
Warfare: Srtagey- 5 pts
Warfare: Tactics- 5 pts
Powder: Pistol- 4 pts
Powder: Rifle - 5 pts
Poeder: Charges - 4 pts.
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