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RPG-rule discussion: TECHs


Mar 30, 2002
at the moment, we have a problem with our RPG:
we dont stick to the demogame techs!

now what can we do to solve that?

thats what this thread is for. discuss.

we MUST try to come to a real concensus about that to do quick and the get a nicely written up proposal to a RPG-Manager poll.
I would propose the following:

* all technologies not know to any ingame civs are disallowed.
the item manager and the fra will check transactions and deny any inventory adding of not allowed items.

* technologies knows to our neighbors can be sold at high price
the rule will be that for "imported" items, only 10% revenue go to the seller. and the second rule will be that the price of that item will be reduced to 20% of its import price as soon as the tech is known to us. the fra can watch this, and can apply the corrected income rate setting to it.

* technologies known to us can be normally used.
80% revenue rate. like we have it now

* no items we own now should be removed, no businesses we have now closed. only new things will have to comply to those rules. this way it will stall until it runs synchronous to the demogame

now an example (catapults):
* lets say nobody knows mathematics
nobody would be able to sell catapults
the item manager will decline any adding of catapults to the inventory
* lets say the english know mathematics, but we dont.
now the futuristic weapons show wants to sell catapults.
they will have to apply a 10% revenue rate. so the biz sets a price of 1000gold per catapult. so the biz will earn only 100gold for each catapult sold.
the fra will check that the right income rate is applied
* lets say we now learn to know mathematics
the price set before will have to be reduced to 20% of its value before, so the maximum price would be 200gold per catapult. as the normal rate will apply, the shop will earn 160gold per catapult now.
I like the idea of restricting what can be used in the RPG to something close to what's happening in the demogame but the above idea is just too much bookwork. I propose we use "current tech around the world, and our tech +1". That is, if it's out there and somebody knows it, it can be used in a shop. If it's a tech one higher than what we know we can use it. Techs from a future Age would never be available early.

This represents the players as the elite of Fanatika. They get access to things before the general populous. There's no additional bookkeeping. If somebody wants to offer something they just have to show the Price Manager how it applies (either another civ has it or it is a current tech +1).
dis i agree but how can we keep so close with techs with very short turn chats for instance in those days they had no pub yet you own one and they didnt have a clothes shop yet i own one but that is only to make it a bit more interesting and where you say-

we MUST try to come to a real concensus about that to do quick and the get a nicely written up proposal to a RPG-Manager poll.

i dont get what you mean do you mean a poll on the rules or to have a poll on me?
well, the pub was always there (or a cave where people met).
the clothes shop also :)

we talk here about products sold mainly (e.g. catapults).
you could even sall panzers at the moment.

the only problem i see is the classification of items. like if someone has a good idea of how something could be done in the respective age (like having big birds cary things before flight is invented), is that allowed (the flintstones-effect)?

poll: i meant that the rpg-managers have to accept the new rules.
well small birds such as pigeons carried things but im not sure about huge birds you could just take it in a cart
Why is it too much bookwork? All of the stocks/economics bookwork seems too much to me. :)
CT - I think what that means is that there would be too many people trying to do the extra bookwork for simple transactions. As in R/L the stocks are very compartmentalized. One person spends some gold, gets some stocks and concentrates on their growth (hopefully). Most of the time the bookwork is left to a professional.
With the above example, every transaction may require a calculation after a determination of conception. Shaitan's procedure reduces the steps to come to a conclusion. Dis' procedure can get you to the same place (in a way), but would take a calendar and a calculator. Shaitan's would really only take knowledge of the Demogame status. But you probably didn't want a serious answer anyway, huh.
well, i would also second shaitans proposal. all is better than what we have now :)

ct: we will have to take care of both if we come to economics!
now what about that:
1) delete stocks until economics. when we reach economics, we can trade all items known to any civ without punishment
2) do the much-work tech thing instead of the stocks

i would propose the following in addition:
all items which someone wants to sell or give away must be checked by a "reality officer". he decides whether the good can be offered and decides which "tax-rate" applie to it.
a good which was approoved by the "ro" will then get an "id-number". only goods with that number can be traded. only good-transactions referring to a existing id-number are processed by the FRA.
the "ro" will maintain a list of existing good with the coresponding id-numbers. if the tax-rate of a good changes, he announces this in rpg-announcments.
the bank-officers can with this always look up the tax-rate for the goods traded.
How about instead of taking out the stocks that we alreay own, we freeze them? Some people have paid a lot of money on stocks so they should't have to loose all of that.
Well, of course they will be frozen. They will be converted to shares instead of stocks. They will partially own the firm (its the same, just we dont have an official stock exchange. people will still sell their shares, but only privately).
Heheheheh. Let's start over....:crazyeye:
A moratorium on new stocks would be okay but there are existing businesses with starving emplyees that use the stock trading. We can couch it in different words to make it sound more ancient, if that'll help.

@dis - We already have a Price Manager to watch over what is being sold. The tracking of "ro" etc is another layer of work with no benefit.
if we were gonna do anything like that, we would have to do away with elections until democracy!
well, the elections are not part of the rpg. and as the demogame and rpg are seperate things, no point there jdd.
we dont have polls on rules as you noticed, so at the moment we are a cooperative despotism of the 4 managers.
i hope that will change with democracy then :)
i could imaging starting to vote on rpg-issues in the game when we have democracy or even start having representatives for each province for rpg matters in republic. maybe a noble council and a king for monarchy :)
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