Rush to tank

not to metion he was an egomaniac,although tihs is about as close to a civ battle as you can get,no front,battle took place in the middle of nowhere and a cav got stomped by a warrior.
I want an empire game,i dont want an rts game that has some farms and a barracks and calls that a city and i dont want a campaigne game that you have no say in what units you get to play with .I want the whole deal ,I want to plan my stratagies on multiple levels ,I want to have to see what the other guy is doing so i dont get stomped on because hes building units that i cant defend against.war is part of an empire game and it can be revamped a little ,i dont undestand why we dont at least try.
superior units should always win! if units must not become so obslete they cant dammage, their damage should be like capped to 1.

i hope someone balances modern units like tanks and gunships, + 400% verse melee +400% verse ranged

i hate riflemen being able to beat gunships, it happens far too often for my liking
you know what ...?
if some units of the axeman regiment are still alive after the attack from the chopper, they should be able to take care of the following unit of warrior you may be able to send after the chopper.. therefore the unit has to be alive after the attack.
as your chopper cannot retreat, and as the regiment of axemen can hide in the houses of the city, the only way to represent the survival of the axemen is to destroy the chopper unit.

While it is unlikely, it is still possible IRL :
Have you seen ground attacks with gunships in videos... ? they rarely attack from 500ft with bombing. most of the time, they are at 10-50ft high, spreading bullets all around, or even unloading marines.. lucky melee units can disable it. Do not think that choppers attack ground units in the same way as jet fighters (???) or bombers. If the chopper has to do ground attack, slalloming through buildings... axemen ambushed in the city can, with lot of luck, be able to repell an attack with choppers.
chef pablo said:
not to metion he was an egomaniac,although tihs is about as close to a civ battle as you can get,no front,battle took place in the middle of nowhere and a cav got stomped by a warrior.
I want an empire game,i dont want an rts game that has some farms and a barracks and calls that a city and i dont want a campaigne game that you have no say in what units you get to play with .I want the whole deal ,I want to plan my stratagies on multiple levels ,I want to have to see what the other guy is doing so i dont get stomped on because hes building units that i cant defend against.war is part of an empire game and it can be revamped a little ,i dont undestand why we dont at least try.

Try Hearts of Iron II. It's tied to the WWII and shortly after timeframe, but it is the closest to a real grand campaign game that I've seen. Militarily it blows Civ4 away. Doesn't quite have the charm of Civ, though.
honestly if i could have something between civ,impearlism and the art of war ide be happy.the good thing is that civ4 is so open source,that this is possible,im actually putting together a project now ,going through the brainstorming right now ,keep checking out the posts the propasal is comming soon.
I've had an idea for a while that would significantly reduce this kind of stuff, it is:
Units should recive an armor value & a penitration value.
If a units penitration is less than another units armor it has a significent loss of strength, this loss could ultiumitly result in the unit being rendered obsolete & getting destroyed while the other unit lossesw nothing.:) ;) :D
Brancaleone said:
in the second world war there was a unit of british biplanes who sinked several ships.

Although they were biplanes they were very good at what they were designed for, torpedo bombers. They were a very stable torpedo launching platform that could easily cope with the perils of being based on an aircraft carrier. They could also soak up alot of damage.
The plane in question was called the Swordfish, they were used to trash the Italian navy while it was in port (which is where the Japenese got the idea for Pearl Harbour from), the Swordfish also crippled the Bismark, allowing the Royal Navy to catch and sink it, and the Swordfish also allowed my father to survive WWII and raise me. (he was the radio operator / rear gunner)
Calavente said:
you know what ...?
if some units of the axeman regiment are still alive after the attack from the chopper, they should be able to take care of the following unit of warrior you may be able to send after the chopper.. therefore the unit has to be alive after the attack.
as your chopper cannot retreat, and as the regiment of axemen can hide in the houses of the city, the only way to represent the survival of the axemen is to destroy the chopper unit.

While it is unlikely, it is still possible IRL :
Have you seen ground attacks with gunships in videos... ? they rarely attack from 500ft with bombing. most of the time, they are at 10-50ft high, spreading bullets all around, or even unloading marines.. lucky melee units can disable it. Do not think that choppers attack ground units in the same way as jet fighters (???) or bombers. If the chopper has to do ground attack, slalloming through buildings... axemen ambushed in the city can, with lot of luck, be able to repell an attack with choppers.

Besides, every unit has to come down to the ground sooner or later, which at that point they can be attacked. I mean these turns are supposedly yearly. If the turns are yearly then surely choppers come down to the ground at the end of the turn, where of course anyone can take them out.

As bogus as it may seem that our chooper is in flight "at all times" I also recall that such a unit IRL depends on fuel and ammo and these choppers 'never' have to come back to a base for anything (to say nothing of tanks and the lot) so obviously they all are getting re-armed and re-fueled each and every turn, because if four moves for the chopper is their yearly output, then also choppers don't go a year without having to re-supply. I understand that Civ does re-supply, in a sense, by the points going back up after a rest, but there's no way a chopper should never have to come back down to the ground and therefore never get assaulted by units that don't have air weapons.

There's probably some workable semi-solution for this, like maybe improving chopper ability to not get attacked, like maybe allow them to get attacked from ground units (meaning ground units incapable of hitting them from the air - normally, though this game doesn't model it, tanks DO have AA guns to deal with choppers) only when their strength falls below 10. OTOH, you can't make choppers basically invulnerable to ground fire from ordinary non-AA units entirely or you would be able to hold entire cities by choppers alone. Unfortunately it's difficult to both allow attacks on a unit that has to go to ground on occasion, and also have it where it cannot be attacked in the air by those same units.
An old, poor farmer in afganistan drew his old (probably chinese-built) family-ak47 and managed to down a chopper (a blackhawk was it?) a few years ago, that is if i'm not mistaken.

In civ, would that be a worker-unit downing a chopper or just the damage that comes with civil unrest?
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