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Scenario help.

Ur Mum

Mar 15, 2003
i'm making a late-industrial-modern war scenario (my fav time to have war).

I have already got the basics done. map creation and edittting, city placement, preliminary unit placement (i using C3C units atm but intend to replace a lot of the with civ-spefic flavour units and UU's, and customise the stats a bit.)

i have managed to let all civ's start in the industrial age, but i wanting to start with tanks/infantry and just before aircraft. and i can not find anyway to give certian civs indivudal advances..... is there a way. (ie russia gets combustion, but not amphibious landing)

i not really want to completely remake the tech tree, only some very minor changes/additions.

basically i'm making my first scenario. a mid industrial scenario, war time one based on WW2, but not any actual battle and possibly including some fictional units. (perhaps tesla weapons, but i not sure.)

i planning on using Muffins' Imperial Warships as flavour naval units for a country.

current scenario ideas:

* 100x 75 map. (slightly smaller than standard).

* 3 playable civs : Russian, America, England. (in fixed alliance England+ Russia against America)

* 2 non-playbale civs, (undecided which yet) in a fixed alliance against each other on seperate map area.

* high use of naval power. (the land battles will hopefully be greatly detirmed by a players ability to mount a safe transit across the sea by transport ships supplying the troops. Neglecting naval protection of the transports should be fatal)

* Civ spefic flavour units and UU's.

*hopefully going to have every civ using completely seperate unit GFX's. (with a few exceptions, such as slaves, workers, settlers.)

i basically making this for me as i loved the WW2 pacific conquest and wanting something simular. but i might psot it on CFC if people are interested.

this my first scenario, so i'd apreicate any help.
In Player Properties, I think there's a screen that will allow you select techs for each of the civs in the scenario. Don't know where it is right now so just poke around.
yea i saw that but it's all greyed out.

i using C3C - v1.22
You have to select custom Player Properties, I believe it's in the same area as the Custom Rules selector.
yes. i have custom player data. needed to place units and cities.
I'm not sure then, I haven't really played with that setting. It should be possible to make it active though, I'm just not sure how. Try taking a look at some of the scenarios that came with Conquests, it's active in some of those.
You can give civs particular advances in the Civilizations tab on the Rules screen. I *think* - though I'm not sure - that if you give a civ an advance from late in the era they automatically get all the advances that it requires.
thanks nwolll. that did it.

thnx to all who offered help.
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