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Scenario maker's fantasy come true!


Sep 3, 2003
Preparing for the Persians...
I have found the PERFECT utility for alternate earth maps. Take a look!:D I hope thi is in the right forum, since I plan to make an Earth map with +125 and -125 meter sea level!:D
Here it is!:D
And here's the map I plan:

Feedback would be highly appreciated!:D
Would anyone play his map should it be made? Y/N?
To those of you who have seen the other map projects I have, they go, but they go VEEEEERRRRRRYYYYY slowly.:rolleyes:
How will you handle changes in altitude which are gradual and don't warrant hills? (See every sea-level bit of land on the map.) If you're planning on assigning "Altitude X = Hills" and "Altitude Y = Mountains", how will you handle critical plateaus, high plains, etc.?

As you can see, the yellower the spot on the map, the higher the elevation....Most mountains did not change whatsoever...As for hills, I'll have to do my research...But to address the high plains, plateaus, etc question, Civ3 doesn't seem to show these in any way, so I dunno how to implement them...Maybe they'd stay their own terrain...Ideas, anyone?:undecide:

Edit: No one else likes these ideas???:(
Originally posted by Amenhotep7
As you can see, the yellower the spot on the map, the higher the elevation....Most mountains did not change whatsoever...As for hills, I'll have to do my research...But to address the high plains, plateaus, etc question, Civ3 doesn't seem to show these in any way, so I dunno how to implement them...Maybe they'd stay their own terrain...Ideas, anyone?:undecide:

To differentiate, e.g., the Iranian plateau (which is a true and formidable elevation) I use a ring of hills; personal taste, but that's I think the best we can do ... UNLESS we use a LM Plains as "rough terrain" or "slopes" to simulate changes in altitude less dramatic than hills yet nevertheless important ... :confused:

Originally posted by Amenhotep7
Edit: No one else likes these ideas???:(

<sigh> I wish the Civ terrain was modelled after a variation of Simcity's, so that you could have not only tunnels, but also submarine warfare. That way, we could totally take advantage of your map. But the Civ map is still only a flat map with overlapping icons.:(

So Amenhotep7, and I mean no disrespect when I ask you this;), how do you suppose we could take advantage of your isolinear map. In other words, how would the isolinear map affect gameplay?:confused:

EDIT: note, simcity model would not allow sub warfare, but it's not hard to imagine adopting that model to allow a three dimensional space. Say that a unit can suspend on blocks of "tiles" that are below the surface of the seasurface. And there would be a finite number of tiles below the seasurface - say from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. This way, Civ modders who want to build space scenarios could also benefit.
I just thought this map would be a good idea for scenarios or just for fun. The extra water may make journies tougher, etc. What does isolinesr mean? Never heard the word before.:confused:
actualley... I think a map like that in a scenario where the ice caps melted would a pretty cool map...
Yay! Now that I have support, I shall continue!:) I'll post my -125 sea level map shortly.:D
Originally posted by Amenhotep7
Yay! Now that I have support, I shall continue!:) I'll post my -125 sea level map shortly.:D

Oh, my God! Are you saying that you need our support to contribute to the betterment of civvers everywhere? Dude, you're a mac user, right? You're supposed to be an unbounded free radical.

HAHA, just kidding.


I've been perusing this forum for only a short time, but I already can tell that your intuition for improving the game is right on. So, I'll check this out when you finish it.

Happy modding[civ3mac] :thumbsup:
Umm, to tell you the truth, I just like the Mac OS X style, I'm a PC user!:mwaha::lol:...I'll change it.:)
Florida? Where art thou? Ozymandias, you've neutered the US!!!

You bastard, you neutered the US!!!:saiyan:

Originally posted by Runamok Monkey
Florida? Where art thou? Ozymandias, you've neutered the US!!!

You bastard, you neutered the US!!!:saiyan:


... Just think of it as taking a little dip ;) ...
EDIT: I have banished what was bad to where one puts bad things: namely, someplace else.
EDIT: Again I apologize:blush:
Originally posted by mrtn
Ozy, that's a bad bad jpg, did you compress it with a sledgehammer? ;)

Nah, all I had on hand was a vice ;) If it had covered the entire world -- i.e., actually been suitable to make a complete map from -- I'd've stuck to the sledgehammer :)

How many + meters of sea level are on that picture, Oz?
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