Scenarios and Maps...?


Sep 22, 2010
I just booted up Civ 5 today, and like many, I've had mixed feelings. However, I'll wait for a good amount of playthroughs before really forming a coherent opinion.

Still, there's one omission that really stood out at me. Why are there no pre-made scenarios and maps that ship with Civ 5? I know Civ III and IV both had scenarios, mods, and maps that you could immediately jump into. That was one of the main reasons Civ drew me in--because I could play all of these cool historical scenarios.

Now, I'm not asking for a BTS-type library of mods to come loaded on Civ 5 (although that would be amazing). I know Firaxis will come out with that in time. What I do wish Civ had, however, is some base historical mods, scenarios, and maps developed by the Firaxis team, similar to what came with Civ 4 vanilla.

In my haste to boot up the game, am I missing something? Is there a menu or options screen that I've overlooked? Or does the game really ship with no scenarios on the disk?

Thanks in advance!
Funny, when I look at the mod hub there's at least 10.
Right, but those are (I'm assuming) user-created and uploaded mods.

Civ IV and III had Firaxis made (and in the case of BTS fan made) mods preloaded. For example, Civ IV shipped with an American Revolution mod, a WWII in Africa mod, etc etc. None here?
I haven't checked the mod hub, after all I only played 1 game. Are those mods official from firaxis?

UrkSpleen if I'm right some of the mods that came with official expansions were made by fans.
This is one thing that has really irked me so far with Civ 5, I love the game so far but what gives, where is the world builder?
Right, but those are (I'm assuming) user-created and uploaded mods.

Civ IV and III had Firaxis made (and in the case of BTS fan made) mods preloaded. For example, Civ IV shipped with an American Revolution mod, a WWII in Africa mod, etc etc. None here?

AmRev was the only Firaxis made mod in Civ4 vanilla. The others were fan made. ;)
This is one thing that has really irked me so far with Civ 5, I love the game so far but what gives, where is the world builder?

Dunno why it should considering on the box and Steam it says the SDK will be released after the game.
Since you are defending the game in several posts Dale, I asume you like it. Good good, since you have played more than anyone I'm reading from.
Since you are defending the game in several posts Dale, I asume you like it. Good good, since you have played more than anyone I'm reading from.

Please show me where I have defended the game. I have been answering questions with answers.

But if it concerns you, yes I do like the game but it needs a lot of work.
AmRev was the only Firaxis made mod in Civ4 vanilla. The others were fan made. ;)

Oh wow really? I didn't know that at all...

Were the Civ III and Conquests scenarios also fan made? I mean, if so, then I no longer have that big of a gripe with Firaxis about this. (although they COULD have made scenarios and maps internally... :P)
Oh wow really? I didn't know that at all...

Were the Civ III and Conquests scenarios also fan made? I mean, if so, then I no longer have that big of a gripe with Firaxis about this. (although they COULD have made scenarios and maps internally... :P)
I think Firaxis made the Conquests-scenarios. Same goes for Civ 4 Warlords. *I think*
(I honestly must say I can't remember what scenarios there were in Civ3-vanilla :blush: ).

As you see, the first expansion packs of both Civ3 and Civ4 centered mostly around scenarios, so it wouldn't surprise me if the first expansion pack for Civ5 also would center around scenarios :)
Conquests was BreakAway games truth be told. I don't really know what Civ3 mods were fan-made.
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