
How about more details on the issue? Does the game put up a splash screen or not.
I'm gonna assume he has the same problem I do - the autorun feature doesn't work - neither does clicking the shortcut icon. All I can do is open and close the cd rom drive over-and-over again, listening for the grinding noise that tell me the cd is spinning. Most times it takes 10 min to get the game to launch.:mad:
I'm gonna assume he has the same problem I do - the autorun feature doesn't work - neither does clicking the shortcut icon. All I can do is open and close the cd rom drive over-and-over again, listening for the grinding noise that tell me the cd is spinning. Most times it takes 10 min to get the game to launch.:mad:

Can you go into windows Explorer, directly to the Cd drive & click on an executable?

Nope, because my cd drive hasn't recognized the cd yet.

Have you done all of the following?

1. Tested the CD in another computer to check on the possibility of it being damaged in some way.

2. Checked to see if your CD driver files are corrupted in some way?

3. Verified that the CD is working properly with other CDs?

IF the CD drive is working properly with other CDs, then you may had a damaged or corrupted disk for the game.
Perhaps there is some new software or update on your system that interfered with settings that the game needs to run?

I had a similar problem immediately after installing Bigpond security software. Suddenly the CD would just spin a few times then give up. I had to disable that software each time I wanted to play, then it would work fine as before.
I had a similar issue when my firewall (PC Defender, I think; I'm not at home at the moment) made itself smarter (via an update) and stopped CivIII from running at all. I had to disable the firewall in my testing to get the game to work.
Have you done all of the following?

1. Tested the CD in another computer to check on the possibility of it being damaged in some way.

2. Checked to see if your CD driver files are corrupted in some way?

3. Verified that the CD is working properly with other CDs?

IF the CD drive is working properly with other CDs, then you may had a damaged or corrupted disk for the game.

1. It opens immediately on another machine.

2. How do I chech this?

3. DVD's don't automatically play anymore.
So, you have a CD drive? DVDs can't play in CD drives. That's why they won't work. But Civilization is a CD, right? Have you tried any other CD games?
So, you have a CD drive? DVDs can't play in CD drives. That's why they won't work. But Civilization is a CD, right? Have you tried any other CD games?

It's a dvd drive. I meant dvd's done autoload - I have to start WinDVD manually to view a dvd.

No, I haven't tried other cd games.
srry yall there is absolutley no more info. all it doas is sit there and not do any thing. i think im just gonna buy the upgraded civ3 (ptw or conquest)
srry yall there is absolutley no more info. all it doas is sit there and not do any thing. i think im just gonna buy the upgraded civ3 (ptw or conquest)

Don't buy PTW or Conquest.

Buy Civ 3 Complete, which contains vanilla, PTW and Conquests AND each version is fully patched. Just install and play; no need to search for a patch. Three games; one install.

Civ 3 Complete might be as high at $20, depending on where you get it.
It's a dvd drive. I meant dvd's done autoload - I have to start WinDVD manually to view a dvd.

Umm, there is a setting in Windows that controls autoloading & it can be set to off--that's what we do through group policy here at work. Not sure where to find it on home versions of Windows, though. But that sounds like may be happening to you.

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