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Seems hard to get a religion on Emperor


Mar 27, 2002
Sacramento, CA
I've been playing on Emperor for a few games, and I've only ever gotten one religion, and that was when I managed to build Stonehenge. Normally Stonehenge is the first one to get snapped up, so I just got lucky that time. Otherwise, if I build a holy site pretty early (after the 3rd settler), I don't get a religion. The religions are all founded so fast I don't have a chance. Is this what other people are experiencing?
I've been playing on Emperor for a few games, and I've only ever gotten one religion, and that was when I managed to build Stonehenge. Normally Stonehenge is the first one to get snapped up, so I just got lucky that time. Otherwise, if I build a holy site pretty early (after the 3rd settler), I don't get a religion. The religions are all founded so fast I don't have a chance. Is this what other people are experiencing?
You know you can use faith to rush buy a prophet? If the map+civ combo tells you not to go for a religion don't chase it.
I feel you need a pretty good starting position for your capital. I build scout, slinger, worker, settler. Sometimes you can squeeze a trader in too, go for a gold city state if you can, or the second city to help production mainly. I do the three starting techs then go for Holy Site. As soon as I can build it my cap begins, then builds shrine then do faith boosts till I get a religion. Beeline for the civic that allows you a great prophet wildcard.

I will usually buy a worker for the second city, and it has to play mini-capital until the religion is secured. Basically building worker/military to support.

Keep an eye on the great people, the 2 first religions will go without a chance. The last 3 prophets will be a race, take note how many Great Prophet points the rivals are getting pr turn, and keep boosting as long as you have to.

After that your cap will need granary, windmill and campus. Basically kicking it into action. You'll want 2 more settlers as luxuries support 4 cities. I am not sure it's always a good idea to build them in the cap. As the city lose 1 pop, and you need that pop for third district (merchant) to get things going.

If you can buy a settler, then don't do it in the capital.
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AI definately goes hard on religion. Even civs like Scythia somehow manage to get +5 GPP in the early game. I only go for a religion in special occasions like playing a civ that gets a boost for it or starting near a natural wonder.
After 3rd settler is early? :lol: I can't seem to snatch a religion on king before a second settler, or even before the first one is made.

If you want one, you need to neglect everything else. I didn't even get it with a build order like I had in my last game without a settler:
Scout > slinger > warrior > builder > trader > holy site
Build a holy district early (your first tech can be astrology) and if you have to build the project which give extra great prophet points.
Don't forget you can rush a Great Prophet with faith (or gold, but you are less likely to have gold) like any other Great Person.

In any case, I think founding of a religion should be a challenge - otherwise Arabia's UA would be pretty useless.
Civ VI makes you work for a religion, which is nice.

-God King Policy until Pantheon. (+1 faith, +1 gold in capital)
-Build a Faith district with a Shrine on your first city before building any other district or wonders, and after you've built the basic, unavoidable structure and units.

Worked for me in the 5 games I've played (only completed 2).
I've been playing on Emperor for a few games, and I've only ever gotten one religion, and that was when I managed to build Stonehenge. Normally Stonehenge is the first one to get snapped up, so I just got lucky that time. Otherwise, if I build a holy site pretty early (after the 3rd settler), I don't get a religion. The religions are all founded so fast I don't have a chance. Is this what other people are experiencing?

When, I've gotten a religion, I've basically built a holy district before any settlers. If I'm going to go for it (usually if I see a primo spot for it), it's usually my first or second non-military unit build. Being Russia or Japan also helps with that significantly!
Buy Great people?

Yep, or naturalists, or buildings unlocked by the religion that ends up spreading to your cities.

I do agree that founding a religion is harder than it should be, probably as a result of the AI's difficulty bonuses being heavily front loaded.
Actually playing as arabia make it very easy to found a religion;)

In what era does Arabia usually, on average, get the religion from Last Prophet? I've been wondering about the usefullness of their UA a lot.
I hope it is medieval era.
It depend how aggresive ai is about founding religion. However it is not always a good idea to found a religion early as each city with a holy district are converted for free then you found your religion.
Even when you do get a religion, if it's one of the last religions founded you're likely to be spammed by foreign religious units that will wipe out your religion and destroy your missionaries. So if you do found a religion and it's not among the first, you have to get some apostles out quickly to defend your territory against the deluge that will be coming.

The tendency of the AI to flood your territory with religious units is a huge pain in the ass. Even if you don't care about religion, they hamper the movement of your units in your own territory.

In what era does Arabia usually, on average, get the religion from Last Prophet? I've been wondering about the usefullness of their UA a lot.
I hope it is medieval era.
In my experience thus far, Great Prophets are always gone before the end of the Classical era.
I do agree that founding a religion is harder than it should be, probably as a result of the AI's difficulty bonuses being heavily front loaded.

I'm halfway through my second game and I've not had a chance of founding a Religion in either one of them, which is ok because I like the fact that it now seems like it's something you have to deliberately work at. When playing Civ5 I almost always ended up founding a religion, whether I set out to do it from the start or not.
On deity, I can reliably found a religion by rushing astrology, a holy site, and prayer projects. I usually get the first great prophet.

But the cost is too high.
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