Send spies as diplomats


Jan 10, 2017
I really like the way spies work in civ 6 as I really like the whole cold war feeling they give. However, I think the espionage system could be expanded to be more interesting, so my suggestion is that when sending a spy to another civ's capital, there would be another option called "Send as diplomat" like in civ V. This can only be done if the target civ has an embassy. Diplomats can increase your diplomatic influence with other civs (more on that below).

Diplomatic influence would be a new stat that works similar to the way city-state influence worked in civ V, it starts at a base value and can go up or down depending on several factors. Every turn it will increase or decrease getting closer to the resting point. Some of the effects this stat could have are:
-A boost or penalty to tourism against that civ.
-Increases or decreases one level of diplomatic visibility depending on its value.
-Increases or decreases the effects of war weariness if a civ declares war on you.
-Increases the pressure your religion exerts to the cities of this civ.
-If the influence is high enough, all cities in the civ would get -1 amenities if they have a different government.
-Spies would have some missions that provide powerful effects, but their chances are affected by influence.

Influence could be affected by several things, for example:
-Your tourism against that civ increases the rate at which diplomacy recovers and reduces the rate at which it is lost. (This is just a suggestion, but tourism should be an important factor affecting influence).
-If the civilizations are at war with each other, the resting point for influence is decreased. If you are the one declaring war, it will be lowered even further and you will lose a great amount of influence points with that civ.
-Embassy increases the resting point slightly. Declared friends and allying increase it even further, and when allying both parties gain a high amount of influence points with each other.
-Influence points can be offered in trade deals. This makes "gifts" and "bribes" affect influence, but only if the other civ agrees.
-Spies sent as diplomats can perform the "Propaganda" mission, if successful they will increase your influence with that civ. This would be the fastest method to get influence points with a civ if they dont want to trade them.
-Every time a spy is caught you lose influence points.

These are some suggestions for the missions a diplomat can do.
-"Propaganda": Increases your influence points with this civilization.
-"Counter-propaganda?": Reduces the influence points of this civ towards you.

You can only have 1 diplomat on each capital. Unlike spies, diplomats cant be killed, but a civ can choose to "expel" a diplomat from another civ, making the other civ unable to send diplomats while this lasts and all currently active diplomats in their city will stop their missions. Doing this will have a negative effect, for example lowering amenities depending on the other civ's influence towards you, and probably give you a casus belli against that civ.

Spies would get the next actions that affect or are affected by diplomatic influence, these are some suggestions:
-"Recruit partisans": No changes to this, except that the chances for this mission are affected by influence.
-"Militar propaganda": Similar to recruit partisans, can only be used on a city with an encampent district. If succesful, it spawns a pair of random units that this civ has available for production in your capital city.
-"Independence". Very low chance of success that is greatly affected by influence, can only be used if a city has less than 3 amenites, cannot be used on capitals. The target city will become independent, becoming a city-state that doesn't give any envoy bonuses. Gives 2 envoys to the player that started the independence, 1 envoy to the player that owned the city. This city cannot have a suzerain and the city will annex to the first civ that sends X (6 maybe?) envoys.

So these are some suggestions I have, they are not well developed yet but I think a similar system to this would be a nice addition to the game, as an off-topic another thing that I think would be nice too if it could be somehow implemented in the game would be to make spies able to spread false rumors about a civ, for example, spread fake rumors that France is building Chichen Itza, or that Rome built an encampment in certain city, etc. Also, I would like to see some stuff from civ V come back like bribing someone to go to war (only them, not joint war) or an enhanced congress even if it comes without the diplomatic victory condition, I personally love this kind of gameplay more than simple warmongering, using intelligence instead of brute force.
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I'd like the ability to send spies to city-states, they would could as envoys, but could have a few interesting missions:
- stealing suzerain status if both civs have an equal amount of envoys
- removing the suzerain bonus from the allied civ temporarily (10 turns on standard speed)
- extend the duration of a levied military, or make the levying price cheaper
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