BTW, for future reference, here's an estimation of the corruption rings:
Corruption "Rings".
You'll see that the proposed city will be in the 3rd to 4th corruption ring (which really kicks in after the OCN is reached). Sure, we could say, "Yeah, the Russians are going to get that spot anyway", but from the looks of it, Russia has just as bad land as we do. Also, I recall an early GOTM where the only resource (iron) was on the other side of the landmass (about the same number of tiles away as our iron resource was). The idea was to get a city over there as quickly as possible (and possibly build outside-in). It's a stretch, but we can fit a few cities between the iron and Vo Mimbe.
Here's the alternatives:
North - desert, plains and sea.
West - Desert and floodplains.
South - Jungle and Babylon.
East - desert.
Southeast - Grassland!!!
Let the AI settle in the desert if they have to. We can take those unproductive cities later.
As far as resources are concerned... I just don't understand what our seemingly drunken obsession with wines is.

(pun intended) But, as long as we keep cities at size 3 and lower (with MP), happiness is managable. At size 4, sure we'll need to raise the luxury rate. But, at the moment, we're concentrating on expansion. We need a worker plan to build roads for our settlers. This accomplishes if not one thing and one thing only - quicker expansion. It gets us a city atleast 3 turns quicker than with no roads. Roads are the rails of the ancient era.
BTW, it's not just getting the iron first (we're really in no shape yet to have a productive army), it's about denying Russia that resource. What we DO need is a few good cities in the east that can be a size 6 city and spit out swords every 3 turns or so.