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Sevo's CivFanatics Fusion Mod

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Leaf on the Wind
Nov 26, 2005
Chicago, IL
Sevo's CivFanatics Fusion Mod, ver 0.3-a

RapidShare -- version 0.3-a
SaveFile -- version 0.3-a

New: Patched Fog of war bug (...hopefully...)


It's only been about a month since the original release of Civ4 and already there's a whole host of fun mods floating around. Being the tinkerer that I am, and tidy, I took a group of my favorite mods to date and hacked them all together into one big fat happy mod. My hope is that this effort is the first step towards a mod that both fixes the things that annoy most of us in the original interface and game, and a mod that adds the best of the features dreamed up by the Civ4 community.

Being that this has started as a collaboration of works by others, I'll begin with the credits:

Acknowledgments & Credits (In order of appearance in the mod):

Willowmound: ActualQuotesDiplomacy Mod
Thalassicus: AncientEraMusic Mod
CyberChrist: InfoScreen Patch - based on original mod by rickb
Scizor2120: Idea for Industrial Civ Changes
Frontbrecher: The extensive "Lost Wonders Mod"!
David Fidge: Random Events Mod
Snaitf: Show Attitude Mod
Requies: Special Domestic Advisor, Version 0.92
Special Foreign Advisor, Version 0.9
TheFourGuardians: UN Modification Mod
SpinDrift: Updated Denim Workers skin
Bhruic: Cultural Decay Mod
RealFort Mod
12Monkeys: Intercept Mission Reinitialization mod
Zuul: Promotions Mod

The individual readme files (when present) for all of the mods above are included in a subdirectory if you'd like details about the originals.

The Details
Lost Wonders -- 8 new (old!) wonders, 3 national wonders, 3 new buildings, and a few changes to existing buildings.

Random Events -- Volcanoes, Locust Swarms, fertile and drought periods, and the olympics.

Dometic Advisor and Foreign Advisor Updates -- Requies has done some outstanding work on these two previously shoddy advisor screens!

Massively expanded unit upgrades courtesy of Zuul. A nice job of balancing the new upgrades with existing options and overall an excellent flavorful addition to the game.

Main Screen Update -- Now shows leader attitude without rollover.

UN Mod -- The United Nations now allows votes on ANY civic, not just the bottom five. Make Despotism your world civic!

Actual Quotes -- Willowmound has compiled authentic (or as near as possible) quotations for the diplomacy text of almost all of the leaders.

Ancient Era Music -- The earliest part of the game is no longer silent!

InfoScreen Patch -- A quick patch for the wonders info screen adding information

Industrial Civ Changes -- Industrial civs no longer get a 50% wonder bonus. It was just too easy for these civs to grab the early wonders in the game. Instead, the Industrial Civs will get a +1 hammer bonus on any plot producing 3 or more hammers. Read the planned changes below for more ideas.

Cultural Decay Mod -- A balancer that lets culture decay over time when a civilization loses control of a square.

Upgrades to fortresses to make them more useful, give better benefits to garrisoned units, etc. You may actually build a fortress from time to time, now.

Air Intercept ReInit Patch -- 12Monkeys put together a neat little hack to make your aircraft go back on patrol after loading a game up. At the end of your first turn all of your planes on intercept missions will garrison and re-launch on their intercepts so you can see them flying around their cities. No more checking to see who's on patrol--I hated the fact that they'd stop circling.

Unpack the archive (with folders) and copy to your /civ4/Mods/ directory. To have the mod load automatically at game startup edit the "civilization.ini" file in your /documents/My Games/civ4/ directory, change the "Mods=0" to Mods="mods/sevomod". You may need to hold SHIFT down while you double-click to start the game, this will clear the cache.

I would recommend having the mod load on startup -- there have been problems loading it from the in-game menu with the cache not clearing.

Alternately, you can unpack all of the files into the appropriate locations in your /CustomAssets/ directory, but be advised if you have any other mods in there they may get overwritten and/or be incompatible!

Other Recs
If you don't have them already, I'd get both Blue Marble Terrain and the Random Map Mod. They have to be installed differently and didn't lend themselves to integration with this mod.

Future Goals
- Expand the in-game music, especially for the ancient and modern eras.
- Update the Industrial Trait (I think a +2 base hammers/city might work better), add additional traits like Seafaring, Scientific, etc.
- Add civs/leaderheads. Being that I want to add more traits it makes more sense to get that running first.
- I'm sure Requies will be giving us more updated advisor screens.
- Some unit changes are in order...off the top of my head bringing back the F15...
-Add Lost Units, but not all of it.

Version History Info
version 0.3-a -- Patch for fog of war bug

version 0.3 -- 2 more mods added
12Monkeys: Intercept Mission Reinitialization mod
Zuul: Promotions Mod

version 0.1 -- Initial Release
Willowmound: ActualQuotesDiplomacy Mod
Thalassicus: AncientEraMusic Mod
CyberChrist: InfoScreen Patch - based on original mod by rickb
Scizor2120: Idea for Industrial Civ Changes
Frontbrecher: The extensive "Lost Wonders Mod"!
David Fidge: Random Events Mod
Snaitf: Show Attitude Mod
Requies: Special Domestic Advisor, Version 0.92
Special Foreign Advisor, Version 0.9
TheFourGuardians: UN Modification Mod
SpinDrift: Updated Denim Workers skin
Bhruic: Cultural Decay Mod
RealFort Mod
These is what I was looking for !!!!!
It's ashame I just uninstalled CIV4 because I got too addicted. . . may be for your mod I will reinstall & have no life a agian :)
Nice work Sevo.

There's also the Lost Units mod which is pretty nice.
Your download service seem to have missed placed your file, all I get is missing file error on the second page on downloader service? :(
Zuul said:
Maybe add my mod too? :p

Yours was actually the next I was going to add, along with the bulk of Lost Units...

As to the fileserver...not really sure what's going on there. It says it's doing server maintenance presently. I'll check it again tonight and upload somewhere else if it's still a problem.
Okay ... changed to rapidshare.de for hosting. Some sort of problem over there at Filefront, it's been down all day. I'll keep two copies up in the future so this doesn't happen again.

Just posted the new release. Again, let me know what you think. I've got a few more things to mesh in over the next week or so, but I'm also launching in on fixing the civilopedia.
This is a great pack, but I don't know if I want to use all these MODs all the time. I wonder if there would be a way to add into the game a way to choose which mods you'd like to choose?
May I also suggest:
- The lost units mod also by Frontbrecher
- The Civilization IV Realism mod (adds some new units, and some new techs, makes the game go by a bit slower.)

Cant wait to try this out.


I downloaded and started this mod and there seems to be an odd bug. Whenever a unit moves out into the fog of war, the fog doesn't move back and the unit disappears! If I move all units out into the fog (including my first settler), my turn just ends each time and I can't do anything.

Any ideas?
You should add SuperCivsMod


Trip's Mod (splitting empire)
Kushan said:
May I also suggest:
- The lost units mod also by Frontbrecher
- The Civilization IV Realism mod (adds some new units, and some new techs, makes the game go by a bit slower.)

Cant wait to try this out.


i second those suggestions

realism mod and lost units would be great

But a real MUST is the NO intro Mod :)

Nice work anyway! :goodjob:
Im having trouble downloading this mod. Im getting a message from the rapidshare website that the file is not available
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