SGOTM 15 - Unusual Suspects

You're welcome... though I would rather be playing. I think we'll get Dynamic Spirit started on SGOTM17 as soon as possible.;)

Thanks kcd, I appreciate the sacrifice. Agree about DS :whipped:
and plan a map maker for SGOTM 18. ;)

By then, we'll probably have convinced YOU to join the staff and Neil and I are grateful for your volunteering for the role. :mischief: (Reminder to self: make offer to Gumbolt that he cannot refuse :deadhorse: )
Who would look after all the gumibears?? :eek::eek::eek:
I certainly trust in Neil's judgement, or we can do it the old fashioned way when I became the first leader and hold an election when the thread is open.
If we are holding an election, I definitely do not want to be elected!

Let me guess, "If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve," right? Or perhaps, "If nominated, I shall run to Mexico. If elected, I shall fight extradition." :goodjob:
... "If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve," right? Or perhaps, "If nominated, I shall run to Mexico. If elected, I shall fight extradition." :goodjob:
maybe sometime in the future
Spoiler :
if/when I am retired
:eek: Not me preferably, though I will be an active contributor.
Definitely not me. If elected my first act will be to rebel against my tyrannical iron-fisted rule.

We could always split out some of the leadership roles as well though if need be, e.g. have a leader but let him/her delegate to sub leaders in charge of e.g. linking to turnsets, working sandboxes, organising team micromanagement scenario testing.

While the leader would still be in charge and be allowed to prod some serious buttock when needed it would spread out the more tedious aspects of leadership a bit, giving everybody extra interest in the game and lessening the individual workload.
If Chris needs help, I am fairly good at organizing research groups, so I can keep track of who's turnset is up and write summaries as well. I can also update status posts with game info, etc. I am far from a Deity level player, so would not be comfortable coordinating team strategy.
I am most certainly not going to be willing to take on any captain or write-up duties. This whole PhD thing is exactly as advertised and the idea of more things to do in my life is scary. That being said, I am still planning on being an active participant! Off to try and get Buffy working!

EDIT: It appears this is turning into a game of nose goes. Soooo... nose goes for team captain.
By President Bartlet in the West Wing:

I like basketball, but I can't play. I don't know why. I played in prep school and I liked being on the team, but I didn't want the ball and the coach said, "Jed, winners always want the ball." I said, "Coach, winners are also better then I am." He said, "Son, to be a winner, you've got to think like a winner." I said, "Coach, to be a winner, you've also got to be better than I am."

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