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SGOTM 9 - Smurkz

Yes, I agree about keeping them apart for now. So nobody gets an island prison on the other contiental shelf.

Caravel crossing is one tile short of beign the load and unload with all moves type. Units will have to jump ship and wait until next turn to move.

Olive trip now requires one more caravel than Victoria.


There is at least one 2-caravel crossing to spain from Sages.
Turn Log Continued...

Turn 5) 400 AD: America still in anarchy.

The Battle for Seattle: size 6
v.MI vs r.spear, MI loses flawlessly!
v.horse vs r.spear, wins 2/4
v.horse vs r.spear, wins 1/4 and Seattle taken with 2 workers

Capture 2 workers NE of San Fran. Unload settler +MI next to Entremont. Rush harbor in Victoria for 56. Albasmurkze switches to barracks. Smurkzpoint switches to harbor. Second forest chopped at Oy Deer. Move worker, archer and sword to iron by Entremont. Rush spear in Richborough for 60. E.horse from Richborough goes after 3/4 archer and dies. Rush barracks in Entremont for 48. India has picked up a tech. Construction, I think.

Atlanta rushes a settler for 116. This, plus starvation will drop it to size 1 and the settler can take a boat out to the newly found island. New Smurkzheim switches back to settler as the forests are done chopping.

Gunpowder in 4 at +140

IBT: Spain captures Verulamim. They have lots of boats in the channel. Entremont: barracks->pike. New Smurkzheim: settler->barracks? Nansmurkzet and Arismurkz: MI->MI. House of the Beard: university->barracks? Atlanta: settler->caravel? Olive: MI->horse. Richborough: spear->barracks. Victoria: harbor->caravel. Resistance ends in Seattle. Smurkz am zee: barracks->MI

Turn 6) 410 AD: America is a monarchy again. Put settler from Atlanta on a boat. 2 horses arrive in Atlanta. Celtic worker builds colony on iron.
Trade REpublic to Celts for worker.

Gunpowder in 3 at +129

IBT: Smurkzadelphia: caravel->MI. Ismurkzi: market->rax. Smurkzfood: market->settler. Ol Smurkz River: market->MI. Indianapo': horse->MI. Zentral: rax->horse

Turn 7) 420 AD: Going for Washington: size 8
v.horse vs r.spear, wins 2/5
v.horse vs r.spear, dies
v.horse vs r.spear, retreats doing 1 damage
v.horse vs r.spear, retreats doing no damage
v.MI vs r.spear, wins 1/4
v.MI vs 2/3 spear, loses. spear is 2/4 now
All out of units. 2 fresh horses move in.

Mo settled on atoll. Rush Pike in Entremont for 116. Rush barracks in Atlanta for 76.

IBT: archer out of washington attacks stack. defending horse retreats. Spanish move a bunch of units around and drop a stack on the mountains SW of Richborough. I'm pretty sure they're heading for the American towns but you just can't be sure can you?

Entremont:pike->pike. San Ansmurkzio: market->MI. HotB: barracks->horse. Atlanta: rax->spear

Turn 8) 430 AD: Houston: size 3
v.horse vs r.spear, redlines spear and dies
v.horse vs r.spear, redlines spear and dies
v.horse vs r.archer, kills flawlessly
v.horse vs 1/3 spear, kills flawlessly
3/4 horse vs 1/3 spear, flawless. Houston taken with 1 worker.

Drop some horses off in Atlanta. Units retreat from Washington. Gunpowder in 1 at +150

IBT: Spanish units dropped at Richborough indeed move SW towards America. They are attacking with the silliest units. The stack they dropped off had warriors and spears, and only one sword. See a Spanish spear attack and kill an American archer. Carthage wants to trade maps. No thanks.

Gunpowder. Slider goes to 70% for 4 turn research. Carthage: library->barracks. Ismurkz: barracks->MI Olive:horse->MI. Albasmurkze: rax->MI. Zentral: horse->horse. Smurkzacapulco: library-> caravel? Vladivo: MI->MI

Turn 9) 440 AD: unload settler on horse island. Upgrade galley in Victoria. Load 3 MI on caravel. Play with specialists and a little MM. Drop slider to 60% with chemistry in 4 at +86.

Fianlly ready to try some leader fishing with the Ottos. It took a while to get this set up because they do have horses and there were a couple undefended towns they could reach with a horse. So I had to move some more units up for defense. They have no gold or anything to demand, so just declare.

IBT: American archer kills wounded MI retreating from Washington. New Smurkzheim: barracks->horse. Arismurkz: MI->MI. Cape smurkz: harbor-> library. Ottomans move archer and spear next to Istanbul.

Turn 10) 450 AD: Cat 1 hits otto spear. Cat 2 hits spear. cat 3 hits archer. cat 4 misses. cat 5 hits archer. e.horse vs 1/3 spear, kills him but is redlined. e.horse vs 1/3 archer, flawless. No leader.

Upgrade 2 caravels. Thunderfall founded on horse island. Move units ready to march on washington.

And That's it.
WarDance said:
Entremont:pike->pike. San Ansmurkzio: market->MI. HotB: barracks->horse. Atlanta: rax->spear

Ha! guess I need to remember to put a space between any :'s and p's,
I think you're problems with Washington is that you went in with too few units. You should have waited until you had more healed units. Washington is the capitol and will have at least three defenders if not four. It also is making units so you're likely to face the extra archer. It's bigger than size six so it gets a defensive bonus. You needed more than six units.

I think you've got a sufficient stack now and washington should be ours next turnset.

Boston could use the other MI from Seattle before attacking with just 4.

Overall though, we're in good shape!

Here's how I would continue. Please discuss :).


The goal is to bring India to space asap, prevent any other civ including ourselves from winning, and prevent India from winning by any other means.

Long term outlook

Our strategy is to keep India backwards, in particular to keep them from learning Education. Then, when we have learned all or nearly all space techs, we gift one of our OCC-ing rivals up to tech parity (India has to know this rival), make peace with India, gift her a continental town (probably Indianaposmurkz, it has to be within distance 7.00 of Delhi and not contain any wonders, and the gift has to take place after 750AD IIRC), declare war on India, and let her take Smurkzadelphia. The Great Library will provide India with all the techs we and our rival know.

We keep India backward by making sure that all the other civs are more advanced than India - so that India will not have any trade opportunities. Her research speed is low because unit support is killing her economy, so every tech is a 40 turner. That should give us plenty of time to research all we need.

India also needs production power, so subsequently we let India take over the - fully improved - southern half of our home continent, roughly up to the two bottlenecks. We let her have our towns. As our culture is higher than hers, she'll probably raze most of them, but I think we can use two tactics to prevent that: India will probably not raze a town that holds a wonder, and perhaps she'll also keep towns that do not have cultural overlap with any of our towns - I am not certain of either of these tricks, though I'm rather confident that the first will work. There are quite a few useless wonders around that we can build here: US, ToE, Magellan, Shakespeare, SETI, Internet, UN, Manhattan maybe, perhaps even Leo's (though Spain will probably get that), possibly also Longevity and Cancer (need extra tech for this). Also Hoover, which would actually be useful for India, and Bach's (likewise). Together with the GLib and the Pyramids that's about a dozen wonders for as many "immune" cities.

That should be enough for a reasonably speedy spaceship construction. A problem is that India may prioritize building improvements. We can limit such distractions by stocking these cities with all (cultureless) improvements - about half is preserved IIRC. We should also build every wonder so that India is not tempted to get those. Free granaries, labs and hydro plants are provided for with Great Wonders and if we had started a prebuild in time, we could have built ST somewhere for free raxes - now Spain will probably grab this wonder. We need to get Nationalism for India: if she mobilizes, then the list of buildable improvements gets significantly shorter. We may also need to get her communism (no war weariness).

The Great Library trick has to be pulled as late as possible, preferably after we learn all the spaceship techs. We cannot rely on India researching anything herself for two reasons: 1. India's research speed is going to be lame and probably near 40 turns, even with a fully improved core, as she will not have any scientific improvements and she will be plagued by war weariness and resistance by our loyal citizens. 2. It is likely that India will prefer to research all kinds of optional techs rather than spaceship techs. Meaning that we either have to research those optional techs before the GLib jump, thus gaining nothing, or we have to wait longer for India to finish all these projects. Optional techs we can skip are Chivalry, Mil Trad, Espionage, Amphib, Adv Flight, as well as a few Modern techs that are not needed - quite a list, and some will be prioritized over spaceship techs I fear.

Other optional techs are needed for wonders. I suggest we research Economics ourselves, and try to entice the other AI's to research Navigation, all optionals to Free Artistry, and Nationalism. Ottomans will get some free techs and need to be gifted up at the Age changes.

Our GA should be used to fuel our research when we can no longer maintain 4 turners. This probably means as late as possible. The easiest trigger is a Berserk (keep one of our rivals relatively backwards and target them when needed), as long as we avoid Military Great Wonders (Great Wall, ST, Leo's, Manhattan, Internet, hope I didn't miss any). We do not really need the production boost at any particular time as there is nothing important for us to build. We should probably prepare the trigger early in the IA just in case we miscalculate, and pull it late in the IA, or early Modern Age.

The American continent needs to be cleared for our new FP region, and we should try to get a GL in the American War or the First Spanish War (in which Spain will be cleared from this continent), to move the FP. This means that we may need to drag out the First Spanish War, and leave the Spanish core intact to provide us with cannonfodder. Btw, this is only important if we decide to pull the trigger on the GLib trick early. And even then our research speed is not going to be the bottleneck I think.

We still need a dotmap for the American continent, and we need to decide which cities to keep. SF has to go soon. The FP could go to Chicago, or 2 tiles NW as Niklas suggested.

I don't think any of our rivals will be capable of researching fast enough to launch a spaceship without our help. Instead, I think we should keep the Spanish core intact in the hope that they can research something for us, maybe the Free Artistry path. They'll fall behind in the IA I think, and if needed we can kill them easily with a few tanks or modern armor, in the Second Spanish War.

Short term

For the coming turnset I propose
  • Continue American war, objective: remove America from the mainland, Raze SF, other cities according to dotmap that doesn't exist yet. Send reinforcements to Entremont to cut off the Spanish - don't want them to get the spoils. Send some settlers over. Set some town on this continent to build harbor.
  • Take Bursa. (keep or replace?) No new towns needed on the starting continent.
  • Settle prison town on Tundra Island (low priority).
  • Research Chemistry - Banking - Economics and then to Magnetism and ToG.
  • Switch Missi to Smith, set Zentral to Sistine. Other towns: focus on infra (courts and harbors as needed, libs, markets, unis), settlers and workers. We have enough soldiers for now.
  • Worker actions focus on current cores. Try to chop some jungle if we have spares.
  • Keep treasury intact for now, we'll need it later for deficit research.
  • Gift some of our rivals techs so that they can research Navigation, Press or Democracy. Make sure that India's contacts are advanced compared to India, to frustrate trading.


The biggest weakness of this plan is that India will first get all techs, and will get an empire only after that. It is unclear how many turns India will need to build a spaceship, and how much effort will be lost on building improvements, units, etc. (Btw, if warfare becomes a problem we can just pull back to the American continent. After all, we only need to stay alive). If we decide to pull the GLib trick while we do not have all the space techs, then the two phases will be partly combined, but then India has to research herself. She will be much slower than we, and probably go after the wrong techs. So in the end, I think the two phases approach is better.
Wow zyxy, that's quite a second post back from a long time away.

I have some thinking to do about keeping India backward. Excuse me while I think on paper:
Keeping them from Education
We need 33 techs for spaceship counting Economics. That's 132 turns at @4/tech.
India needs 6 techs to reach Education. That's 240 turns @40/tech. That should be enough turns spare in case they can shave some turns off with their meager economy and if they buy one or two. Especially since they will prioritize Feudalism over Theology. So keeping them backward that long is fine.

Getting them to build the parts
We should completely finish railing our initial core by the time we get the last spaceship tech and improve each town for a maximum sheild output. We'll need to keep in mind india maximum happiness level at that point and make sure the population is dropped to the right level before giving it away.

Keeping what we've built for them
I don't think they will raze cities until they hit the OCN for the map (8?). At that point, we need to let them build their FP before giving them any more cities or we will run the risk of them razing it. That of course doesn't include cities that have wonders.

Since they will never have units in our territory until we gift them a town, I don't think they will experience war weariness. We would need to attack one of their defenders, kill one of their units or take one of their towns to increase their weariness. Since most towns that they take are going to be empty, I don't think they will accrue war weariness that fast. And they will still have war happiness since we will have been the one to declare war.

The Other AI
We could also induce all the other civs to declare war without risk of harming them so we could effectively give India six luxuries that way.

Now the reason we kept all the AI around is so India could buy tech cheaper. If we're sure that India is going to get all the Space Ship Techs from the Great Library, then there's no reason to keep more than one civ alive.

My New Idea
We can KILL everyone except one civ. The remaining civ (who must not know India) will be wiped out except for a land locked prison (like Sing Sing). If we surround the prison with units so no one gets in or out they will never meet each other. That means we can give India the Great Library at any time but they won't learn Education or any other techs from it until we introduce the two. That also means there will be no one to sell India any techs earlier so we know exactly when our deadline is for finishing the Spaceship techs, (4 turns after they learn Theology with no risk that India will "accidentally" learn education and foil our plan).

If we go this route, we need to eliminate the Ottomans, Carthage and the Mongols immediately before anyone uses Astronomy to cross the ocean. Once they're gone and we control the three canal cities into the Indian Ocean, no one CAN meet India without entering our territory or us introducing them. India will never be able to cross the ocean. America is three techs from crossing and Spain is four. The celts will probably not have any galleys left and will never be able to build boats after Gergovia is destroyed.

I say lets keep the Celts around, surrounded by units (which BTW can be in our own territory if we keep the cultural pressure on them. Let's wipe out America, exterminate Spain, razing Gergovia in 11 turns. And yes, it's worth researching MT to get the cavalry to remove Spain quickly. Once all but the Celts are dead, we COULD gift towns to India and let them build a little of a core. But since we're keeping them slow until the Great Transference, I would not give them anything.

As long as we're sure that we can keep India behind Education until we have ALL Spaceship techs, I would go ahead and eliminate the three local civs now. This would mean stopping units at M-O island on their way to america. It means pushing America until they're gone. It means having units ready on the second turn after zyxy to destroy Gergovia, and it means ROP of Spain and eliminating them.

About our build plan
I don't agree with zyxy that we have enough units yet. I would keep building until we have enough units to take out the entire spanish core in one blow. But I don't mind mixing in the occational university or aquaduct here and there. Just remember that we can build units now while our shield output is smaller, then build unis/temples and Cathedrals during our GA. I would build Horses while we research to Economics. Then go to Metalurgy and MT and upgrade.

If we build a barracks in Smurkz point and move all the horsemen there. If we capture Washington and Lugdunum and finish the road to Entremont, the horses already on Tadpole can all be upgraded there. The upgrades should start 19 turns from now if we research Chemistry(3)>Banking(7)>Economics(11)>Metallurgy(15)>Military Tradition(19). We can upgrade on turn one, ship chain to spain on turn 2 (need 2 Caravels for every 3 Calvary to be transported on turn 1) and be in ROP rape position on turn three. Spain should be half gone in 24 turns.

The attack is pictured below. Turn one after the upgrade is the ship chain (purple) and unloading of units (red). Turn two is moving to the two key points. Turn three is declaring, and taking the Green arrowed cities. After the green arrowed cities are taken the blue arrow could be used by any units left. I would actually leave Madrid for last since the Caravels would reset and bring replacement units back on the next turn.

Magnetism would have been nice for safe travel and bigger boats but it also obsoletes the Great lighthouse which makes the trip to Spain take 3 boats to chain instead of 2 until Magellans is built. (Galleons are bigger but not faster than Caravel.)

So my modifications to zyxy's turn plan is:
  • Yes, take Bursa. Also Izmit and Ulaanbaatar to eliminate the two civs. (No hurry, just do it as units are passing through from Olive.) Make a plan for Carthage but they are not an emergency either.
  • Adjust Tech path to Chem>Banking>Economics.
  • Don't stop building units, especially horsemen.
  • Don't gift anything to anyone.
  • Get units in position by Gergovia.

What do you guys think?
ControlFreak said:
If we're sure that India is going to get all the Space Ship Techs from the Great Library, then there's no reason to keep more than one civ alive.
That's a very big IF.

The concept is good and ought to work.

But if it doesn't....

What scares me

On a handful of techs we know the Great Library works. Here we are expecting the GLib to grant over 20 techs (just a guess) and propel a civ from the Middle Ages into Modern Times, skipping over the entire Industrial Age.

If we are right (and I hope we are) we are heroes.

If we are wrong we have many turns of India trying to learn techs, because now their research cost is higher (fewer civs in the world).

Does anyone have a saved game from another SGOTM or GOTM or personal game that this could be tested on?

The test would be to have one civ (smartCiv) learn the space techs and make sure one other civ (notAsSmartCiv) knows them, too. smartCiv must have the Great Library. smartCiv gives the Great Library to a civ that has not yet learned Education (redneckCiv) but is in the Middle Ages. On the next turn does redneckCiv learn all the techs that smartCiv and notAsSmartCiv know?

In a more rigorous test, redneckCiv would be in Ancient Times. This would test for the limit on the number of techs that could be learned in this manner, in case there is a limit.
A few posts back, beginning in Post #646 and ending in Post #651, was a brief discussion of the Domination Limit. This is a follow up and correction to those posts.

As of now, 450 AD, we control 530 tiles and need 430 more to achieve one part of the Domination Victory Conditions. We do not want to do that.

For reference, I counted the Domination Tiles on Smurkz, Tadpole and Ostrich. Their counts are below. I counted on the NW-SE axis. I used color dots to help me count each row. I used a blue dot at 5 tiles, red at 10, pink at 15, green at 20 and yellow at 25.

Smurkz for Smurkz 450 AD

No tiles of India are included in this count. All other tiles, regardless of civ, are included.

Tadpole for Smurkz 450 AD

The count for Tadpole includes the island of Detroit and what is seen around the unnamed island southeast of Thunderfall.

Ostrich for Smurkz 450 AD

If we fully occupy all of Smurkz, Tadpole and Ostrich, we will be over the limit of 960 tiles. Smurkz has 652, Tadpole has 421 and Ostrich has 206, for a total of 1279.

What happens after Gandhi takes over his cities?

Smurkz and India 450 AD

We are still over the limit. We drop from 652 to 389, but Tadpole and Ostrich remain the same. 389 + 421 + 206 = 1016

We would be 51 tiles over the Domination Limit of 960 tiles.

What it Means (I Think)

As we conquer Tadpole and Ostrich we need to decide which cities to keep and which to raze. But even before this, we need a detailed plan for city placement on these two landmasses, like what we had when we conquered the Ottomans, the Mongols and the Carthaginians.

Along with this, we need to decide if we will allow and then where we will allow other civs to build on the lands we cannot occupy. (That is, if we allow them to survive. :evil: :lol: )

While not a factor yet, we need to decide how many tiles The Greater Smurkz Empire will be and not exceed that number.
Interesting plan CF.

The obvious advantage is that India could be let out of the cage sooner, and thus get some time to build up improvements to get ready for the space ship. The obvious disadvantages are:
  • We have to divert resources to units. That probably means we cannot maintain 4 turn research, or we have to trigger our GA earlier, and then we'll have trouble maintaining 4 turn research in the Modern Age. Warfare is only going to get easier as the game progresses, because we'll soon be an age ahead of the pack. For 4 turn research in the IA we need 800 bpt for entry level techs, and it increases quite rapidly after that. Currently we have 677 bpt at 100%, at about 150 gpt deficit spending. The largest sustainable rate is about 550 bpt. We need city improvements to increase the science rate. (We can increase a bit by growing our cities, but that requires improvements as well.)
  • We lose our southern core sooner, again lowering our research rate. We haven't even fully improved our palace core yet, it will take a lot of time to get yet another core in operation.
  • The sooner we give cities to India, the lower the improvement level (of both city and terrain).
  • India will research faster. Probably not enough to get to Education too soon, but still.
  • AI's will not help research. Granted, it would never amount to much, though 4-5 techs should be possible (including the 2 free Ottoman techs).
  • India will probably try to attack us, especially after she runs out of empty cities to target. Thus both sides may get some war weariness. Perhaps not much as unit numbers maybe low.
  • By killing all other AI's we are burning all ships behind us. Risky if we fail to eliminate Spain before Astro. Cavs will of course help, but will cost upgrade money, 100 gold each. Btw, saltpeter and horses are present on Ostrich but we have to divert workers to hook them up.

ControlFreak said:
Keeping what we've built for them
I don't think they will raze cities until they hit the OCN for the map (8?). At that point, we need to let them build their FP before giving them any more cities or we will run the risk of them razing it. That of course doesn't include cities that have wonders.

This may be correct, I don't know. Flip risk plays no role?

Now the reason we kept all the AI around is so India could buy tech cheaper. If we're sure that India is going to get all the Space Ship Techs from the Great Library, then there's no reason to keep more than one civ alive.

True, keeping the AI's around would be a backup plan, just in case the GLib jump fails. Just as the new FP core would be a backup plan.

If we want to keep them around, then perhaps we can create more landlocked prisons. By CB's domination limit calculation ( :goodjob: btw! ) we have some room to spare, in southern tadpole, and on ostrich. Of course, this will also take time, and we need to prevent contact between the Mongol-Ottoman-Carthage group and the America-Spain-Celt group.
CommandoBob said:
That's a very big IF.

The concept is good and ought to work.

But if it doesn't....

What scares me

On a handful of techs we know the Great Library works. Here we are expecting the GLib to grant over 20 techs (just a guess) and propel a civ from the Middle Ages into Modern Times, skipping over the entire Industrial Age.

If we are right (and I hope we are) we are heroes.

If we are wrong we have many turns of India trying to learn techs, because now their research cost is higher (fewer civs in the world).

Does anyone have a saved game from another SGOTM or GOTM or personal game that this could be tested on?

The test would be to have one civ (smartCiv) learn the space techs and make sure one other civ (notAsSmartCiv) knows them, too. smartCiv must have the Great Library. smartCiv gives the Great Library to a civ that has not yet learned Education (redneckCiv) but is in the Middle Ages. On the next turn does redneckCiv learn all the techs that smartCiv and notAsSmartCiv know?

In a more rigorous test, redneckCiv would be in Ancient Times. This would test for the limit on the number of techs that could be learned in this manner, in case there is a limit.
I've done it in GOTM 18 (?) the Celts. I called it the Great Elevator and have a animatated GIF in the spoiler thread showing my tech progression. It was FUN!
Interesting ideas. In my opinion if we eliminate all other civs but one, we should keep the Ottomans around. Their free techs will potentially save us at least 8 turns of research. I say potentially because there is always the possibility that they will get nationalism in the IA, which we don't need. We could raze sing sing, resettle there and give the town to the Ottomans, then take out the rest of their cities. This way if we can't knock out Spain before they get astronomy, they won't be able to meet India or the Ottomans without sending units into our territory.

Another potential benefit to knocking out all the other civs is by leaving land open and unsettled it will encourage India to expand. It is possible that aluminum and other late resources are in odd places and we'll have to make room for India to get a hold of them.

Edit: I agree partially with zyxy that we need more infrastructure, and partially with CF that we need more units. Since our northern core is the core we will keep we should get all markets and universities done up there ASAP. Since the southern core will be given away they can stay on unit production, with universites in the largest towns with lots of commerce.
Sorry for my low input, I been using the weekend to "catch up" with my life after the past weeks of work. I've followed the discussion and I feel I have a lot of input, but I don't have the time right now to write a reply. In short I see benefits and drawbacks of all proposed approaches, and none clearly stands out as the best.

One thing I realized though, that we seem to have missed, and that I fear might seriously disrupt our planning. It has been said before, but I don't think we really realized the implications of it. If we let India conquer our southern core, Gandhi will be the proud owner of a bunch of (presumably) highly developed, maxed-out viking towns. He will not suffer any war wariness to speak of since we will be the offenders, but that will hardly matter since his subjects are vikings. And those subjects will probably just march around in the town squares shouting "Stop the aggression against our mother country!". Probably that will give Gandhi a headache fairly soon, and he might start razing towns that will be absolutely non-productive to him anyway, regardless of OCN. Clearly not what we'd like to see.
One possible solution would of course be to starve/build down all towns to size 1 (which I think someone suggested before, WD or CB?) before we let Gandhi get them. That should work fine, in particular considering he gets the Pyramids to quickly regrow them, but it would have been nice to give him 7+ size towns since those always retain their aqueducts on capture. Oh well.

I feel we are now (or possibly in another turnset or so) at a crossroad of sorts. We still have more or less all strategic options available to us, but whereever we go from here will be an irreversible decision. Take down Spain and we can't get her back up to help with optionals. Start eliminating the prisoners and we're forced to research to Synthetic Fibers (and more) before India gets the GLib. We shouldn't haste this decision.
Ah, like so many recent posts, Niklas and I are sharing one thought. Unfortunatly, it is not a clear and concise one. :lol:

I too and torn:
We desperately need infrastructure to keep our check book out of the red, but we need units to prevent the other AI's from ruining our Great Library.

We want to eliminate the other AI to prevent them from ruining our Great Library but need them for free techs, extra luxuries for India, etc...

We want India to stay backwards but be fully developed in the Modern Age.

It's quite a dilemma.

OK, so our immediate choices are (forgive me, again, I'm thinking while I post):
  • Kill our local AI or imprison them.
  • Kill all but one AI or imprison some of them.
  • Build units, infrastructure or some compromise.
  • Save our GA for later research or trigger it soon for infrastructure/units.
  • Give India his town earlier (750AD is 3 turn sets from now?) or wait until much later.

What I'm sure of is:
  • We can keep India backwards until we own all SS techs.
  • We can eliminate anyone we want within 30 turns (Before 750 AD).
  • I want to win (the SGOTM9 game).

Since I'm sure of keeping India backwards, I'm not worried about keeping any other civs around. So killing Carthage and the Mongols is a definite for me.

The Ottomans, as people have indicated, could be as much as an 8-turn help with free techs so if it doesn't jeopardize anything else, I'd like them to stick around. The problem is that they already know India and are always a risk to sell India something which will shorten our Great Library tactic by 40 turns. We can minimize this risk by keeping the Ottomans ahead in tech. The only chip that India might have to sell for techs is a MA against us. If we're beating on the Ottomans, an MA might be worth Monotheism. We could keep them at war with each other, but IMHO the potential gain (8 turns) is not worth the 40 turn risk for me. I think they go away as well.

So far, we haven't really changed course, eliminating the local civs could be done with the units we have and still building Unis/Markets/Aquaducts.

Next decision is to keep or eliminate the other world civs. The Celts are finished so it's really just America and Spain. Our deadline is when they get Astronomy. America is not likely to get there so again, no change in course. It's really just Spain. Can we get rid of them before they get to Astronomy? If yes, can we do it without building up a bunch more units? I think the answer to both is yes. They have been researching quickly because they had their GA. I think that will slow down. They are not scientific so libraries and unis are expensive. I doubt they can four turn anything in the MidAge. So we have more than 20 turns before they get to Astronomy. We can build cheaper units for our ROP (MEDI) as long as we send someone over NOW to sit on their Saltpeter (they are likely to get gunpowder before astronomy so we need to make sure they have no saltpeter). That should let us continue to build some Unis/Markets and Aquaducts while building mostly units in the south. It also means our GA waits until after rails.

So for now, I go back to zyxy's plan and agree with everything he said, adding that we also want to start making plans to get rid of Carthage and the Mongols. Just make sure Spain can't connect to saltpeter.

More tomorrow on the plans for India.
CF has convinced me... I say take out the locals. Hide India. They'll be our "children under the stairs".

Some speculations about the progress graphs...

Wacken and Hagar seem to be moving along pretty much in line with us, though we are a bit ahead of them in territory. They are C3C of course.

Klarius I would guess started on the New World about 200 years after us, and I would guess by the big big dip in their territory that India started taking their cites around 1450AD. Also C3C.

Xteam probably started on the New World 300 years after us, and probably gave up their town to India at about 1050AD. PTW

Tao's last save is 550AD and I would guess they haven't yet started on the New World. PTW

Peanut looks like they gave a town to India at 750AD and started on the New World about 500 years after us.
ControlFreak said:
I've done it in GOTM 18 (?) the Celts. I called it the Great Elevator and have a animatated GIF in the spoiler thread showing my tech progression. It was FUN!
This is the link to the spoiler >here<.

In one turn you picked up 10 techs! Good show! :woohoo:

But, (not to diminish your accomplishment), they were all Middle Ages techs.

We want that, and a whole lot more.

I plan to test this, but it may take a few days to get the results. This should not greatly affect game play or strategy for the next set of turns.

This should work and I plan for it to work. I guess I just want to see it for myself before agreeing to it. :blush:
This is really tricky. I love it :).

I agree with CF that in principle we should be able to research quick enough so that India will not reach Education. I do not believe for a second that Ottomans or anyone else will pay the weak Indians for an alliance against us (but then the AI seems to trade things for nothing sometimes). In any case, we have quite some room here, even if India gets a tech for free somehow we will finish our research soon enough.

The real problem is to give India enough time to set up a productive core. Several scenarios:

1. First finish our research of the space techs, and gift all this knowledge to one of India's contacts. Then gift India a city, let them capture the GLib city, followed by the other cities (zyxy's plan).
Advantages: we keep our FP core until we no longer need it, we can maximally improve these towns, and we do not need a new FP core. We can be flexible about the other AI's: they're not needed (except for one), but cannot do any harm either.
Disadvantage: It may take long because the Indian conquest will come after our research phase, not in parallel. We can of course gift the initial town 10-20 turns or so before we finish research, as India will need quite some time to build troops to take over our towns. But after India takes these towns, they'll probably start building troops and missing improvements, which will take quite some time to complete.

2. Gift town to India much earlier, while we still quite some techs to research, let them take the GLib city, and after that the other cities. Make sure India doesn't know any other civs besides us that have - or are close to discovering - Edu. Finish research, then bring India in contact with a civ that knows all necessary techs (CF's plan).
Advantages: parallel processing of the research and production phase, as India can start building improvements and troops before learning techs from the GLib. Potentially a large speed-up.
Disadvantages: India takes over our towns while still technologically backwards, hence all advanced improvements will be destroyed. (Is this really true? Will advanced great wonders stay?) India's research speed will increase. We need our second FP core ready or our research speed will drop. We may need to spend resources to quickly take out AI's that India knows or will meet, or AI's that know/will learn Edu too soon.

3. (Modification of CF's plan): as in 2, except that we do not let India take the GLib city, but only the other cities. After we finish all research, we transfer the GLib and teach techs to one of the rivals. The advantage compared to CF's plan is that we remain flexible regarding the other civs. Thus we can go slow against Spain, and leave the Ottomans around for their free techs. The other disadvantages remain: we cannot transfer a lot of city improvements, India's research will pick up, and ours will potentially slow down.

Unless I am missing something, I think the choice is really between 1 and 3, and we just need to decide which one will be faster: let India have the towns early, but with more improvements to build, or let her have the towns later.

Niklas mentioned that the towns India takes from us may have loyal Viking citizens who will be unhappy with Indian rule. Also, India may have trouble putting down resistance. One way to deal with this is to let India take over Mongol cities (or another suitable civ): After we gift a town to India, and as soon as we think India is ready to take over more towns, we ally with Mongols against India, and gift the cities we want India to have to the Mongols. These cities will be lightly defended and India can easily take them. Loyalty problems will disappear when India and Mongolia sign peace. If needed, we can backstab our ally, take out the Mongol defenders with cruise missiles (or redline with arty, but that's risky), and take the Mongol capital after India has taken the target towns. This will end loyalty problems and resistance. If necessary, we can do this in batches, using up the other civs one by one.
This will work in any of the above scenario's. Ideally the Mongol's best defender is a spear, they are in a cashrushing government (no poprush), have no cash (no cashrush), do not have nationalism (no draft, no rifles) or communism (no poprushing government). The obvious problem is that advanced improvements will be destroyed if the Mongols are backwards. Thus this may work best in scenario 3, or we have to gift the Mongols up if we choose scenario 1.
Alright, let's see if I can get some grips on the situation. First and foremost, our goal is to send India to space, as fast as possible. We should identify the strategy which brings this about the fastest, and go for that. All other issues should then be settled with the chosen strategy in mind.

The questions that we need answers to right here and now are what to do with Tadpole, what to do with Spain and Ostrich, and what to do with the prisoners. Also we want an answer to the Wonder situation (which I won't try to answer here), what to do with the GA, and the question of infrastructure vs unit production.

The Goldfish Strategy
Summary: We leave India on their island until we've (nearly) researched all SS techs.

This strategy means that we need to rush as fast as we can up the late MT, getting all techs required to build a spaceship. This means 39 required techs (including Chemistry at 3 turns left), which at constant 4-turn research means 155 turns. This would be modified by any help we'd get from the Ottomans (4-8 turns subtracted), and any optional techs that we care to research (MT, Economics, Nationalism, Sanitation, Communism), but again subtracting what other civs might research for us.

Ideally we want India to own the Great Library on the turn we research Robotics as the last SS tech. In this strategy they will have been only just released, and from here on we assume that they will conquer the rest of our fully developed southern core. The towns they capture will be small (pop 1), but with some rail-roaded irrigated tiles plus the Pyramids, they should grow fairly fast with healthy Indian citizens to populate these towns and moderate the Viking influence. The towns will hold a fair number of improvements, presumably around half the improvements will survive capture.

If we choose to go for this strategy, there is no need to keep all civs around. The Ottos should clearly be kept until the start of the MT to help with research. On the other hand, Spain would also be good to have around, both for the gpt deals they could bring us, and for their ability to research optional techs. The others are of no consequence and could be taken out right away. We could keep the Ottos in SingSing to make sure they never meet Spain, but on the other hand there are no pressing needs to keep them apart with this scenario - India won't need the benefit of brokering contacts.

Since we won't give up the southern core until late, there is also no pressing need to set up a core on Tadpole. The only reason for it at all is that the lands there have much more potential than our current southern core, but on the other hand it will take some time to improve it. In any case we could wait with the switch until we're ready for it.

Since we will want to leave Spain in, whole and healthy, priority should be given to infrastructure. The GA could be saved for much later in order to maintain 4-turn research, or spent right away for infrastructure build-up.

The big questions with this scenario are, how fast could India grow their new core to the point where they can start building SS parts? And is it at all feasible to give them towns, considering those towns will include Viking citizens? Even at size 1, if that single Viking citizen is unhappy the town won't ever grow to contain any Indian citizens to moderate that.

The Kindergarten Strategy
Summary:We let India out of the bowl much earlier than the end of the MT, but we keep them backwards, either by keeping the GLib for ourselves or by not letting anyone else (who knows India) learn any techs.

This strategy differs from the previous one by the time when we release India from their bowl. As CF suggested, instead of waiting until we have all the required techs, we can actually let India out earlier as long as they still don't get Education. In particular this means we cannot let them both hold the GLib and know someone who knows Education at the same time.

We still need to research full speed to Robotics and Synthetic Fibers, so we must have the second core on Tadpole up and running before letting India out.

If we go for this strategy, it means either the Ottos have to go, or we can't let Gandhi have the GLib. The former means we lose at least 4 turns of research, while the latter means we'll have a lot of fighting near Grad. If we let Gandhi have the GLib early, we also need to take out Spain fast. If we want any use from Spain we'd need to gift them up, but then they'd meet India and Gandhi would get Education.

We also need the Tadpole core, since India would be getting our old one before we're done with it. We need units to take out Spain before Astro, and to perform the coupes-de-grace.

The question here is really whether it's a better scenario than the previous one. The drawbacks are obvious - India gets a core with less buildings, no research help from Ottos or Spain, more fighting to do. Also it's a risktaking, since a larger India might research faster than 40 turns.

The Merry Tech-Chase Strategy
Summary:We let India out of the bowl some time after 750 AD, and let them trade/extort/research their way through the IA and MT to gain the remaining SS techs.

This is the strategy that I've been proposing all along. We let India out as soon as the core is ready, i.e. fully railed and with factories and other improvements. This gives India time to build up the core again after the conquering, before they need to start on the SS parts. To get to the SS techs, they need to do some research, trading or possibly even extortion to get up the ladder. For this we need all other civs alive, to lower the cost of the techs down to 1/8 of their original price.
We still need to research everything up to Robotics and SF, and we need a second core on Tadpole.

If we go for this strategy, we need everyone alive. It would also be great if we could keep the two continents from meeting, although we would have to weigh the benefit of getting research and gpt help from Spain against the trading advantage that we want to give to India after we let them out.

The idea here is to give India time to build up the improvements that are lost on capture before they need to start on the SS parts. Ideally they could still keep up with us in tech and get to the SS techs only slightly later than if they rode the elevator all the way, but this time with all the scrap like libraries and unis already built and not taking time from Apollo and the SS parts.

The one question that stands out is whether it's feasible that India could keep up in tech. There is also room for moving the date of release back and forth some - we could let them out near the beginning of the MT, or nearer the mid of the IA.

These are the three options I can see that are available to us. I'm still leaning towards the latter, since I think there are several tricks we could employ to keep India up to tech parity without too much hassle. It would give India the chance to build up before they need to start the spaceship. I can see how this can be risky though, clearly we can't trust the AI to do what we want...

It would be nice if we could have some calculations for how long it would take for India to build up their core after release if we choose the Goldfish strategy vs the Tech-Chase strategy. Also we could use a calculation of tech costs vs probable research rate of India with their larger core.

Comments please! :)

EDIT: Write a post for two hours, and then I post one minute after zyxy! :lol:
CB, Thanks for finding my spoiler. You are right, I didn't get any Modern Age techs. I'm not sure how it would be different for modern age techs but you're right it could be.

I also think I've read SirPleb doing this with over twenty techs. But I haven't been able to locate that thread. (I don't know if it was a GOTM or a HOF game.)

Something that zyxy said made me start rethinking about delaying our GA:

We've been trying to develop a new core on the other continent to get out of the way of India. But if India is going to capture our towns after we know all the space techs, we don't need a second core. We can just fade away into nothing.

That means, if we own the other continent, we can spam a ton of cities there and hire as many scientists as the food bonuses can hold. (There's a lot of food over there.) We don't need to worry about building more libraries and unis over there.

What I would like to do is trigger our GA with Leos. That makes the cavalry upgrade much cheaper. We can get 24 cavs for 1200g. Plus we'll be in our GA to support the larger army size and still four turn the initial IA techs at a fairly low rate.

The GA sheilds would be used to build universities and banks. The cavalry will make quick work of Spain, what's left of America and all the other civs except the Celts. Then the cavalry could be used to either rush settlers from the captured population or come back home and finish rushing important buildings. With Leo's in 15 and a 20 turn GA, we can research 1 or two IA techs in our GA depending on if we go for Economics first or not. (Smiths is probably not worth it for us to waste GA beakers. We should research the two IA techs and then go back for Economics.)

Another advantage of using the GA to kill all the other AI, is we can get rid of essentially all of our unit costs. Or better yet, turn most of our units into workers to finish railing faster. With the GA over, I won't feel bad about building workers/settlers in any city (I hate losing citizens who are turning in an extra shield due to the GA). That lets us get higher bpt by rails (add commerce) and by specialists (settle the new world.) The specialists worked so well in SGOTM9 that I'm sure we can get 4 turn techs even for lasers.

What do we miss out on by a Leo-triggered GA?
Too early to help with MA research costs? I contend that we can use the GA to build improvements that will help our economy SOAR. Earlier uni's mean lower research rate which means more deficit research later. That should give us a head start on being able to continue 4-turn research into the future. We have CAII to guide us, if we set bpt capabilities on each turnset, we will stay ahead of the game.

(I can't think of any other reason why we'd want a later GA, except maybe to build Factories/stockexchanges/research labs faster.)

So far we've relied on prioritizing the sword over the the science. It has worked really well in providing us enough citizens to maintain 4-turn research. I think we should continue to do so until there are no more military objectives. Once all but India and the Celts are gone, then our lives get so much easier. We can sell ALL of our troops except the prison guards. Really focus on workers for railing, then irrigating the other continent. We won't be constantly splitting our efforts between developing our "new core" because there won't be a new core. We can retreat to any OCC in the world and just sit watching Ghandi build the Space Ship parts.

Really nothing different happens on zyxy's turn except that he needs to get at least 15 horsemen to Point Smurk or some other upgrade barracks. The research path would look like Chemistry, Banking, Metalurgy.

The next turn set would get 10 more horsemen to Point Smurk by turn 5, finish Metalurgy and then Military Tradition, finish Leo's in Missismurki, upgrade cavs, transport cavs, ROP Rape Spain. The war should last no more than 4 turns. Then use the rest of the GA to build infrastructure.

I'm really sure this is the way to go. I hope I've convinced you, but if I haven't tell me why and I'll try again. ;)

EDIT and I write a two hour post and post 7 minutes after both of you. Will read them tomorrow.
CommandoBob said:
This is the link to the spoiler >here<.

In one turn you picked up 10 techs! Good show! :woohoo:

But, (not to diminish your accomplishment), they were all Middle Ages techs.

Please test it, it will be good to know! Though I'm convinced that it will work. I think it has been tried by others as well, SirPleb used it here and there I think. (HoF games maybe?)

While you're at it, could you please also try to find out if India will raze a city with a wonder, and an (otherwise comparable) city without a wonder. Make sure that the human's culture is much higher than India's, and that flip chances for both cities are high. You can probably try this with the same save, and I think it would be really good to know.

On another note, I'll be away tomorrow (and back home the day after). So although I'm in no hurry to play the save, and we should decide strategy first anyway, I do think we have to keep in mind that this game has to be finished sometime, and not drag it out too long.
I have a potential answer to the "unhappy viking citizen" problem when India starts taking our southern core. We follow CF's plan to take over the other continent (avoiding the domination limit of course) and whenever we take a town we cash rush settlers from it. Bring them over to the southern core and just hold them until we're ready for India to start expanding. Abandon our southern towns (the ones without wonders) and then build new towns with the foreign settlers. Join a slave to each town to get it to size 2... then let India move in. Each town is then size 1 with a citizen that is non-viking. These towns should probably be spread out a bit more than what we have down there now. I've seen the AI raze towns seemingly because they were just really close together. We might do this with just a half dozen or more to get India started.
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