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SGOTM 9 - Smurkz

ControlFreak said:
If the galleon is carrying troops (which zyxy indicated it must), convince them to land on Tadpole or Ostrich and then surround them to imprison them.

How can you surround them? The only thing that can possibly be surrounded is the galleon, I think. Those Indian troops would just attack.

OMT, if you can find a way to get India to stop throwing themselves upon our invinsible army, please do.

Does it matter? Communism is WW-free...
zyxy said:
How can you surround them? The only thing that can possibly be surrounded is the galleon, I think. Those Indian troops would just attack.
I was thinking about making a two ended box like you illustrated before to contain the archers. Alternate opening either end and they would just walk back an forth forever.

zyxy said:
Does it matter? Communism is WW-free...
Yes, I did ask "it may not matter since they're in Communism. Do the citizens get unhappy due to WW in communism?". So I guess the answer is Citizens don't get unhappy in communism. I never use it, so I didn't remember.:rolleyes: I still think that if we stop killing guerillas, then India can devote more sheilds into something more productive rather than just replacing their cannon-fodder. So I would still like to try the Moat thing.
ControlFreak said:
I was thinking about making a two ended box like you illustrated before to contain the archers. Alternate opening either end and they would just walk back an forth forever.

Yes, I did ask "it may not matter since they're in Communism. Do the citizens get unhappy due to WW in communism?". So I guess the answer is Citizens don't get unhappy in communism. I never use it, so I didn't remember.:rolleyes: I still think that if we stop killing guerillas, then India can devote more sheilds into something more productive rather than just replacing their cannon-fodder. So I would still like to try the Moat thing.

Alright, sounds good.

CB, are you playing?
@CB - It's been over three days since your last post.:( I can only assume that you've had computer or life problems. I'll give you until Midnight EST today to post what's going on. If nothing then WarDance will pick it up tomorrow.

@WarDance - Are you ready to play?

Roster for another 15 hours: :whipped:
  • ControlFreak - Just Played
  • CommandoBob - UP!
  • WarDance - On Deck!
  • zyxy
  • Niklas - skip until March 21st
  • Methos - ghosting
ControlFreak said:
@CB - It's been over three days since your last post.:( I can only assume that you've had computer or life problems. I'll give you until Midnight EST today to post what's going on. If nothing then WarDance will pick it up tomorrow.
Real life has been an issue; unexpected guests and events. Not bad and very enjoyable; just unexpected.

My plan is to get at least five turns done this evening and finish up on Tuesday. I do not play fast enough to finish all ten at one time, unless nothing is happening. Is this plan OK?
We've not been in a rush, so I think your plan is fine. Just please post if something goes wrong so we can get WarDance started.

The first few turns take a long time to get your bearings, but the remaining ones are mostly just making build choices, and chosing where to move ships/disband units. For me, worker moves took a little time as well, but there is nothing urgent going on at the moment. As zyxy said, we're in a waiting period.
The save is >>HERE<< .

Played two turns and India did something unexpected; landed troops on Popcicle. Got started late and played rather quickly; no worker tasks except to clean up pollution.

End of Turnset 31 stats (in brief)
Genetics (6 turns)
31918 gold (+1482 gpt)

[IBT 1600 AD]
Spend 134 gold to investigate Delhi. Apollo in 28 turns.
Delhi 1600 AD

Want to wake MI near Hold'em to pillage, but will units built in the IBT to do this.

Trade embargo between America and Spain against us has ended.
Indian ironclad sinks our aircraft carrier near Oe-Hah.
Second Indian ironclad promotes a destroyer near Olive or Die.

Entremont privateer -> privateer.
Carthage bomber -> bomber.
Arismurkz MI -> MI.
Victoria Viking colosseum -> jet fighter, 3 turns.
Buffalo library -> bank, 160 turns. (will gain 1 coastal tile)
Vladivosmurkz police station -> carrier, 3 turns.
Lamb on Broadway cathedral -> SE, 4 turns.
Smurknes hydro plant -> bank, 4 turns.

Kalmurkz wants to be Smurkz, not Indian. Say no.
Kalmurkz Revolts

001 1605 AD

Unit Moves
Battleship avenges our carrier and promotes.
Pillage near Hold'em. Hold'em Moat ready for business.
Clean up some pollution on Smurkz.
Buy second clown in Odda; change 1 content, 2 unhappy and 1 clown to 2 content and 2 clowns. Grows in 20, not 5; harbor still in 33.



Hold'em Moat draws an Indian guerrilla.
Indian forces land on Popsicle.

Entremont privateer -> privateer
Camulodunum cathedral -> SE, 9 turns.
Chicago recycling -> SE, 4 turns.
Smurkzacabana destroyer -> destroyer, 3 turns.
Golden Smurkz factory -> bank, 6 turns.
Texas Horses courthouse -> bank, 13 turns.

002 1610 AD

Unit Moves
2 MA built, use them to shut the Hold'em Moat.
Shortcut1 has happiness issues that have not yet been addressed.


Not sure of what to do with Indians on Popcicle.
Ask for help.
Indians on Popcicle 1610 AD

Indians landed two guerillas on Popcicle, one veteran and one regular. No space for anything fancy like the Hold&#8217;em Moat. Need to do something this turn.

  1. First thought: move infantry and worker into Orange. Move MA into Grape. Hope that India picks these units up and heads to Tad.
  2. Second thought: Attack them with the MA; finish off with the MI, if needed. But if one unit survives, a city is lost.
  3. Third thought: Add worker to Orange; it is now size 2. Gift Orange (with harbor) to Spain, move units into Grape. Hope that India stages from here to Tad. More cities to watch.

If India would pick up these units, option 1 is the best choice. Otherwise, option 3 looks best.

In my opinion popsicle isn't all that important to us so it wouldn't be a big deal to lose either or both of those towns. At the same time it's highly unlikely that those two guerillas would survive an attack from our modern armor unit. With blitz that tank could probably take them both. I doubt Ghandi will pick those guys up. He'll throw them away attacking our units if we move them in to defend those towns. Might as well kill 'em.
CommandoBob said:
Played two turns and India did something unexpected; landed troops on Popcicle.
Actually, it was completely expected. I knew the galleon was travelling along the poles for a reason. I also knew we could have prevented the landing by moving the worker into the only landing tile availalbe. I was sure I posted that to you but looking back I didn't. Sorry. I think I accidentally closed my broswer window and had to retype one of my posts. I must have forgot to add that line.

For now, I am loath to give up the towns on Popsicle because they contain rubber and oil. Kill the Guerillas if you can. The MA should do the trick.

If they somehow survive, then yes, gift the towns away. We'll have to capture them back soon though or face tougher units.
I didn't realize those resources were there along with the aluminum. Both towns are size 1 so they would be autorazed if captured. Then we just resettle. That tank should be able to take both those guys though.
WarDance said:
Both towns are size 1 so they would be autorazed if captured. Then we just resettle.
Great Point. That makes me feel better.

Go ahead and kill the units with the MA, then spread then put the worker in the tile that the troops landed to prevent future landings.

If the MA and Infantry both die, sell the harbor, gift both towns to Spain and let her deal with the autorazing. If you move the worker into one of the towns before gifting, he should teleport back to the capitol.
Yes, kill the units :evil: :D.

And please tell Ghandi to use the mountain and rock tiles at Delhi. If only we knew how to tell him, this is going to take forever....

It looks like Ghandi is on a mission to build Apollo as slow as possible. In his worst town, and not using the tiles that give shields :mad:
Maybe if we could pollute his water he'd use the mountain tile.

Or... if we had a bunch of boats in his lake...
Boats in his lake is the way to go.

If we recaptured Oe-Hah, we could send a bunch of destroyer/privateers in to cover up the sheildless tiles. It would be well worth the effort because he is likely to build spaceship parts in Dehli as well. We would need 8 ships in there to cover all the fish/coast. The remaining whales/rocks/mountain would increase their productivity by 6-8spt. That would double their output and drop the Apollo to around 14 turns.

Let's do it!

EDIT: You can start sending the destroyers from the Central Sea. Without Oil, India can only build galleons which can't cross the sea in one turn anyway. There will be plenty of time to deal with landings while the destroyers are replaced from the inner cities.
I'm glad you liked that idea :D It's a nutty one, all right. But just might work.
Another thing we should start build for is the eventual donation of Sauda to Carthage. It needs a harbor and an airport first. We also must wait out the MA before settling for peace. But lets get the harbor started and get enough units over there to wall it off. Once Carthage is ready, make sure to sign a trade embargo with Carthage against America. Then India will be the only one who can buy Carthage furs. The extra happiness should put all the scientists in Dehli to work.
WarDance said:
I'm glad you liked that idea :D It's a nutty one, all right. But just might work.
I actually thought of it when we did the first peek at Dehli but back then they were at least using the whales so it didn't seem worth the effort. I don't know why they've decided to focus on commerce instead of sheilds. Probably because their treasury is low? Anyway, it's certainly worth the effort now.
Looking at the save I see that Ghandi has pollution by Smurkzcapulco. He probably won't send workers there because we have units in striking range. An option to help him out: build a town directly north of that tile in no-man's land so that polluted hill is inside our culture and we can clean it without incurring more WW. After that's done I'm interested to see if we can clean the tile next to it. It will be in his territory and I'm curious to see if it's possible to clear pollution while at war. After we're finished we can abandon the town or gift the town to Spain or America and give them some money and let Ghandi take it.
The Delhi citizens in that screenshot.. are they happy or content? (One is unhappy, I can see that, but I always have trouble distinguishing the other two). Now why does Ghandi have 3 scientists there?

The boat operation will incur WW for both parties, but I agree that it is probably the way to go.
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