SGOTM3 Rome - Team handy

Pre-Turn: Wow. Things have changed since my last peek. And change has been bad :( Well, I'm giving this a shot anyway. Don't play much spots like this, if a game is in a spot like this, then I'll abandon it already earlier. I see we have a leader. We cannot build armies, as we have reached the limit. Then I just use him for something as at this point the main thing seems to be surviving -> rush knight in a town with longest build time: Lutetia in eastern front with fewest troops. We have 7 turns to gunpowder. That would be nice, but I wonder do we survive to that. I decide to drop down research to get cash for troops rushing and some upgrades. We get +47gpt.

Movements: Kill and bombard few enemies, but nothing special.

IBT: Pisae is captured by babylonias. Atzecs land SoD between Cumae and Pompeii: 3 cavalry and 3 knights.

1160AD(1): We have 1 warrior defending Cumae and 1 legionary defending Pompeii. Wow. I'll leave the workes out on the open, maybe they capture them. Almost all of the catapults miss, just the news I was expecting :rolleyes: Nothing much to do, move some troops to strenghten defence near Atzec SoD.

IBT: No good news. Atzec SoD attacks Cumae where I was able to move one knight, one pike and upgrade the warrior to legionary. LAST attacker takes the city. I was almost hoping for a miracle. Spice is under heavy attack from babylonian cavalry, but we have a brave spearman who defends the city!


Spice city will fall next turn. No chance of reinforcements getting there.

Hahaa! My knight kills the cavalry from the conquered Cumae. We can keep the city as it's all our citizens. We also sink 2 atzec transports!

Ravenna is surrounded by enemy cavalry. I bombard a route for one pikeman to hurry for reinforcements, but I doubt it'll hold if AI attacks.

Aztecs take Lutetia.
Then the huge siege on Ravenna starts. English attack first, they are repelled. Then comes Russian cossacks. 2nd cossack takes Ravenna and captures our ~8 catapults.
Babys start their movement and take Spice city. Then they attack Veii, which falls easily under their cavalry as I had only one pike and one horse defending there.
As a result from these losses all of our cities revolt :(
Japanese start Universal Suffrage.

1180AD(3): We still have 10 cities. This won't take long. I move army from Brundisium to Rome. Army from Rome moves to kill 1hp units and kills two cavalry.

Russians are strong. Lot's of cossacks moving around. Some of them take Antium.
Babylonians take Cumae.
Our dominoplay has fallen hard and fast. There's nothing to do as every civ has RoP with each other. They use our old road network and rip us to pieces easily.
English take Lugdunum as the last thing on this IBT.

Now we make -8gpt. We have 7 cities left. Now the game crashes. Reload.
Army takes Lutetia back. Notice that we build only spearmen, longbowmen and horsemen. No more iron. Not that we would have time finish some troops :lol:

IBT: Pompeii IS BURNED by the english. No other losses expect barracks as we don't have gold.

1200AD(5): Our 17/17 army attack cavalry and wins REDLINING (5/17). That army will be toast in the next IBT.
Vet knight loses to 1/4 French cavalry. The RNG can't watch this massacre anymore and speeds up the process :lol:
We still have Syracuse with the army as all AI is just passing by. I start to wonder wheter or not they will attack cities with armies before they've taken everything else?

IBT:Like request: Germans attack against Syracuse with 6 knights. 2 of them are killed, other ones redlined and our army is still in green.
Brundisium is captured by the French.
Our army is toasted on a hill as expected :( It was a bad move to attack last turn.
One catapult is disbanded as we are short of cash (-20gpt)

1210AD(6): Kill 4 enemy cavalry with armies.

IBT: Russian cossacks attack Rome against our knight army. Army defends bravely killing 4 cossacks, but redlining in process.
Babys continue attack on Rome, and lose 2 more cavalry. Then the third one is too much and Rome IS BURNED to the ground.
French assault on Luna, but the defences hold.

1220AD(7): Nothing to attack as we don't have troops. Enemy is two steps away from Syracuse or with single units on mountain.

IBT: We don't lose any cities!

1230AD(8):Couple of bombards, nothing else to do.

IBT: Luna falls to Babylon.
Syracuse is burned to the ground by the English.

1240AD(9):We're down to 3 cities.

IBT: Lutetia holds with the army, which is left with 1hp. We would have needed that kind of RNG much earlier :lol:

1250AD(10): Nothing to do. I'll finish this as there's nothing to do to prevent this. At least I stayed alive the 10 next turns what T_McC doubted. Can I now join the Grumpy old men? :joke:

IBT: Neocal (by French) and Lutetia (by Babylon) are captured.

1255AD(11): Most likely final turn. I can only press enter with our final city.

IBT: Only one French cavalry attacks, that is repelled. 3 more French cavalry stand next to Ceasarea.

1260AD(12):Our army redlines one cavalry which retreats.

IBT: Ceasarea is taken and we lose.

That's it. Had fun until my last turn. That was just sarcastical round :lol:

I uploaded the 1250AD save to the server and also the last turn save. Feel free to take a peek if you want to. Had fun playing with you all, too bad we lost.

Thanks guys! :thanx:

SAVE - 1250AD

Well guys, it was a tough, tough game. :eek: Hope to see you guys back and unbowed for SGOTM4.
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