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Religious Victory


Oct 3, 2013
A new way to win,
Religious Victory

Download Link (v 0.7)
This mod is based on Extra Victory Conditions by Stephen

To achieve victory you must convert the world:
Establish: You must own an Enhanced Religion to unlock a special unit.
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Cost here is for quick speed. Normal is 10,000 Faith

Spread: Your religion must be dominant in 100% of the cities on the map. Threshold reduced by 3% for every Holy Site you construct (up to 30%) and by 2% for every Era that passes.
Note: when you get within 30% of the threshold, Civs will take notice and you get a negative diplomacy modifier! Reduced if they also follow your Religion.
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Sage: While your religion is dominant, buy the Sage unit in your Capital. Defend them for the 25 turns (reduced by work rate modifiers) it takes to complete their meditation, and you win.
Note: Unfriendly Civs will recognise you are about to win and declare war! (currently no AI to make them actively chase down the Sage)
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Devotion Ideology
This mod runs independently of the modded ideology I am also working on, but if you want an ideology that is aimed at this new victory condition, why not playtest that for me while you're at it!

VP Changes:
The mod also modifies the Fealty tree since it is now directly linked to a victory condition.
When the new version of VP comes out I'll need to amend some of this. The current changelog reads:
Holy Sites: Give +6 faith only, gaining +3 faith at each tech upgrade, plus a new one on Theology
Fealty: No longer reduces costs by 25%
Monastery: Converts 10% of Faith used in purchases to Gold
Organized Religion: +1 Faith from Specialists; 25% Passive Pressure (as before); +5 Culture and Tourism from Holy Sites
Fiefdoms and Divine Right: Names and icons swapped.
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This is amazing!! Thank you so much for making this available. Really excited to see where this goes. I just played a Spain game with this and it already feels quite polished.

As some feedback, I'd like it if purchasing the Sage would not declare war on every player, but just gives them quite a high diplo penalty towards me. I didn't have any vassals, but I did have one extremely close friend throughout the entire game with zero visible negative modifiers and it feels wrong for them to turn on me, especially if they were not a religious rival. The enemy civs also peaced after a few turns which is also immersion breaking and not optimal for them. I realise this is an early version, but that would improve the mod in my opinion.

I also had some weirdness with the sage not being able to start meditating (potentially not possible on every type of terrain?)
Thanks for trying it, glad to hear everything was functional.

Yes the AI behaviour declare war thing is very bare bones at the moment. I've tried to make it so only people who have less than "friendly" with you declare war, but the lua isn't playing with VP at the moment so still something to do there. I agree an opinion penalty that stops them from wanting to peace out would be great, something to work towards in the future. Generally without DLL work by a real wizard the AI isn't going to actively engage with the new victory (they can still win but it will be sort of "accidental")

Right now the sage is secretly building a holy site, so it won't work on top of Great Person improvements and other unimprovable things. Unfortunately I couldn't get a build with no actual improvement underneath to show up -- needs some lua trickery -- so we have this for now.
I have fixed the world-war sage "feature"

Thanks to @jarcast2 's limitless knowledge we also have a diplo modifier if you get over 70% spread. It is weaker if the person is also following your religion (but not zero)
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How hard is this victory? Aren't other victories much easier? I usually have problem competing in religion with other civs, so I just conquer them and do an inquisition. But then I could just win with domination victory.
It's a hard question to answer.
Depends a lot on map type, spawning, and competitor civs being present (like some other victories).
E.g. continents where 4 found on the other continent and you found by yourself is much easier than an even split. Celts are annoying to spread to if they're doing well, Spain is also irritating (at the moment).

Of course it also depends on difficulty. If the game is shorter because the AI techs faster, you have less time to convert everyone.

I still need to play more games and get more feedback on the numbers though. I suspect it may be too easy and 3% per holy site should actually be 2%.
If you use as a conquer/inquisition strategy then religious victory becomes a % map control victory, which contrasts with domination victory's requirement that you control very specific cities on the map. This is very much intended as an approximation of the Conquest victory from civ 4, but with the added wrinkle that you can gain an edge with peaceful spreading (don't need to conquer them if they convert willingly) and raw :c5food: giving you a larger :c5citizen: population edge (flirt to convert).
Hello,thank you for this interesting module,I have something to report.
At turn 153,before I bought the Sage,I had 4 vassals(Carthage,America,Greece,Germany),but at the moment I buy the Sage,without break vassal relationship,we were at war.
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And then at turn 155,I conquer Carthage's final city,at the same time my rest vassals just suddenly become normal,we are not at war anymore,and they stood with me against the enemy.
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(And Sage only need 12 turns to complete meditation)

Perhaps it's because I have enabled too many modules.

Anyway I suggest either my vassals should not declare war on me, or they should terminate their vassal relationship before declaring war.

And I have one more question,it seems Sage doesn't need 20 turns to complete their meditation,what reduced its demand?
Ah suspicious behavior from all vassals involved! I will add a check to make sure they don't declare war like that.

The sage is effectively building an improvement, so if you have a work-rate increase like the one Progress Policy, it will be shorter.
I was thinking to increase from 20 to maybe 25 or 30 turns to compensate for this effect. Doesn't seem to be a simple way around it.
Ah suspicious behavior from all vassals involved! I will add a check to make sure they don't declare war like that.

The sage is effectively building an improvement, so if you have a work-rate increase like the one Progress Policy, it will be shorter.
I was thinking to increase from 20 to maybe 25 or 30 turns to compensate for this effect. Doesn't seem to be a simple way around it.
Yes, I have Progress Policy and Terracotta Army, it's all making sense.

And about the vassals, how about this? If they follow player's religion, they will not declare war, but if they follow another religion, they will terminate their vassal relationship and then declare war. Does this sound reasonable?
The declare war feature is mainly just to get the AI to compete for the victory. Vassal cannot necessarily terminate voluntarily and also it could cause a problem if a vassal's master didn't declare but the vassal did. Probably simpler to just ignore vassalized players.

The update is now live.
this is wonderful mod! thank you for your hard work :)
However, it is not compatible with future age mod, Enlightenment Era mod. Could you please add compatibility? :'(
I have fixed the world-war sage "feature"

Thanks to @jarcast2 's limitless knowledge we also have a diplo modifier if you get over 70% spread. It is weaker if the person is also following your religion (but not zero)
That is great! I am very happy you gave such a quick update on this. I right away started a game with this on the new Tibet civ, but I take my time, so I only finished it now. I somehow manage to beat out my opponents everytime before I solidly get into devotion unfortunately.

I have several remarks upon this game:
1. I could observe that the civ that was my declared friend did not wage war on me while buying the sage, so that works well!
2. I never saw the opinion modifier unfortunately. In an average game it is really easy to get up to like 75% of needing to spread. It would be good if it worked on the actual percentage you need to spread including holy sites, not excluding.
3. The opinion modifier could also be made scaling, so you'd be less/more mad depending on how close you are to reaching victory. (I realise there is still so much more in the diplo game that could be done, but that probably requires a more extensive rework like AI also going for religious victory themselves, but this might be 'easy' to do)
4. I definitely agree that it'd be nice if vassals did not declare war on you.
5. All other victory types have a soft requirement for competing with you in opinion modifiers, except religious victory now. I'd personally prefer it if the auto declare war was just removed and it was all handled through the diplomacy system. In building the culture victory monument or building the first spaceship part, there is no such war declarations. Nor, for reaching like 75% of all other capital cities or like passing world ideology while having a bunch of delegates.
2. Yes I can do that.
3. Currently if you share the religion it is less. I could ramp it up based on percent, it's not so hard. For example if you are over the cap I could double it.
4. Fixed in current version.
5. The war thing is sort of "just for fun". One day if this got integrated someone with more skill than me could add this DLL part of the competitiveness.
호환되지 않는 이유가 무엇인지 아시나요?
I didn't add any other mods, just add Era mod and Reliquant Victory, and I get infinite loading errors. I'm not familiar with the mods, so I don't know in detail what files are causing the problem. I'm so sorry.
for some reason this mod is not compatible with Really Advanced Setup (v 15)
any chance you can fix it?
Can you link me the download?
This mod edits the lua for the setup screen (to make the Religious Victory tickbox appear). Probably to make them compatible the only way will be to delete that file UI/AdvancedSetup.lua in this mod.
This will prevent you from turning Religious Victory off, but I guess if you want to disable it, you should just not run it, eh!
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